A Perfect Disaster

Rap Mon (Kim Nam Joon) One Shots
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A/N I was missing Bangtan OT7 so I just wrote a loong one with everybody as characters! Lol. Im Bangtan Sick.


"So let me get this straight", I gape at SeokJin, "This friend of yours saw my photo? In that sponge-bob costume? And wants to go out on a date? With me?"

We were lounging in Jin's kitchen... well I was lounging in Jin's kitchen while he was busy being all MaterChef-y. We have been friends for 5 years now. Inspite of Jin's fiercely self-minding attitude and my fiercely independent one, he became some sort of a mother figure for me since I moved to New York city, all big glasses and bigger dreams.

"Yes", Jin simply shrugged. He barely spares me a glance before going back to checking on his home cooked spagetti. I give him a thoroughly unconvinvced look. 

"He's the new producer at the company. Young, charming, good looking lad too. We were talking about a new project last week when he saw that photo pinned up on my desk", Jin explains patiently as he looks at my sceptical face, "He asked me who you were. I told him. He said he'd like to take you out this Saturday."

"All that from sponge box costume?", I'm still finding it hard to believe, "That's... weird."

"No it's sweet, and I honestly believe you could hit it off", Jin shoots me a grin as I sit there scowling at them.

I square my shoulders, "Well, bu-but you say he's younger than me", I say beratingly.

"One year", Jin counters, "And it's not like you act your age anyway."

"Fine", I fire again, "If he's a hotshot music producer like you say, then I can imagine him being all snooty and self important. You know money-minting go-getters are not exactly my type."

Immediately he retorts, "That's bull-, how can you judge that before even meeting him? You think I would even suggest something like this if I did not think you would be happy?." 

I'm about to snap back but he dosen't give me a chance, "And Taehyung was good little social worker and world saver... remember what happened to that?"

Whatever I was about to say dies in my throat as I think back to Taehyung. He was right. Tae was an angel and had all the qualities I thought I admired in a human being. There wasn't a country he'd not travelled to, helping children, teaching them, leading education movements. But it never worked out between us. The break-up was a mutual decision once we realised he was more interested in his charitable tales than he ever was in me.  

But still it was a sore topic and I huffed, picking up my coat and storming off out of the appartment with Jin calling after me, "Arya wait!" 

I couldn't sleep that night, what Jin had said was replaying in my head like a broken record. Giving up on any hopes of dream-land, I come to a decision and call him.

"Hey?" Jin's sleepy voice sounded rough, "Kiddo, what's up?"

I mustered my resolve before blurting out in a rush, "I'll go out with him... tell him I'm good with this Saturday."

"Huh?", Jin still sounded a little disoriented, "Oh. You mean the date? Are you sure?"

I was almost tempted to say no, call the whole thing a prank but decide against it. But Jin was right. I've been on a million bad dates. One more would hardly kill me. "Yea, I'm sure", I murmer, "Um... Jin, what's his name?"

"Namjoon. His name is Kim Namjoon", Jin says, "I'll let him know then."

"Wait, seriously, he's a Korean too?", I exclaim into the phone but the sound of disconnected beep meets my loud protest. I sigh. Am I destined to date only Korean men?


I had almost forgotten about the date by Thursday, when I hear my phone ringing. Frowning, I fish it out of the mess of scripts under my desk.

"Yes?", I bark into the phone, cursing mentally at the idiot who decided to call me now and interrupt me. 

The deep voice on the other end speaks tentatively, "Hello? Hi... I'm Namjoon. Kim NamJoon."


The still tentative voice reverberates in my ear in response, "I work with SeokJin. He gave me your number yesterday."

It clicks. . The sponge bob wierdo.

"Yes, NamJoon", I manage to eke out, sounding as non y as he sounded y, "Yes, ofcourse. I wasn't expecting your call."

Confidence eases into his deep voice, this time with trace of a smile, "Yea. Jin said he'd let you know but I didn't fancy a mediator. I thought I'd rather call you myself."

Flowery lingo. I roll my eyes, though reluctantly acknowledging his voice and easy confidence. Damn, if he is as charming as he sounds on the phone, I wouldn't mind a date with this guy.

 "Ofcourse", I say, waiting for him to continue.

"So about Saturday, I was thinking we could go for early drinks, then a music gig and dinner after?" he proposes.

