Seul-gi: 6

The Unexpected (Book 2)

I was surprised when he took me here. In a very, very expensive restaurant. I would know because I used to work here before. I came in, and some of the waiters looked surprised, probably not knowing how to react. I mean, I came back here, after being fired, as a customer.


A waiter, which I think is a new one, handed us the menu. Sehun was asking what can we get as a congratulatory service for our fourth year anniversary. I wanted to answer his question, but I controlled myself. I can't just embarrass both Sehun and the new waiter. The waiter told him about a strawberry cheesecake, a red wine or a any dish we want for free.


He just asked for the strawberry cheesecake. And said his order. When the waiter took mine, I was kinda nervous. Luckily, I worked in this restaurant before, because I know how to pronounce even the hardest french cuisines. Kudos to being a waitress!


Our food arrived, and when the waiter placed the asparagus soup, it accidentally spilled on me! I just gasped and stood up quickly. Sehun gave the new waiter a stern look. I looked at him, and whatever he's thinking right now, I don't like it.


"Let me talk to your manager." He said and before he could even call the manager, he was already behind the new employee.

"We are really sorry for what happened, sir. He's a new waiter here." The manager said, and when he saw who he was with, his eyes widened.

"I want you to fire him." Sehun said.

Before the manager could say something, I quickly interrupted. "No, please don't. He didn't mean that." Sehun looked at me in disbelief. "Right, babe?"

He sighed, still thinking twice before finally deciding. "Fine. But I want you to apologize to her."

"I'm really sorry, ma'am. It was an accident." He looked straight into my eyes, and I suddenly remembered what happened to me a few months ago.

"Just be extra careful next time." I told him, and glanced at Sehun. He was still frowning.


Our meal was given for free because of the incident. We just ate quietly, not minding the stares they got from other people. And when we were done, he instructed me to get changed. I just nodded and went inside in one of the cubicles.


I looked at the brown paper bag he handed. I don't know where he got these, but I'm pretty sure he told one of his bodyguards to buy it. I just hope it fits. One was a black pair of leggings, and the other is a pair of white skinny jeans. Well, I guess white looks better with blue, so I chose that. And surprisingly, it was a good fit. I was about to leave when I heard voices outside.



"Did you see that? Sehun's new girl."

"Yeah, but he never did that for Yuri. Maybe she's different."

"Maybe, but she's definitely better than Yuri. I hope she's the same status as us."

"Yeah, it would be a shame if his girlfriend is poor."

"I know! That would be a charity case."


Both girls laughed, while I was glued to her place. But I'm not rich. I'm only a charity case. This is why people should stick to their status quo. This was one of the reasons why I wanted to end whatever Mr. Choi and I had. Because it would look terrible if the poor mingled with the rich.


I came out, and saw him gesture the door. I got the message and went outside. I was about to return to get my bag when he also went out, bringing my bag with him. I gave him a fake smile and thanked him.


"You shouldn't have done that." He said and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

"But if I didn't, who knows, he might be feeding a family, and you might ruin a life for one small mistake." I said, the thought came into my mind as I remembered how I was fired for a small mistake.

"I brought you to that restaurant-" He cut himself, then threw the cigarette . "I chose that restaurant so you could enjoy."

"I did." I said and smiled at him. It was sincere this time.

I heard him sigh. "Fine, just tell me where you wanna go."


I smiled at the thought. Anywhere? There's this one place that I've always wanted to go, but never had the chance to. Why? I'm poor. And if I came with Seohyun and Kris with our cousins, I'd never fit it. But now, this seems like a good idea.


"I wanna go to the movies." I told him. He just nodded. Wait, that's it? "You're not gonna say 'Nah, let's go somewhere else'?"

"I asked for the date, remember?" He said sarcastically.

"Exactly!" I exclaimed.

"Let's just go." He said, probably his last straw.

"Okay." I said and he opened the door for me.


He was driving quietly to the mall when I thought of an idea. I took out my phone and took a selfie. When the stoplight turned red, I noticed him staring at me, and when I faced him, he was. With a skeptical expression.


"What?" I asked.


"Join me." I said and before he could move, I already took a photo of us. It was so cute!

He was supposed to take my phone when the stoplight turned green. I just giggled at the thought. I want to upload this, but then, who would care, right? I just sent the image to his number. And when he received it, his face turned red. I think he's embarrassed to see his face not in its proper proportion.


"Well, you look cute... So what the heck." He said and I felt my cheek burning. Did he just complement me?

"Wow." I said and smiled at him.




We arrived, we bought tickets, then bought a bunch of snacks. Ranging from popcorns, hotdogs, fries, chips, burger, cola, orange juice, mineral water, candies and such. We even bought soft-serve ice cream.


When the movie started, it was very cheesy. About a guy trying to make the girl love him. But instead of watching, we were very focused on pigging out. We kept on giggling, even checking our cellphones. I'm pretty sure the people around us are very annoyed, but we didn't care.


When the movie was finished, I asked him if we could go to the mall. Of course, we did. We played games, sang our hearts out, danced, took photos. I can't believe I'm doing all of these things, and I'm not alone. I'm with someone. Even if he's practically a stranger.


We went to a different restaurant after playing all day. We ordered for dinner, and when the waiter left, I looked at him. When he looked at me, I held his hand and smiled. I should say this now.


"Thanks. For doing what I wanted to do the most." I said, my smile not leaving.

He just stared at me coldly. "I asked, remember?"

I pouted, trying to suppress a smile. "Well, yeah. But the things that we did today, movies, games, I wanted to do them all. But I just didn't have the time because I'm busy making ends meet."

I saw his eyes glisten. "I'm glad I'm your first." He said.

"My first what?"

"The first person that took you on a date, doing the things you wanted to do." He said and flicked my forehead.

"Oww!" I complained. "What was that for?"

"Stop being cute." He said and held my hand. "Thanks for a fun date, pretty-little-stranger." He held my hand higher and kissed it. And flashed his cheekiest smile.

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Babbie #1
I wanted to read this without reading first book but it is too confusing with all these characters lol
interferon #2
Hi! I read this over at wattpad and really, there's no point in subscribing now when it's finished but hey, I did it anyway. Just wanna say that I enjoyed this story <3 Keep up the good work :)
it's so gooood
Chapter 25: I live for the Mark and Seulgi interactios. MARK IS SO ADORABLE. WHY DID YOU REMIND ME ON WHY I SHOULD STAN THE GUY ;; Great story btw. I love everything about it.
Chapter 15: Awee ♡♡♡♡ update soon authornim, I like your story
pinkypn #7
Chapter 15: Edgy would Edison pay for hey shoes. it was so out of the blue when Kris says Victoria loves him but then seulgi see Victoria@ the mall with Edison. Seulgi is stupid to trust sehun again so easily. she's spending her money in stupid ways, she's spending it left and right then soon all her money will be gone. I feel her cousins is keeping something from her cuz why would Kris question her about investing in his family company. I'd rather her give mark a chance cuz how could she trust sehun again when she'll never know if he'll play her again