Stranger On The Bridge

This Sickness Has No Cure
Luhans p.o.v
I looked up at the building standing before me. I had been in the community centre so many times before for running, but never been for anything else. I stepped inside, clutching the leaflet Junmyeon had given me a few weeks ago. I was still attending running practise, just until I was three month gone. Then i would have to go, as kindly stated by my doctor. I shuddered. I didn't want to leave. 
I trembled as he pushed the door open, seeing a large group of people huddled in a circle. All people turned to stare at me. Oh crap. 
"Is this the support group?" I asked, trying to flip my hair like i couldn't care less, even though i wanted the ground to swallow me whole. 
A handsome man sat in the circle smiled. He had his own large stomach, and i couldn't help but stare. 
"You must be Luhan. Junmyeon told me about you. I'm Seokjin." The man said, everyone sitting in the circle smiled at me, seemingly accepting me into the group. I smiled shyly, nodding at Seokjin and took an empty seat next to a tall man. He had a bright smile and slightly large ears, almost completely covered by a mop of brown hair.
"Hi." The man whispered quietly. "I'm Chanyeol." He stuck his hand out. I took it, shaking quickly. 
"How far along are you? If you don't mind me asking..." Chanyeol asked, staring at my stomach under my coat. I pulled my parka further around myself, suddenly feeling self conscious.  
"12 weeks. I have a scan in a few hours. How about you?" I said. 
Chanyeol smiled. "I've just gone 4 months." I nodded in mock fascination. 
I looked around the room. Most of the people were with their partners, all acting like happy little families. My heart sank as i realised that I would never truly have that. 
"Hey, you okay?" Chanyeol asked, softly placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded. 
"Yeah... It's Just sad that-that im alone..."
"Did your baby daddy walk out on you too?" Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. 
"No! No... Erm..he passed away before I realised I was pregnant." I cringed at my words. Even though i had come to terms with this pregnancy, it didn't mean i had to feel comfortable talking about it to complete strangers. Even though Chanyeol didn't seem like the judging type. And not to mention he was in the same boat as me anyway. 
"Oh, I'm sorry." Chanyeol looked genuinely sympathetic. I tried changed the subject to stop myself from crying. 
"So where's your um... Baby daddy then?" I mumbled nervously. 
"He walked out on me when I told him I was pregnant. It was never gonna work out anyway. He was a lot older than I was." Chanyeol looked at his lap. "I think I was just deluding myself the entire time." 
"I'm sorry. He really doesn't deserve you or the baby." 
Chanyeol smiled up at me. I patted chanyeols a shoulder, smiling back at him gently. 
Sehuns p.o.v 
"I sat at the cafe table, coffee sitting in front of me as I stated at my phone. Taos number popped up on the screen again as my phone rang out. A placed the phone on the table before a notification had popped up on the screen. Tao had left a voicemail. I begrudgingly opened it, hesitantly holding the phone to my ear. 
"Sehun, please just pick up the phone! I really want to talk about this. Please... Baby just talk to me. I know you love me. I need you!" I closed the phone quickly. 
I should really block his number. 
Back to Luhan

I lay back on the chair gently, breathing deeply as the nurse moved the ultrasound probe over my slightly chubby stomach. 