How earth-shatteringly innovative, I think, grimacing. It's the same with everyone. Boring long dates. I entertain feigning a dead aunt or something to get out of the date. But instead, I say, "Sounds good."

"Right then", he sounds absolutely delicious, I cannot help giving him that much, "If you could text me your address, I'll pick you up then."

"See you", I reply, ready to hang up but he speaks up again.

"Uh also..."


"I know it's weird, asking you out like this", he laughs a little self-consciously.

"No! Um... its...", I start saying but who am I kidding, "Yea. You're right. It is kinda bonkers."

 "I assure you I'm not some crazy weirdo", he chuckles, voice reverberating through phone and sending shivers down my spine, "I just couldn't miss the opportunity to go out with spongebob."

Delicious voice or no, I was already regretting this not-so-blind date by the time I send him the address and snap my phone shut. My regret did not hold me back from smiling like a loon for the rest of the day, though.

The bell rings not two seconds after I get dressed. I look into the mirror one last time to check my apparence, not that there was all that much to check. After breaking my head on what to wear, for exactly 2 minutes, I gave up and donned my faithful black cotton flow with a pair of tights and finished it off with converse high tops.

My heart almost stopped when I opened my door to find a guy casually leaning against the door frame, all charm and dimples. My first thought was that he was ridiculously good looking. He was gorgeous. He was more than gorgeous. He was tall, dark, handsome personified. He was wearing a pale lilac button down dress shirt that was casually open at his neck. His tailored-to-perfection shirt did magnificent justice to his clearly defined physique underneath. The dark slacks he was wearing accentuated his long legs. 

"Hey", he takes and shakes my hand firmly. Letting go, he takes out something from under his jacket donned arm. I mentally roll my eyes, already expecting flowers but to my utter confusion and internal delight he takes out a set of 7 pairs of skull candy ear phones- rainbow colours. I look up at him, puzzled.

"Jin tells me that you always lose your ear phones and nick his", he smiles widely, " Something we have in common there, so this is a token of my empathy."

A little impressed, I take the box with a small thanks and turn away as fast as possible. I did not want him to see me smile like an idiot over earphones, which was exactly what I was doing. After placing his first date gift carefully in the shelf, I slowly turn around, wondering if I should invite him inside. 

"Ready to go?" he asks, thankfully putting me out of my dilemma. I nod, grabbing my sling bag and my set of keys.

'Click', the door closes behind us. 

All through the subway ride, Namjoon proved that he was very very easy to talk to. I found out that he had an underground rap crew with a few other friends before he was scouted and made it as a commercial producer. The conversation literally flowed between us. He was eloquent, paid genuine interest to what I had to say and I found myself sharing things I would never talk about on a first date. Namjoon was also very good at making me laugh.<

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AndreeaRea #1
Chapter 8: i kinda understand boys' way of dealing with love frustration but if i was in her place I'd probably move out of the flat, not even have the guts to be his wing-man, tho the ending was sweet :>
AndreeaRea #2
Chapter 9: This is totally me if I ever worked for BigHit. >///////<
tho i wouldn't even hope for the turn of events from the end of this story, I'd be the shy foreign intern who has a crush on him but wouldn't ever have to courage to approach him ;_; like i always do...
whitetulip9765 #3
Chapter 10: am imagining JK in police officer uniform from DOPE MV...and he was so handsome....

this boy constantly wrecking my bias list..i hate him...hahaha
Chapter 10: Honestly, your one-shot booklet is becoming one of my favorites; I love the plots and the characters and I feel as though you portray their personalities similar to how I try to while writing, and that just makes me love reading every new chapter even more! Great job on the Jungkook one; and yes, I agree, he should really act his age and go to the playground or something... :D
Chapter 10: I feel so pedo whenever I remember kookie's real age. Love this! It's so cute & I love jimin!
jiwonbunny #6
Chapter 9: One of the best one shot collections i've ever read!!!!
Each story needs to be written in long chapters! This is beyond great!!
Chapter 9: Too cute!!! I need a proper installment of this story!
Chapter 8: I loved this!!! Sassy Yoongi was cool & oh, hobi, sacrificial lamb. Ken was so gentleman like,
shea_shariff #9
Chapter 8: Aaaaaaw. See i need to upvote more!!!
whitetulip9765 #10
Chapter 8: too cute...Namjoon is so sweet...