"I'm a Boy, but I Attract Boys"

Hai beautifuls OuO How are you? (no seriously, tell me how your day was on my wall, POST EVERYTHING. Tell me how your day went. Tell me what sort of things you did. Tell me how you feel now ... fudge o3o) Thank you for waiting for me ... TT_TT I know I took a while to update such a crappy chapter, but yes, it's launching ... after five chapters ...

New subscribers! I don't know all the new subscriber names, but I wish you all the best and a cookie /hands out choc chips cookies. 

@Daikatsu: Yeseu o3o 

@DMAsha: Oh it's going to be more than a triangle ... more like a octogon or more ... >D

@CroWned_nd: Yeseu he is :33 Our adorable hamstergyu :33

Onto ... the story ...

Woohyun's POV

Pleased with myself, I walked into Sunggyu's house casually, plopping my bag down at the front door and heading for the kitchen. It was nice and quiet, but you could hear soft snoring drifting around the room. Who would be sleeping at this time? All I knew was that Sunggyu's sister was definetely back, most probably upstairs procrastinating, his mother shopping and his father out, working. And Sunggyu never slept at this hour ... maybe they finally got a dog like I suggested? Or maybe not, since Sunggyu was still so afraid of dogs despite all the dog tests I've put him through, always insisting 'the real thing's always different from the stuffed one'. 

Endlessly spending the rest of the day shifting clothes nearly every ten minutes and trying to not look like a combusted machine that just arrived from a day from hell had tired me out. Jumping onto the big white sofa was my intention, but if I haven't looked, I would've been jumping onto the small white hamster, squashing him flat. 

I frowned, my hand in my pocket, ready to draw out my phone. Sunggyu was sprawled out across the whole L-shaped sofa, his cheeks pressed against a puffy yellow pillow, eyes closed, gentle breathing. One leg was dangling over the long edge, one arm stretched out, fist curled over the exact same enevelope he was making a fuss of earlier. Dirtied, mussed up hair curled around his face, sticking up in awkward places. How cute was that ?

Mentally, I slapped myself. Gosh, he's sleeping, why am I thinking about how cute his is? Quietly tiptoeing over to his side, I sat down, gently taking the enevelope out of his hands. Might as well. Slitting it open with my left hand, skillfully using my thumb, I used my right hand to smooth his hair down, my pinky brushing past his ear every now and then. Ok, let's see what this is. 

Dear Kim Sunggyu,

Your sweet smile, your adorable laugh, your twinkling eyes, I love every bit of you ... please be my boyfriend. 

- Lee Hyukjae. 

The moment my eyes grazed over the words 'I love every bit of you ... please be my boyfriend', my first instinct was to toss it five feet away with a girly twist of my wrist, my expression unmoving. It took probably about five minutes for me to get up, go over and pick up the creased letter and envelope and sit back down again. Re-reading it over and over again, I swallowed down a growl. What was this ery? Who was this er? Who did he think he was ing around with? The little . Glad Gyu can't read my mind. Or anyone else. 

I sighed and then slid the letter back into the enevelope. It was Sunggyu's letter. Let him enjoy his luck for a bit. Poor him. Tucking it back in his hand, I thought for a moment again. Yeah, let Gyu have his taste of romance for a bit. Then he and Hyukjae could talk it over. And then they'd be friends. And then they'd hang around more. And then they'd go over to each other's houses. And then they'd fall in love. And then they'd kiss. And then they'd have . And then they'll get married. And then they'll get kids. Instantly, I pulled the enevelope back out again and viciously ripped it into pieces. Damn. Rip. You. Rip. Hyukjae. Rip. Who ever. Rip. You. Rip. Are. Rip. Sunggyu. Rip. Is. Rip. Mine. 

Once it was shredded into pieces smaller than my finger nail, I gathered them all up and dusted them from my hands into the bin. Then thinking again, I shook them back out. I should be more considerate to Gyu. You know, be nicer. I shrugged and scooped them into my hand.

Then I dropped them into the recycling bin - a huge favor since Gyu's into saving the world and all that. 

He should thank me. 

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ilabya14 #1
Chapter 6: Lol at the way woohyun 'see's' the future XD
woo what are u doing with peoples letter!
Badboy! bad Woohyun!
Just said u jealous !
Gyu will reject our Gyu are stupid and no eyes to check!
Woo is jelly to Gyu xD
thunder heart it's already stick to gyu?
he like Gyu?
This story will be a triangle love..update soon!!
shedding-dream #7
lemme die~ sunggyu is so adorable
no wonder everybody love him xDDDD

and i started wondering, whit who sunggyu will end coupling?