chapter 26

My Stepbrother,My Lover






"So, that's how we're all related" I exhaled deeply after finish explaining everything to Kelsie.

She sat down on my bed, in utter shock. Her eyes were so huge I think they might pop out from their sockets. gaped open, she stared at me in complete silence that you can hear the crickets chirping.

Coming out from her shock, she breathed out, "So, you and Luhan?..."

I let out a heavy sigh as I looked down, tears threatening to fall. But I'm tired. Tired of crying and stressing over someone who'll never be mine. We can't be together, and we both know it. But, my heart just can't seem to accept it. I miss him. Every single day. Although we live in the same house, right next to each other, I still miss the warmth of his body, his genuine smile, his contagious laugh and just, everything about him. It's been very long since the last time I saw him happy.

Kelsie rose from my bed and came to my side, putting and arm around my shoulder. I can't hold it in anymore. She's the only one who understands me. I lie my head on her shoulders and let the tears fall. She patted my head and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry Vi, I understand the pain that you're going through. But remember that I'll always be there for you, I'll help you to get through all of these." she wiped my wet cheeks.

There was a knock on the door and Kelsie went to answer it while I quickly went to the bathroom to wash my face.

I cry a lot nowadays.

"Yeah we'll be down in a minute" I heard Kelsie saying.


Mr.Choi waited faithfully beside the car. But, Mr.Cheung had different plans.

"Choi, you can take a rest. Today, I'll be driving." he said with a smile.

Mr.Choi looked confused but he didn't argue. Mr.Cheung took the keys from his hand while mom and I put the stuffs for the picnic into the trunk.

Once we had put all the stuffs in the trunk, mom and I got inside the car. But I stopped in my tracks when I saw there's only one seat left, which is beside Kris. Kelsie was sitting beside Luhan, so I was left with no other choice than to sit beside Kris. It's not that I don't want to sit beside Kris. I just don't wanna make Luhan even more mad. I can choose to sit at the back seat, alone. But that would be so weird and I'm sure they'll question my behaviour.

So I sat uncomfortably beside Kris. Directly behind Kelsie. Luhan was in front of Kris. I stared at Luhan's back. He's ignoring me?

"Earth to Vivian" Kris waved his hand in front of my face, bringing me out of my daze. I playfully slapped his hand away and he laughed.

Then Kelsie started talking. When she starts on a topic, there's never an end to it. But, it's good, at least there was no awkward silence hanging in the air. That's why Kelsie is the perfect person to be around at this time. She's like the life of a party. Always cheerful and bubbly. I know she cracked some jokes to make me feel better. Oh, what am I gonna do without her.

Most of the time, it was only three of us laughing. Luhan kept staring outside the window.

"Hey look there, that's where we're gonna have our picnic later in the evening" mom pointed towards a lake.

My breath caught in my throat when I realised it's the same lake where I and Luhan met that night. I swallowed and looked at Luhan. He stared at the lake which is full of memories. That's where we had our first kiss. And that's where we shared our feelings, get to know each other, and realised our love for each other.

Slowly, Luhan turned around and locked eyes with mine.

His eyes didn't show anger, nor sadness. It showed yearning, and love. We stared at each other, exchanging emotions. I got lost in his eyes that I didn't hear what Kelsie and Kris were saying.

Kelsie realised this and coughed to bring the both of us out from our daze.

I awkwardly looked away but I still felt Luhan's eyes on mine. Kris took out his phone and showed me some pictures. I pretended to be interested in them.

Soon after, Kelsie started chatting with Luhan, making me feel relieved.


We arrived at the theme park half an hour later. The place was crowded, mostly by exuberant teenagers.

Mr.Cheung dropped us off at the entrance because he and mom are going for shopping. We bid goodbye to them and went inside. The cheefulness and colourfulness of that place made me smile automatically. It's been ages since I've been to a theme park.

