"I'm a Boy, but I Attract Boys"

Sunggyu's POV

Halting my engine, I got out of my car and headed for the glass building, still thinking about why Dongwoo looked so worried before he left. He was usually preppy and happy ... maybe I looked too excited? 

"Sunggyu-ah! Boss called you upstairs!" Thunder called out from his receptionist desk. 

"Thanks, tell him I'll be up there," I told him, jabbing the button, tapping my feet while waiting for the elevator. Now that I thought about it, during the months I had been working here, I haven't even met the boss yet - only his assistant that was Thunder. Speaking of which, I had no idea why Thunder wasn't in his office. Ten minutes passed and the elevator still hadn't come yet. "Guess it's the stairs for me," I muttered, heading for the stairs, trying to cheerfully jog up the thirty-three flights of stairs. Shivering, I pulled my coat tighter around my body and pushed on. 

By the time I slapped my hand onto the cold metal handle, I was heaving in and out crazily trying to catch my breath. Pushing it down with the last of my strength, I stumbled inside and grabbed a swing chair for support which was my big mistake as when I tipped over to my side, the chair collapsed down on top. 

"Go ahead, sit down," a familiar voice suggested. 

I groaned inside, and hauled the chair back up again, plopping down to rest my cheek against the cooling glass table of Nam Woohyun's.

"This is why I never see the boss," I mumbled into my arms. 

"Actually, the real boss is away. I'm taking over his place for a while," Woohyun smirked. When I looked up again, his feet were propped up against the table and his smirk was still on. Both his jacket and tie were folded over his chair. "I thought you might need to know the changes being made. The ones he asked me to get the rest of you to adapt to"

"This better not involve me being your slave or assistant" 

"It doesn't"

"Then why is Thunder suddenly the receptionist?"

"He's there because the old one was sick. Everyone else was too busy to take the job so he volunteered"

"He volunteered or you forced him?"

"I never force people"

"You always manage to do so without seeming like you're doing so" 

At this, Woohyun's expression melted into a mask of no emotion. His feet swung back down to the ground and he leaned forward. 

"Ok then. Let's just say that what you just said made sense and was true. Pushing that aside, let's talk about your new partner arrangement," he had his lips pursed in a challenging pose, his eyes staring straight ahead at me. I swallowed. This serious side of Woohyun was a rare sight. 

"W-what new arrangement?" 

If I have to work with Thunder at the receptionist desk, I'll resign. Not that being Thunder's partner would be bad, just the thought of being a lowly receptionist when I was originally a designer. Or the thought of ever being put together with Woohyun. Since he was the boss, I wasn't sure of anything. How did he even become a temporary boss? What dirty trick did he pull on the poor, real boss? He didn't even graduate yet! 

"You'll be working with me from now on"

And how did I know he was going to say that? 

"That's all," he returned to his cheery self and pushed himself back. 


"You don't look too happy," Thunder commented as he adjusted the lens of his camera, holding up to his eye every now and then. 

"Of course not. Who would look happy, working with that idiot?" I grumbled, wheeling out a rack of clothes. I had spent six weeks working on the designs, the model had better be good. 

"Oh believe me, it's not too bad working with Woohyun. He just likes teasing people," Thunder chuckled, setting down his camera to look at me. 

"More like bullying. Or annoying," I retorted, lifting a small selection from the rack and folding them over my arm. 

"Well, you can't say that. You two are working together," he shrugged, helping me wheel the rack to the back. 

"But he hasn't done anything! He didn't even cooperate!"

"He didn't have time to, remember?" Thunder reminded as we walked back to the set. "By the time you were finished, he insisted on the partnership"

"The sneaky fox" 

"I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose"

"No way am I putting his name with my work if he hasn't done anything"

"He hasn't done anything YET but today he will" Thunder winced a little. 

"What can he possibly do today at the last minute?" I cried as Woohyun casually entered. 

"Talking about me?" he winked, sliding an arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest. I took one quick, subtle sniff of his natural scent and then pushed him away, molding an annoyed expression on my face. 

"Don't touch me" 

"He's my biggest fan," Woohyun addressed Thunder, ignoring me. 

"Of course," Thunder chuckled his thin chuckle again and picked up his camera. "When you two are ready, call me over"

"When us two are ready?" I asked, just as he disappeared. 

"Yes, when us two are ready," Woohyun confirmed, plucking an article from my arm. "I'll change in the back"

"WAIT!" I protested, tugging at the clothes gently. "Those are for my model!" 

"Tsch. Don't you get it? I AM your model," Woohyun snorted, plucking another article and heading to the back changing rooms. 

My eyes widened and I let my clothes drop to the floor, my knees following suit, head in my hands to hide my face. Damn. God forbid. No, if he DID forbid, this wouldn't have happened. 

"Wah! Sunggyu-nim! Your clothes will get dirty!" Jessica Jung squeaked in alarm, darting over to pick up my clothes gingerly, but quickly, slinging them over her own arm. 

"Leave it! He can wear dirty clothes!" I moaned in my hands. 

"But Sunggyu-nim!" she desperately tugged me up. "The photo-shoot is today and your clothes need to be nice and clean! Not dirty and wrinkled!"

"Woohyun can wear this!"

"But!" she gasped. "Why would you do that to him? Don't you know how lucky you are?"

"No, but I know how UNlucky I am" 

"Sunggyu-nim! He's the best model here!" she exclaimed, dragging me up by force. "You'll get a lot of ratings and views for your shoot if you have him!" 

I lifted my head from my hands, stunned. 


"Oh come on!" she made a face. "Isn't it obvious? With his perfect features, he's a main in this company!" 

"So many mains, why him?" I wailed, clutching at her arm. Damn him and his perfectness! 

"Yo! I'm ready!" Woohyun called from half way across the room. We both turned to examine him. Jessica flashed me a thumbs up and skipped off. I didn't get to see it. Mainly because I was too busy staring at him. His hair curled and framed his face neatly, his face a light shade. He had on a charming, glowing smile, and his pearly whites. The piece of clothing clung around his shape, donning his muscles and chest. "Don't get too excited, Hamstergyu," he giggled, waving me over. Rubbing my cheeks with my sleeve to get rid of the red blooming there, I walked over. Pinching his already perfect collar, I pulled it down. 

"You're wearing it wrong," I whispered, ing the first two buttons. Fighting the urge to undo the rest, I stepped back and reluctantly admired his smooth neck and chest peeking out. "Perfect" 

Then I sat back down on a spare seat and watched as Thunder made his way over to capture his shots. 

Thunder's POV

From the behind them, I watched as Sunggyu's blush spread across his cheeks. I watched as his beautiful fingers gently undid the buttons. I watched as his quivering eyes absorbed Woohyun's skin. It was un-bearing to watch. 

It was unfair. 

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ilabya14 #1
Chapter 6: Lol at the way woohyun 'see's' the future XD
woo what are u doing with peoples letter!
Badboy! bad Woohyun!
Just said u jealous !
Gyu will reject our Gyu are stupid and no eyes to check!
Woo is jelly to Gyu xD
thunder heart it's already stick to gyu?
he like Gyu?
This story will be a triangle love..update soon!!
shedding-dream #7
lemme die~ sunggyu is so adorable
no wonder everybody love him xDDDD

and i started wondering, whit who sunggyu will end coupling?