I turned his head to the side, staring at the little screen just to my right. Suddenly a small image flickered onto the screen. The grainy image displayed a faint, blurry picture. The sonographer pointed at the screen. 
"That's the amniotic sac just there, and these are the uterus walls. And this little thing here," she pointed at the centre of the image. "This is your baby." 
I leaned up on my elbows, staring at the screen in disbelief. 
"That-that's my baby?" I gasped once I had found my voice, looking at the grey picture. The nurse smiled. She moved the probe around a little more. 
"That's its' feet. And this is its' head. Can you see the arms?" 
I nodded, unable to make any attempt at speaking. I smiled, tears falling from my eyes as I saw my baby for the first time. 
"It makes it all seem real now, doesn't it?" The nurse sighed, smiling back at me and passing a tissue to me.
I swallowed, wiping my eyes. 
Sehuns p.o.v
I walked across the pavement sluggishly, dragging my heels behind me as I made my way back towards the ty motel I was staying in. I heard a familiar laugh. My head snapped up, and sure enough there was my lover, laughing loudly, strutting out of one of the shops across the street, multiple bags swinging on his arms. 
But he wasn't my lover. Not anymore. 
Because the man that had ruined our relationship was standing right beside him, arm around his shoulder and kissing his cheek. 
I turned around, looking at the darkening sky as I stored down the path. I wasn't going back to the hotel. I wasn't going back to my home. I wasn't going anywhere around here. 
I was going up. 
Luhans p.o.v 
I walked down the street, holding the photo in my hand tightly, afraid that the wind would sweep it out of my hands. I stared down at the little picture, smiling at the image and rubbing my stomach. 
"She's beautiful, isn't she?" I heard a familiar voice say, warm and comforting. 
"You thinks it's a girl?" I asked. 
"I know it's a girl. When am I ever wrong?" Minseok said.  I could almost hear the smile in his voice. 
"Baby girl. She's gonna be beautiful anyway, no matter what." 
"She looks like you." 
"You think?" I asked again. 
"I know she does. She'll be prefect, just like you."
I grinned to myself, carrying on my journey back to the hostel I was staying in. The streets were surprisingly empty, even though it was only 9:36. The night sky made the place look a lot later though. I was walking across the bridge, admiring the late city lights when I saw something. I adjusted my position, looking to my left. I gasped. There was a figure on the bridge. 
"Help him." Minseok said simply. 
"But...but what if he jumps?" I whispered. "I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt if I could save him." 
"Then talk him down. You can do it. Just save him. Don't let him die baby. Just try your best."
I chewed my lip. 
"Come on baby, I'm right here. Nothing bad's gonna happen." I breathed deeply, nodding my head confidently. 
 I walked a little bit closer, tucking my precious photo into my coat pocket. As I got closer, I realise the figure was in fact a man, maybe a little older than me. From the distance I could tell that he was crying. I warily approached him. 
"Don't do it." The man froze, body becoming visibly stiffer when e realised he wasn't alone. 
"Just come down. You don't want to do this." 
"Piss off!" The man shouted. I stood strong. 
"Please, what ever the problem is, I swear that it can be solved. This isn't the answer. The water will be so cold, you wouldn't stand a chance." 
"I said off! Why do you have to get involved?" He seethed. 
"Just come back over. I know your afraid but I-"
"I'm not afraid. Not afraid anymore."
"You're scaring me..." I begged. The man laughed slightly, viciously. I stepped a little closer, stopping when I was directly behind the man. 
"I'm begging you to come back over the side. I'll help you over." I tried to sound comforting. 
The man leaned forward, gripping onto the metal railing with his hands before leaning back again. I'm a split second, he let go of the railing. I screamed, grabbing onto this arms and pulling him back before he could fall. I crossed my arms over his chest, pulling him closer to my own chest. 
"Get the off me you crazy bastard!" He snapped, struggling in my arms. 
"My boyfriend died a few months ago. He doesn't even get a chance to live or see his child. Our child is gonna have to grow up without a dad because some pot head hit him with his ty Ford Fiesta. You have a life, so don't throw it away. Don't do this.  Please I am begging you, just come back over! Please! Please..." I didn't even realise that I was crying until I was gasping heavily.  The man had stopped struggling in my grasp. 
"Fine, I'm coming back over, for sake..." The man grunted. 
"Thank you, thank you..." I panted. The man turned around, holding onto the railing with one hand at a time. I held my breath until he was safely clutching the bars again. Suddenly we were face to face. 
Oh wow. 
The man was beautiful. A black hat covered his platinum blonde hair. His eyes were drops of espresso in saucers of pure milk, and his lips were full and a plush pink colour, present even in the dark. My breathing slowed down. 
, he was very hot. 
Very hot indeed
Well this chapter . 
I'm sorry this was a mish mash of both Sehuns and  Luhans pov. I just wanted to express that they happened at the same time. That their paths would cross at the exact time with an exact purpose and like that. 
So yeah
Also, Minseoks presence will kinda be explained at the end of the fic, just in case you're confused or unclear about why he's around. 
Also, I fell asleep while I was writing this, so it may have. A few sleep deprived mistakes. 
I hope you guys like this fic so far. I like writing it. 
But revision is kinda ruining my life atm, so my updating might it be as often as I want. Please forgive me haha
Thank you for reading, and feel free to comment any thoughts about the fic and future chapters.
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Drawing-pain #1
Chapter 4: Perfect! :D
naexxx #3
Chapter 3: Love the idea! You know sehun taking care of luhan eventho hes pregnant with another mans child ;( I need longer chapter and more frequent update pleaseuuuu
Chapter 3: I was reading this from your other acct, but then the last note you said you moved here, so here I am, a new reader and already love this story :)
A bit longer chapter would be nice, but it is okay already.
LonelyCrow #5
Chapter 3: This is my first time reading and I like this story. Just want to know, are there going to be more "ing" scenes?
LonelyCrow #6
Chapter 2: I love Soo so much rn
LonelyCrow #7
Chapter 1: Wow this is unique haha Lu's preggy
LonelyCrow #8
What the!?