
I Should Have Never

 It seemed like hours had passed for the four band members that couldn't come up with any lyrics. The were all worn out, each one trying to find something that infired them. But there was nothing, and so they just all sat there in silence. It seemed as though centuries had passed before Kris spoke up. "Um...guys? I don't think we're getting anywhere with this..."

Luhan abruptly stood up, surprising the others in the progress. "Thanks for stating that.. I think it's time we go, the early bell's going to ring soon."

The others looked at the clock, and sure enough, it was almost seven-thirty. Classes, although, started at 8:24, which left them plenty of time to discuss things. As everybody got up, and headed outside, talking about gigs & the usual, Chanyeol looked over to the orchestra room that Xiumin and Sehun had currently been in before. That was a mistake. 

As soon as Chanyeol looked over, his eyes met with the warm, brown, orbs of Sehun's. They just stared at each other like that until Chanyeol eventually passed the window on the door. He just walked silently behind everyone else the rest of the way, pretending as if nothing happened. Just pretending as if he didn't feel some kind of a link when he was staring at Sehun's eyes. 


Sehun lost his focus, but he didn't know why. As soon as he broke eye contact with Chanyeol, his hands seemed to have 'slipped' from the piano. Xiumin noticed , and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, you okay? It's not normal for you to just stop playing."

Xiumin said with a teasing smile. Sehun just slightly smiled at him. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's nothing." 

They stayed like that, in silence, until Xiumin spoke up. "Do you... want to call it quits for the day?" Sehun looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah, that would be nice."

And so they did, Xiumin returning his violin back into his case, and Sehun gently closing his piano, before they both headed out the door. As they made their way to class, Sehun kept thinking about random things. He thought about the weather today, and turned his head to face Xiumin as they were still walking. "Hey, Xiumin?"


"Did you want to go under the tree today? It's pretty nice outside..."

Xiumin smiled at him before answering. "Yeah, we haven't been out there in a while, have we?"

Sehun just smiled back at him before sliding the door open for him. "Ladies first." Xiumin smacked him on the arm playfully, but netherless, entered the classroom.


Class had started, not much longer after Sehun and Xiumin had entered the classroom. To start of the daily lesson, the teacher had given them a packet of worksheets, claiming that once they were done, and had handed it in, they were allowed to have free-time. Sehun, being the type to study all night, finished the packet in the blink of an eye. As he walked over to hand it to the teacher, he could hear whispers from the corner of the room. Walking back to his seat, he looked over, he saw the president of exo's fan club once again. Sehun didn't pay any attention to it, and sat back down in his seat. 

Since he had nothing to do, Sehun just stared out the window, admiring the beautiful spring scene in front of him. He honestly had nothing to do. Sehun had already written in his journal in the morning, he couldn't draw, but he was fine with just looking at the scenery outside. Fishing in his bag, Sehun pulled out a pair of earphones and his phone. He plugged the earphones in before turning the phone on and clicking shuffle. 

He just stayed like that, leaning on his palm, as he listened to music and looked out the window. He didn't know when he started to think about him though. Sehun caught himself thinking about how his hair looked so soft, a dull gray that at the same time was a luxurious silver. He caught himself thinking about how he always dressed in ripped black jeans, and a simple tee, with some kind of jacket over it. He caught himself just trying to mesmerize his face, every little detail there was. He caught himself being curious and asking himself questions like, 'What type of foods did he like' 'What was his favorite music genre?' 'Did he ever smile?' . Sehun caught himself thinking about how he wanted to be the one to make the drummer smile. He caught himself thinking about Chanyeol, and he didn't know why. 

And then the bell rang. 


Chanyeol was happy because it was finally lunch time. He didn't have third period with any of his bandmates, so he just thought that he would skip out on lunch and go sit at the bench that was under the trees. Since he had his mind set to it, he didn't really bother telling anyone so he wasn't surprised when he received a text from exo's group chat saying: "WheRE r uuuuuu!!!~"

(from Luhan) as he was walking outside. He just sent a quick "at the bench."  before setting his things down on the table, and opening up his notebook. Taking out his pen, he just looked around and thought about random things that seemed to infire him. As he did, he caught himself writing, 'nave blue hair' in the list. Chanyeol frowned. What was he possibly thinking about that had navy blue hair?

As if on cue, a voice spoke out to him from behind. "Mind if we sit with you?"

Chanyeol spun around, and saw Xiumin and Sehun, and realized that Sehun had navy blue hair. Nope. He wasn't going to accept the fact that he was just thinking about miss sass. As he focused his attention on them with a blank expression, he realized that Sehun was harshly whispering at the other male. Chanyeol heard things such as, "Are you crazy?!" "What's wrong with you?!" and the usual that seemed to be Sehun scolding Xiumin. Chanyeol didn't even think about it before answering. "No, it's not mine to claim anyways..."

Both boys looked over to Chanyeol with a surprised expression before going over to sit with him, not noticing how Sehun was looking anywhere but at Chanyeol, and how Chanyeol was looking at anywhere but Sehun. 


[Unedited.] wrote all this right now tbh, hope you guys like this!~

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Chapter 5: Is bad of me to have laughed when you said "infired them"?? I just thought of Suga from BTS and died
Chapter 4: The little xiuhan inputs are great. I'm happy your writing again!
Chapter 3: When the writing about Chanyeol's assumed names for Xiumin, I couldn't help but laugh at XiuHan. Why wasn't there a XiuBao tho? xD hope u update soon ~
Chapter 3: I caught the vocaloid and xiuhan, I see what you did there authornim
Chapter 2: Why can't you say Oppa? Just curious
Chapter 1: I'm interested :)
Berry-tan #7
Chapter 1: Can't wait :D
SuperFluffyCat #8
Chapter 1: LOL Baek in a frilly apron so cute though

Oh Sehun, he seems kinda scatterbrained already, forgetting to change his clothes. :O

It was a nice way to set everything up though! I can't wait for the next chapters. ^-^
brisebois98 #9
Please tell me you are a quick updater!! I love ChanHun and there never seems to be enough! Plus your story has caught my attention, I love the idea of punk!yeol!! I've never read him as such so I'm super excited!!