Chapter 3

I Should Have Never



Chapter 3:

    If Sehun ever dreaded a certain time in his life, it would be now. Usually, he hoped that the bell would ring quickly so that he could go to lunch. But now it was third period. A period can horrify you, depending on what the next period was. 4th period happened to be lunch in this case. Honesty Sehun didn’t eat lunch. He usually hung out with Xiumin at the school rooftop.

The only reason he knew where the members of EXO sat was because...well to get to the rooftop that was on the other side of the building, you had to go through the long, and exquisite hall that connected the two main sections of the building. The EXO members happened to sit all the way at the end, near the door to the 2nd building.

Sehun didn’t have third period with any of the band members, thankfully, nor Xiumin. So he brew a plan.

Sehun didn’t use his locker since everything that he needed was already in his bookbag. He looked at the time and started prepacking, leaving his notebook out along with the letter he had wrote between copying notes. Their teacher finished his daily lecture for their class, and told them they could start packing up. And now all that was left was for the bell to ring.

And it did.

Speeding out the classroom, Sehun started speed walking towards the cafeteria. That was until he was pulled backwards by the collar on his uniform. “Where are you running off to now, Sehunnie?”


Sehun’s mouth absentmindedly let out a trail of curses, earning him a scolding from the elder. He quickly spun around, coming face-to-face with the elder. “What was that for, and why are you so early?”


Xiumin just walked on to the cafeteria, and beckoned for Sehun to follow him. The younger didn’t object.

It seemed like eternity to Sehun before they actually reached the doors of the cafeteria doors. Xiumin turned around to face Sehun. “I don’t care what you say, but we are doing this today whether you like it or not.”


Xiumin tried to process what he said before speaking again. “, I just meant you. Not ‘we’. Just you.”


Sehun just glared at him and mumbled a ‘whatever’. He already had a plan anyways, It was simple, Sehun would just go to the table, call him out, say thank you, give him the letter, and leave. Ta-dah.


The two started walking towards the cafe hall. Usually, no matter how many times the duo had walked down that hallway, it seemed to never get shorter. This time, it was different. It seemed shorter than usual. To short, in Sehun’s opinion.

In no time, the two reached the end of the hall, and EXO’s table. “Well, we can’t exactly back out now, can we?”


Xiumin asked. Sehun gave him another death glare. “Just watch me.”


But before he could do anything, he was pushed towards the table, making the people occupying it notice him. There seemed to be a moment of silence before someone broke it.


“What do you want?”


Sehun knew exactly who owned that voice too. It was the great and mighty Park Chanyeol. “C’mon Yeol, let the kid talk.”


Sehun looked over to see that it was EXO’s lead guitarist who had granted him the right to speak. Sehun cleared his throat, and as he did, he felt an arm sling around his shoulder. Sehun was about to curse them off when he looked up to see that it was just Xiumin. “My great, and loyal friend here has something to say to the drummer.”


Sehun was honestly surprised. Usually, he would be all quiet and shy. He guess that it changed? But all Xiumin did receive was another one of Sehun’s death glares and a sarcastic mumbled ‘Thank You’. He then sighed. “Well, what is it?.”


You wouldn’t think it was Chanyeol who asked the question because there was no harshness to it, but it was. He looked at Sehun with a raised eyebrow. “Well?”


Sighing once again, Sehun let out a deep breath before proceeding to say two simple words that would change his life. “Thankyou.”


Even though it took a lot for Sehun to say two simple words, no one had heard him. “What?....”


“I SAID THANK YOU!” Sehun practically screamed.


Chanyeol, still not processing what had happened, was raising an eyebrow at the younger while everyone’s eyes were as wide as saucers. It’s not everyday you hear Sehun say ‘Thank You’ to someone. Sehun groaned with frustration.


“I thank you, Park Chanyeol, for returning my precious notebook to me with hopes that you didn’t read it. It’s a very important part of my life and I don’t think I could survive, knowing that it was lost, and that someone was laughing at the written words in it. So once again, I thank you.”


Sehun then handed him the letter, which Chanyeol took. “Have a nice day Park Chanyeol.”


And with that, Sehun grabbed Xiumin’s hand and ran off leaving the table of band members, confused.


-------Time Skip Brought to You by Kagamine Rin------


    Once they finally reached the rooftop, Sehun fell onto his knees from exhaustion. He looked over to Xiumin who seemed to be in the same situation except he was standing up and holding his side. “I’m never doing that again.”


Sehun claimed between gasps of air. “Then don’t diss anyone.”


Xiumin replied. After he had regained his breathing, he layed down with his back on the floor, looking up at the sky. “I’m hungry…”


Usually, this would be a surprising thing, but the both did  just run up eight flights of stairs with heavy backpacks. Xiumin smiled. “I thought you would say that.”


Sehun looked over with a puzzled face as Xiumin searched through his bag for something. He came over with a plastic bag. “Sit up.”