Kelsie was, of course, the first one to scream out of excitement when she saw the roller coaster. It is her favourite ride. It's not mine though. I've never been on one. It's ot that I'm scared, I just don't want to risk vomittng on someone's head. But I'm quite unsure of that, because Kelsie's here. And she'll never give up until I agree to ride it with her.

"Let's try the arcade games first. We can go on the roller coaster the last" Kris smiled at Kelsie's excitement.

I smiled and nodded my head. I looked at Luhan, and he seemed somewhat nervous. He gulped, looking at the roller coaster.

But before I could ask him anything, Kelsie pulled my hand to one of the games. Kris and Luhan followed from behind, maintaining a mere distance between them.

We went to this one game where you should toss some hoops onto some bottle mouths to win a prize. Kelsie throwed many hoops but none of them hit the bottles. She grunted in annoyance and whined like a kid.

Oh my, this girl.

I chuckled and peeked behind to find a snickering Kris. He was covering his mouth with his hands to muffle his laughs. Luhan was holding back a smile.

I think I chuckled too loudly beacuse Kelsie turned around to stare at me with a 'Imma kill you' look.

Then she put her hands on her hips and sneered "Why don't you try, potatohead"

Kris laughed and I looked at him. "Go on, take the challenge" he said, whilst Luhan raised his eyebrows, as if challenging me.

I pressed my lips in a thin line and payed the man behind the counter, probably in his 30s, to get some hoops. I took a deep breath and gripped a hoop confidently. I think I was over-confident, because I tossed a hoop and it hit the side of a bottle and fell down with a clang.

I gasped in disbelief. I tossed one more, two,three, four, five. But none of them hit the bottles' mouths.

Kelsie and Kris laughed and high-fived. I could feel Luhan shaking his head behind me.

"Hey Vi look! It's a deer plush toy! Why don't you win and get yourself one of that" Kelsie said from behind.

I looked up and saw a deer stuffed toy sitting on a rack. Kelsie knows how much I love deers and how I find them so damn cute.



"To win that plush toy, you must hit three bottles" said the man behind the counter with a smile.

I only had six of them left. How am I gonna win that cute-looking toy?

I tossed another one, but as expected it didn't hit the bottle. I inhaled deeply, out of frustration.

"Mind if I help you?" I heard a voice from behind.

I turned around and saw Luhan lending his hand with a smile. A confident smile.

I looked down at his hands and sighed in defeat. I put the remaining hoops on his palm and said "Ok, I give up. You try" I raised my hands.

I stood and watched him, when suddenly someone bumped into me hardly.

"Ow" I turned around, rubbing my shoulders.

"Heyyyyaaa wassup guyyss!! what are you doing here?" Baekhyun raised his hand for a high-five.

"Oh we came here to do some research on how roller coaster affect one's sanity" I joked.

Baekhyun pouted and we all laughed. Then from nowhere came Tamara,Krystal, Suho, Kai and Sehun.

"Hey what a coincidence!" chirped Sehun, his arms on Kai's shoulders.

Is it just me or is there something going on between them?

"You guys made plans without us?" Krystal pretended to be hurt.

"Well, neither did you gus tell us" Kris smirked.

"It's alright. Anyways, we're here, together. So lets enjoyyy!!" Tamara beamed.

"Yeah!" Kai fisted the air.

They all tun their attention towards Luhan who was still holding a hand full of hoops.

"You gonna play man? Come on, do it" Suho encouraged.

"Luhan! Luhan! Luhan!" they cheered.

Luhan smiled and shook his head. He turned around and started tossing the hoops.

He failed on the first try. But he tossed again with determination. To our surprise, it hit the bottle's mouth!

"YEAHH!!!" screamed Sehun.

"Go hyung! Go hyung!" cheered Baekhyun.

With the same determination in his eyes, he tossed again, and it hit the bottle again!

He turned around and smiled at me. I smiled at him back and gave him a thumbs up. It was like he's not mad anymore.

