Seul-gi: 4

The Unexpected (Book 2)

His name was Sehun. I keep remembering what he did for me last night. I could've handled it on my own, though. I mean I'm not really good at anything related to martial arts, but I had a pepper spray, and I am a fast runner. I could've ran towards the building.


I quickly changed to my uniform when a fellow crew tapped my back.



"Someone asked for you." She told me and left quickly.


When I went out of the locker room, I saw a food tray and the number was for table number 7. When I looked for number 7, I saw Edison fiddling with his phone. Wait, him?


Relax, Seul-gi. He probably recognizes you as Tiffany's- not an appropriate term, but will have to do- friend. I was almost shaking, but luckily, I already placed the tray in his table.


"Thanks." He smiled at me, and his smile was replaced with a curious look. He was looking at the ring I was wearing. "That ring... Where did you get that?"


I badly wanted to just run away and never return, but I'd be fired- again- if I did that. "It..." Why does it matter to him? "Can I not answer that, sir?"


"I just find it familiar." He reached out his hand, and before I could even think, I already hid my hand behind my back.


"If you don't need anything, I'll leave now, sir." I said anxiously and ran off towards the locker room.


For now, I just want to be inside. But I can't. I just tried to avoid him as much as I can. Fortunately, he was in a hurry. But it did not stop him from glancing towards me every now and then. It's almost as if he's trying to remember where he saw that ring.


This ring... I should've given it back to Mr. Choi. It was his in the first place. I don't deserve this. But then, how can I see him again? Ugh! This is so frustrating! I hate myself for forgetting the very vital details.


But I didn't have the ring at that time. I purposely gave it to someone else. I didn't want to have any connection with Mr. Choi. Not even as acquaintances. I don't know why. I don't have ill feelings for him. It's just... we'd be too cliche. He's rich, I'm poor. And I don't want to hear other people talk about me like I'm some kind of just because I'm poor. Why the should I bear that in my chest?





Today, I think Ms. Song was in a hurry, so our class ended early. I went home first so I could eat dinner, then back to work. I hope I could see Mr. Choi so I could return the ring to him.


I saw Edison again, with the same company. It's just the two of them, but I really feel uncomfortable being in the same place as them ever since the incident. Ever since yesterday? Gosh! I really hate this feeling! I don't even know them for goodness sake!


"Margarita here." I heard a lady yell, but when I looked back, she was sitting on a high stool in front of the bar. The person beside her was familiar. And when I was about to look away, he turned to the girl. Kris? What's he doing here? Before I could even go near them, they were kissing like mad!


I've never seen this side of Kris before! What happened to him? Is he living a secret life? He's so warm and kind when it's just.. us. Does Seohyun know about this? I will never know.


I quickly placed the tray on the table at the bar counter and grabbed Kris' hand and headed outside the club. I also sent a text to Seohyun, telling her about how drunk her brother is.


"Kris? Are you okay?" I asked him, and he smiled at me. But I could see pain in his eyes.

"Seul-gi! What a pleasant surprise!" He said and gave me a hug. Before I could react, he was already crying in my arms. "You're the only pleasant thing I've seen so far."

"What's wrong, cous?" I finally called. I'm beginning to worry about my cousin.


He quickly let go of his hug and ran towards a dark corner. I heard him throw up, so I patted his back. I told him I'll get him water. I asked the staff to fill in for me for a while. I had to lie. I had to tell him a customer demanded for a water. Luckily, he bought it.


But when I went out, he was already already cursing everyone in his sight. He rode his car and a guy followed him inside. I saw two other people, a male and a female hail for a cab and followed Kris' car.


I had no choice but to hail for a cab, as well. I mean, that's my cousin! He'll be in danger! And as if on cue, the cab stopped when I looked up to see what's happening. I saw his white Lamborghini crash into a tree.


My tears were uncontrollable as I took out a bill and gave it to the driver and didn't wait for the change. I went towards the car and knocked on his windshield. This can't be happening! NO! I won't allow it!