And so Sehun did. His puzzled expression changed into one of a child’s as Xiumin pulled out two containers of boba tea in their usual wrapping, and some Japanese sweets. Xiumin chuckled, feeling accomplished. “Okay, we have to eat this all before lunch is over so c’mon.”


And for a while, Sehun forgot about all his problems.

To bad he didn’t know that they would continue soon enough.  


---Back Track---


    “Do you think that it’s a love letter?”

Luhan, their lead singer, asked, emphasizing on the word love. Chanyeol snorted. “Not by any possible chance.”


Luhan wiggled his eyebrows at the drummer. “Hey you never know.”

“Yeah, just judging by the way he looked at you.” Kris piped in.


“You mean with the look of irritation? As if he was forced to do something he didn’t want to do?”


Everyone at the table was quiet. It was their leader and bassist, D.O who had just spoken, and he hardly spoke. It would be expected that all the members were surprised, their eyes wide as possible. Their leader just sighed and got up, taking his lunch tray with him. “C’mon guys, lunch is almost over so get to your classes. It doesn’t hurt to be early.”


And with that, he left, leaving the members at the table confused, once again.


    Classes seemed to go by quickly for the rest of the day for Chanyeol that afternoon. He wanted to read the letter, but he wanted to wait until he got home. Before he knew it, it was eight period. His last period was a period that he had with all his bandmates. Chanyeol also had eight period class with him. Him, as in Sehun, along with his friend, what was his name? Xiuhan? Xiuman? Xiumin? Xiumun? He didnt know.

The reason that two juniors like them would be in such an advanced class was because they seemed to have advanced knowledge. No wonder Sehun had advanced comebacks ready for him too. Chanyeol couldn’t help but stare at the person who he seemed to loathe throughout class.

Chanyeol noticed how stern Sehun’s face would be when he was focusing and how he would bite the cap of his pen when he was thinking. Not a lot of people would think of it, but Sehun’s hair was actually dyed. Chanyeol knew this from experience. You would think that it was a black, but it actually was a dark navy blue. You could notice from the lighting in the room. Though, Chanyeol had to admit that the boy had a nice sense of style.

Not a lot of people looked great with a thin frame, navy blue hair, and clothes that happened to be the grayscale (black, gray, and white.). “Infiltrated already?”


He jumped at the sudden voice, and looked over to see a smiling D.O. “Yeol, class is over by the way.”


Chanyeol looked at the time, and sure enough, it was 2:22 P.M, which meant that class was over. He stood up, and walked over to the other two members. As they all walked out the building together, Luhan spoke up. “Whose turn is it to make dinner?”


“It’s D.O’s.”


Everyone cheered.


    Chanyeol laid down in his bed later that night. He flipped the letter, that was in his hand, continuously, before pausing to look at it. And then he opened it. It read:


    To: Park Chanyeol


Mind you, I’m writing this during class, and don’t think that this is a confession letter because it’s not. First of all, I would like to thank you, if I haven’t, for returning my notebook to me. It’s the reason that I’m writing this letter. My notebook is very important to me. I could live on without it if i knew it never existed. But it does, and now it’s back in my hands. This notebook to me is something I place things that can’t describe my feelings in.  It’s part of my life. I will hope that you have not gone through it’s contents. I’m sorry for ignoring you, but I was in a rush for I was almost late to class.


    This section particularly confused Chanyeol. Late? It wasn’t even near eight when he was checking the time. Before Sehun bumped into him. He continued reading anyways.


I’m sorry for being rude to you. I’ll also let you know that this is my first draft. Don’t be so smug about it. Overall, I’m very thankful that you chose to givi me back my notebook. I truly am.

                With Great Gratitude,

                            Oh Sehun

PostScript: Not a lot of people can pull of a silver/gray hair look.


        That night, Chanyeol fell asleep with the ghost of a smile plating over his lips.


                -End Of Chapter Three-

Word Count: 1779

Sorry for the wait, I was writing this during classes, and lost it for a while .-.


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Chapter 5: Is bad of me to have laughed when you said "infired them"?? I just thought of Suga from BTS and died
Chapter 4: The little xiuhan inputs are great. I'm happy your writing again!
Chapter 3: When the writing about Chanyeol's assumed names for Xiumin, I couldn't help but laugh at XiuHan. Why wasn't there a XiuBao tho? xD hope u update soon ~
Chapter 3: I caught the vocaloid and xiuhan, I see what you did there authornim
Chapter 2: Why can't you say Oppa? Just curious
Chapter 1: I'm interested :)
Berry-tan #7
Chapter 1: Can't wait :D
SuperFluffyCat #8
Chapter 1: LOL Baek in a frilly apron so cute though

Oh Sehun, he seems kinda scatterbrained already, forgetting to change his clothes. :O

It was a nice way to set everything up though! I can't wait for the next chapters. ^-^
brisebois98 #9
Please tell me you are a quick updater!! I love ChanHun and there never seems to be enough! Plus your story has caught my attention, I love the idea of punk!yeol!! I've never read him as such so I'm super excited!!