"I'm a Boy, but I Attract Boys"


“I’m just saying you’re very lucky you don’t get any crap stuck in your locker every day” Woohyun complained, shoving the whole pile of unopened letters towards me.


“And I’m saying you’re very lucky you get THIS type of crap stuck in your locker every day” I retorted, grabbing one up and throwing the whole lot into the waste paper bin.


It was a Wednesday night, late at night and we were both sorting out his love letters into piles of what he liked and what he found boring, both sitting on the comfy bed spread.


“And I don’t understand...if you already have someone you like, why do you keep some of those letters?” I gestured to the pile of which he liked.


He made a face and shrugged. “I like them…they’re pretty…”


I shook my head. Pretty? I would’ve died if I had just gotten on love confession note. Yet here he was with over a hundred notes, sorting them out and doing nothing over at my place.


“What are you doing here anyway? Why don’t we do this at your place?”


“I told you, I’m staying here for the rest of the semester, you can’t stop that” Woohyun grabbed the nearest pillow and hugged it to his chest, dropping to his side and snuggling in, the blanket only up to his knees.


“Rest of the term? I thought you were only staying for tonight?!” I exclaimed, shaking his arm.


“YAH! WAKE UP! You’re not staying for the rest of the semester!”


The door creaked open and I immediately wished I hadn’t been so loud; it was too late in the night for someone to scream that loud.


“Actually…he kinda is” mum’s sheepish small voice informed me. My mouth fell open.


Woohyun. Sharing the same house. Sharing the same room. Sharing the same bathroom. Sharing the same bed. Sleeping next to each other. Of course there was nothing wrong with sleeping in the same bed, we were both men so I wasn’t too worried. Sharing with my best friend…


“Ok then…” I sighed, dropping down to my side and rolling over so part of my head was stuffed in my pillow. I used my right hand to pull the duvet over both our shoulders. “Turn the light off for me then…”


With a satisfied giggle, she flicked off the lights and closed the door quietly, the sound of her feet shuffling away.


Woohyun’s POV


As soon as I heard soft snores emitting from Sunggyu’s throat beside me, I shifted softly to face his back. His shirt clung to his smooth back. I wiggled a little closer until my nose could touch the back of his neck. Sniffing lightly, I could smell the wonderful scent of his shampoo from there.


My arm cautiously s over his thin waist and pulled him closer until his back was pressing against my torso and softly murmured into his neck until I couldn’t even remember what I said last and drifted off. 


"Actually ahjumma...I think I'm in love with your son"


A/N: Hello ^_^ YAY!!!!!!!! I got 6 subbie buddies :DD thank you all of yew *bow* thanks for your comments and subscribing :3

-bunny66 luvs yew xinfinitypluswoohyunandkey'sabs<3

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ilabya14 #1
Chapter 6: Lol at the way woohyun 'see's' the future XD
woo what are u doing with peoples letter!
Badboy! bad Woohyun!
Just said u jealous !
Gyu will reject our Gyu are stupid and no eyes to check!
Woo is jelly to Gyu xD
thunder heart it's already stick to gyu?
he like Gyu?
This story will be a triangle love..update soon!!
shedding-dream #7
lemme die~ sunggyu is so adorable
no wonder everybody love him xDDDD

and i started wondering, whit who sunggyu will end coupling?