"Kris! Kris!" I yelled, and when I looked around, I saw Ms. Song on the ground, and Sehun helping her up. Why is she here? Why is she affected? Is she dating Kris? Or the person who was with Kris?


I received a call from Tiffany. And before I could react, I already heard her loud voice.


"Seul-gi. Where's Kris? He's in so much trouble!"


I couldn't answer her... I mean... I could, but... What will I say?


"Kris..." I said and I felt the warm tear escape from my eyes. How will I say it?

"Seul-gi!" It was Seohyun. "It's me, Seo. Where are you? Can you take him home? We're still out of town."

"Seo... Kris..." Before I could tell her, a loud siren coming from an ambulance rang to my ears.

"Wait, Seul-gi, what's going on!?" She was already yelling.

"Kris' car bumped into a tree." I finally said, scared and stiff.


The other line was quiet. I felt someone trying to take me away from the door. I tried to look up, it was Sehun. His look was stern. I looked back at Kris, who is now being handled carefully so he could be transferred to the ambulance.


"Ma'am, may I ask you some questions?" I heard someone talk to me. I instinctively nodded. "Do you know who are those people inside the vehicle?"

"My cousin... he was driving-" I bawled. I didn't expect this. What will Seohyun say? Will she be mad at me? And more importantly, will Kris be okay? I hope he'll be okay. He doesn't deserve any of this!


"What's the name of the victim?"

"Kris Wu." I said, trying to give them correct information.

"How old is the victim?"

"21 years old."


He asked me a bunch of questions, and I tried to answer them as much as I could. But I still couldn't believe it. The officer escorted me towards the police car and told me they'll drop me off the hospital. Good thing because I just want to look after my cousin.


I saw Ms. Song looking worried, and a beautiful lady, probably same age as Kris, or older, sit beside her. I wanted to ask Ms. Song why is she still here. Is Kris or the person who was with Kris her student? But they look extremely anxious. I went over towards the emergency room and waited. But Ms. Song didn't notice me. So did the lady.


I decided to call Seohyun. She needs to know. And I have to apologize because I haven't told her anything yet. I was about to dial her number when I saw her name pop up. I answered the call as I was walking towards the exit.


"Seul-gi. Any updates? Is he okay?" She said frantically.

"He's in the emergency room. He's having an operation right now."

"Okay..." She was quiet for a few moments. "Is someone there aside from you?"

I hesitated. But she asked, so I'll tell her. "My instructor was there. I don't know why she's here, but it looks like she's here for Kris? Or the guy who was with Kris."

Seohyun was quiet for a while. I thought she ended the call, but didn't. "I'll be there. Text me the details." And hang up.


I texted her which hospital, and gave her an update every now and then. Will Kris be okay?

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Babbie #1
I wanted to read this without reading first book but it is too confusing with all these characters lol
interferon #2
Hi! I read this over at wattpad and really, there's no point in subscribing now when it's finished but hey, I did it anyway. Just wanna say that I enjoyed this story <3 Keep up the good work :)
it's so gooood
Chapter 25: I live for the Mark and Seulgi interactios. MARK IS SO ADORABLE. WHY DID YOU REMIND ME ON WHY I SHOULD STAN THE GUY ;; Great story btw. I love everything about it.
Chapter 15: Awee ♡♡♡♡ update soon authornim, I like your story
pinkypn #7
Chapter 15: Edgy would Edison pay for hey shoes. it was so out of the blue when Kris says Victoria loves him but then seulgi see Victoria@ the mall with Edison. Seulgi is stupid to trust sehun again so easily. she's spending her money in stupid ways, she's spending it left and right then soon all her money will be gone. I feel her cousins is keeping something from her cuz why would Kris question her about investing in his family company. I'd rather her give mark a chance cuz how could she trust sehun again when she'll never know if he'll play her again