"I'm a Boy, but I Attract Boys"

Dongwoo's POV


Sunggyu suddenly leaned his back onto the neighbouring locker next to mine and gave me a shy grin.

"Yes?" I asked in confusion at his arrival. 

"Hey - remember the letter?"



"To be honest, I can't really trust Woohhyun, so ... " he leaned in a little closer, making me shiver from the closeness. His moist lips were moving, eyes glittering with excitement and sweet smells taking over my senses.

"Hey - you listening, Jang Dongwoo?" I heard his snappy question. "YAH!"

"Sorry, you were saying something about Woohyun?" blinking, I let my locker swing shut and clicked my lock into place.

"I said that I wanted to show you the letter!" he pouted, holding it up in front of my face. 


♫ ♪ ♩ ♬

"Hang on" I held up one finger and tapped the answer button. "Hello?"

"Jagiya. Come home right now" the senetence came out in a rush.

My facial expression melted into worry as I turned away from Sunggyu and walked further down the empty hallway. 

"Why? Is there something wrong? I did cook you lunch right?"

"Yes you did ... but I'm still hungry!" the male whined, over at the other end. 

"Um ... I can go buy some take away lunch from the canteen but it might still be cold - will that be alright?"

"Nuuu ... I want you for lunch" you could practically hear the pout in his complaint.

"What - as in cut me into pieces and chew me?" I joked, hoping he understood what I was getting at with the lame joke.

"I was thinking of something a little more pleasurable" there was a hint of desire in his tone. Somewhere in my stomach, there was a sinking feeling as realization hit me cold.

"No, I can't, I'm at school" I dropped my volume to a whisper, looking around to find nothing but a waiting and anxious Sunggyu.

"So then skip - you can say somebody jumped you on the school field"

"And that would be you?" I snorted, managing to sound sadistic.

"No - someone else on the campus"

"Fine, fine ... "

"Good ... I'll be waiting ... "

The dial tone sounded and the conversation was off.

I quickly walked back to Sunggyu, fixing my half apologetic face to a full one.

"I'm sorry - urgent call, I need to go"

His face fell just the slightest, but then he nodded, straightening up his posture.

"I understand - hurry up now if it's urgent!" again he pulled that hamster-ish pout.

"Ara..." flashing a forced smile, I sprinted towards the back gates. 





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ilabya14 #1
Chapter 6: Lol at the way woohyun 'see's' the future XD
woo what are u doing with peoples letter!
Badboy! bad Woohyun!
Just said u jealous !
Gyu will reject our Gyu are stupid and no eyes to check!
Woo is jelly to Gyu xD
thunder heart it's already stick to gyu?
he like Gyu?
This story will be a triangle love..update soon!!
shedding-dream #7
lemme die~ sunggyu is so adorable
no wonder everybody love him xDDDD

and i started wondering, whit who sunggyu will end coupling?