Chapter 2

I Should Have Never


The first thing that Sehun thought when he saw Chanyeol in that doorway was, 'I should have never left him when he called-'

But it wasn't completly his fault, he was nearly late to class! Xiumin, on the other hand, looked petrified for some reason. He kept mumbling things like,

"Oh my gosh, Sehun, you do know where the only ones in this corner?"

"Sehunnie, I did nothing! I swear!"

"I don't want to die yet!"

"Wait... Sehun, what did you do?"

The younger sighed. "It's a long story?..."

You would think that the fangirls would crowd him, but there was a rule within the club. "No one touches Chanyeol-Sempai."

((I' m sorry, I can't um...use the O word..the one that starts with a O and ends with an A?))

Xiumin was just about to say something, but the drummer reached his destination. "What do you want."

And thus, those were the first words that Sehun had ever sassed to Chanyeol. He could hear the fangirls mumble about, but couldn't make out any phrases. He could, however, feel the pain in his shin, where Xiumin had kicked him with his heel. "Aish, you're so rude."

Chanyeol retorted back. "Didn't I tell you to wait up?"

Sehun, being the stubborn one he is, snapped back with, "I don't know, did you?"

"Sehun." Xiumin scolded.

Something was really off, in Sehun's opinion. Instead of a scray, offended atmoshpere from the fans, there was a kind of..giddy one? And as Sehun looked at them from the coner of his eye, he could see them...


What was this trickery?

Sehun was brought back to the scene in front of him as Chanyeol gave a low growl. "Well no need to be rude, Miss Sass. Forget anything?

Sehun was confused at this point. "Um...No?"

Just then, Chanyeol slammed a  worn-out looking journal that was a darkish blue colour, with black roses etched into it, onto the dest.on the desk. "Well keep track of your things, Miss Sass."

And with that he walked out the classroom, the fangirls sighing dreamily as he went.

Xiumin picked up the journal, turning it to look at the front.

That's when Sehun saw it. His name etched on the bottom corner,with a poem spread out on the back.


Roses blooming.
Petals falling.
And falling.
And falling.
And falling.
Until it hits the ground.

That's what life is like for me.
I just keep falling and falling.
I don't bloom beautifully like the others.
Because I'm a petal and not a rose.

He grabbed it from Xiumin and held it tightly to his chest. How could have he not noticed that it was gone?

Xiumin didn't say anything. He knew from the moment that Sehun walked in the room.

It was Sehun's journal. The one that he wrote all his feelings in. the feelings taht he couldn't describe to others. But he couldn't describe them in words either, so he descibed them in poems and stories.


The teacher finally came in. "You should thank him later,"

Xiumin commented before reaqching in to his bag to take out the items he needed for class.

Sehun didn't want to, but the journal ment so much to him that he knew he probably should. Lucky for him, he knew where Chanyeol sat at lunch.

Just then, the bell rang and class started.

Word count: 559

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! Turns out I had more work then expected! I'm really sorry about that! Well, here's chapter two. I didn't edit it yet since i wanted to update quickly, so please excuse the errors. Other than that, enjoy?



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Chapter 5: Is bad of me to have laughed when you said "infired them"?? I just thought of Suga from BTS and died
Chapter 4: The little xiuhan inputs are great. I'm happy your writing again!
Chapter 3: When the writing about Chanyeol's assumed names for Xiumin, I couldn't help but laugh at XiuHan. Why wasn't there a XiuBao tho? xD hope u update soon ~
Chapter 3: I caught the vocaloid and xiuhan, I see what you did there authornim
Chapter 2: Why can't you say Oppa? Just curious
Chapter 1: I'm interested :)
Berry-tan #7
Chapter 1: Can't wait :D
SuperFluffyCat #8
Chapter 1: LOL Baek in a frilly apron so cute though

Oh Sehun, he seems kinda scatterbrained already, forgetting to change his clothes. :O

It was a nice way to set everything up though! I can't wait for the next chapters. ^-^
brisebois98 #9
Please tell me you are a quick updater!! I love ChanHun and there never seems to be enough! Plus your story has caught my attention, I love the idea of punk!yeol!! I've never read him as such so I'm super excited!!