Meanwhile Suho started flirting with Kelsie and held her hands.

I smiled to myself looking at them.

Luhan tossed another one. If it hits the bottle, he could win that plush toy. He took a few seconds to relax and tossed it gracefully. But, unfortunately, it hit the side of the bottle and fell down.

There's only one hoop left.

"Go Luhan! You can do it! Just one more!" Kelsie cheered.

He took a deep breath and focused on a particular bottle. He exhaled slowly and tossed the last hoop. I held my breath and waited for it to hit a bottle's mouth. I could feel the anticipation forming in my stomach. It felt like slow motion. The hoop was flying in the air.


"HURRAYYYYY!!!!" we screamed.

We cheered and clapped like we just won a football match. Luhan grinned ever-so-happily and proudly received the deer plush toy from the man.

Tamara and Krystal were jumping. I was clapping my hands wildly.

Luhan came to me and held out the plush toy. "For you" he said, smiling.

Krystal made an 'aww' sound and chuckled. Everyone else looked at each other and smiled.

Kelsie looked at me and blinked. She understands.

All of them are thinking that Luhan and I are being all lovey-dovey, but none of them know what happened. They don't know what kind of relationship we do share.

I breathed in deeply and took the toy from him, muttering a thanks.

Kelsie realised the tension in the air and came forward, grabbing the toy from my hand.

She put that toy right beside Luhan's face and smirked. Luhan looked to his side confusingly.

To be honest, we were all confused. Then she said, "99.9% resemblance" she laughed.

We all stared from Luhan's face to the toy. Then we all burst out laughing.

It was true. He looked exactly like that deer. The same doe-like eyes, nose, mouth and everything.

Luhan chuckled and looked at me. I closed my mouth, muffling the laughs while he raised and eyebrow at me, smiling.

"I'm hungry, lets go get something" whined Kai.

We started walking and out of the blue, Kris held my hands and smiled down at me. I looked up at him shocked.

Luhan's smiled vanished, just as soon as it appeared. Hurt obvious on his face.

I felt helpless. I can't just pull my hand away. Kris was just trying to be friendly, but I know that Luhan must be jealous.

Oh god.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter.

And don't worry! This is not the end of the trip! There's more to come on the next chapter! I MIGHT not be able to update tomorrow as I'll be busy with Christmas!!!

I'm not Christian but I do celebrate Christmas with my Christian friends!

So, thank you all for supporting this story and wait up for more drama! ;)

Lastly, Merry Christmas to all! ^_^








I do not own any pictures.

                   Credits to the rightful owners :)

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so...this is my first story and i hope it will turn out to be good :) Spreading love from me to you


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Chapter 10: !!!!! n i thought that i was the craazy one?? i mean by the looks on Kris's FACE SAYS IT ALL!!!! He's A complete moron for bringing that one up!! its obviously he likes her too i mean DUHHH ~?? he even makes the first move on Vi and oh boy.... he was so pissed with Lulu's 'PROPOSAL' ....kekekkekek~ this is a 'LOVE TRIO' story and Heck yeah i love it!!! cant wait to read the next chap tho!! still lookin' forward to see whats happenin next!!! huhuhux >////<saranghae hwaiting!!!
Chapter 29: Quite interesting. Can't wait for the update.
am_shy19 #3
Chapter 28: Thx for the update,Authornim^_^
am_shy19 #4
Chapter 27: I like this story very very much^_^
am_shy19 #5
Chapter 27: Im understand^_^
Chapter 27: We will understand .. Dont worry ..
We have school that killing us too
am_shy19 #7
Chapter 26: Thx for the update^_^
am_shy19 #8
Chapter 25: Thx for the update^_^
am_shy19 #9
Chapter 25: Luhan's mad...I thought he would be proud to hear wise words from Vivian~
am_shy19 #10
Chapter 24: Thx for the update^_^Im also guessing Kris