"I'm a Boy, but I Attract Boys"

No one really noticed at first. I was just the single average male who went to school and work everyday, came home alone everyday, ate dinner alone every day...just like any other single man. My status was always single and maybe once or twice I did sort of wish that some one would just come along by random chance and fall in love with me. 

And it happened. I won't deny it. But it wasn't exactly what I was hoping for...


And so please let me be your girlfriend


-Jung Jessica


“I found this in my locker, put this in the bin for me please?” Woohyun asked in boredom, passing a folded note to me.


“I don’t know Woohyun…I think that might hurt Jessica-ah’s feelings” I nervously took the note into my hands.


“It’s going to hurt my feelings if you refuse to put it in the bin for me” he sighed, giving me that stupid adorable pout.


“Whatever” I muttered, tossing it into the bin, trying to swat away that guilty feeling that was hovering over me. “You’re lucky”


“Lucky? You think getting a bunch of crap stuffed into my locker each day is lucky? Then you’re crazy,” he snorted. Then his eyes softened and his smile turned dreamy. “Besides, I already have someone I like”


I rolled my eyes and leaned into my arms. Woohyun had no idea how lucky he was to receive his letters each day. How many confessions…how many girls…

I wished to be like him…get a girlfriend that was caring…sweet…pretty…all those girls…and yet he had someone he liked. I made a face. Right. Right now, I was so desperate to get a confession letter; I didn’t give a crap if it was from a male or female. *GOD! PLEASE SEND ME A LOVE LETTER!!* I begged inside my head.


Dear Kim Sunggyu,


Your sweet smile, your adorable laugh, your twinkling eyes, I love every bit of you…please be my boyfriend.


-Lee Hyukjae


Hello ^_^ Sorry I made the first chapter short, but I was hoping for it to be a small introduction anyway ^_^ I hope you enjoy the story and continue with the comments *0*

-bunny66 luvs yew xinfinitypluswoohyunandkey'sabs<3

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ilabya14 #1
Chapter 6: Lol at the way woohyun 'see's' the future XD
woo what are u doing with peoples letter!
Badboy! bad Woohyun!
Just said u jealous !
Gyu will reject our Gyu are stupid and no eyes to check!
Woo is jelly to Gyu xD
thunder heart it's already stick to gyu?
he like Gyu?
This story will be a triangle love..update soon!!
shedding-dream #7
lemme die~ sunggyu is so adorable
no wonder everybody love him xDDDD

and i started wondering, whit who sunggyu will end coupling?