Morning Sickness

This Sickness Has No Cure



"Look, I'm sorry I can't make it. We can re-arrange."

 I sighed, leaning against the counter. "That's what you always say, but then you suddenly have football practise or some like that."


"You're always at athletics when I'm free."


"Athletics is my future. Football is just a hobby for you."


Minseok leaned forward, holding my hands in his.


"I know running is your life. But I'm in collage 5 days a week. I need a break sometimes."


"Am I not a break?"


"Of course you are. You're my world, but Football makes me happy."


I looked into his eyes. I suddenly felt guilty for being so high maintenence. He had spent all of last night with me. He needed some time with his friends.


"Okay. Just call me after."


He smiled, and leaned in to kiss me.


"I have nothing happening on Monday. How about we go out then?"


"Sound great!" I smiled this time.


"I'll call you."


"Make sure you do. I worry..."


Minseok laughed, backing out of the shop.


"I love you, Lu."


"I love you too, Minnie."


I turned around, wiping down the counter, avoiding the cash machine when I heard a screeching of tires and an ear piercing scream.


I spun, catching the present stench of burning rubber. I rushed out of the store to inspect the scene when I saw a blur of red out of the corner of my eye. I fixed my vision to the blur, seeing the mangled body of my boyfriend lying in a bloody heap on the road before screaming.


* * * * * * * *




"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Kim Minseok." I was suddenly snapped out of my daydream.


"Minseok was a bright young man, whose warm, friendly personality infected everyone around him."


The small church room  was filled with people, some silent, some sobbing. We were all wearing black. "He was a loving boy, who treated his everyone the same way they treated them."


I felt sick. Not just sick with grief. Actually sick. I was gonna throw up.


"Please don't let this be happening again!" I silently begged, trying to ignore the rumbling in my stomach. The feeling wasn't backing down. Oh god.


I stood, breathing deeply.


"Where are you going, son?" Minseok's uncle asked me. He placed a loving hand on my shoulder.


"I'm sorry, I just- I can't do this right now. I just need some fresh air."


He nodded, seemingly understanding and patted my back, allowing me to make an exit.


As soon as the sharp sting of November air hit my burning face, I emptied my stomach onto the grass outside the church, tears running down my face.


", Lu. You really are sick, aren't ya?"


"Ya think?" I looked up, seeing Kyungsoo standing above me, hand on my back.


"You sure you can make it to Athletics today? I can tell the boys you aren't feeling up to it if you w-"


"No. I'm going. I need to do something. Take my mind of it at least."


"Okay. If you're sure." I nodded, trying to silence his doubts. "Just be careful. Don't push yourself too far."


"I won't, I promise."


"You ready to go back in there?" Kyungsoo asked me, straightening up my jacket.


I shook my head. "I don't think I can face it. Saying goodbye, I mean."


Kyungsoo rubbed my shoulder. "I understand. I'll tell his parents..."


"Thank you."


"That's okay. Just go home, shower, rest. I'll see you at four."


I smiled weakly. "See you at four."


* * * * * * * *




After I had dried my hair, I decided to sleep for a bit. I checked the time on my phone. 2:23 PM. I had just over an hour and a half before athletics began. I threw on a large t-shirt (one of Minseok's old ones.) and jumped into bed. My hand reached out for Jeff, the giraffe toy I had owned since I was a child. I held him to my face, inhaling the scent of childhood and musk before I drifted to sleep.




I was rudely awoken by the sound of my alarm. I sat up, checking my phone. It was 3:49. I jumped out of bed, peeling of the shirt and changing into my running gear.


Something was wrong. My pants were slightly too tight. I know I hadn't been running in a couple of weeks, but I hadn't gained that much weight, had I? I checked my reflection in the long mirror on my door. My stomach didn't look much larger. Just a little more round than before, but it wasn't really that noticable.


"Luhan? Are you awake yet, sweetie?"


"Yeah, Mum." I quickly pulled my pants up my legs, ignoring the slight tightness arund my waist.


Mum opened the door. I smiled.


"You going running?"


"Yeah. Gotta be there in ten minutes."


"Honey, are you sure that's a sensible idea? You've been sick recently, I don't want you getting worse."


"I feel better now, I promise. Besides, the exercise will do me some good. My running pants are already getting too small for me. I need to work of the grief weight."


Mum stiffened. To say that her and Dad hadn't really approved of Minseok was a bit of an understatement. Even mentioning his name made my parents freeze.


"I know you loved him, but you'll get over it. That boy was trouble. You'll see that one day." I  nodded, wanting her to stop talking.


"Can you give me a lift?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.


"Of course I can, sweetie." She kissed my head lovingly before leaving me to get ready.




* * * * * *




"You did good today, Lu. I'm glad you came!" Yixing patted my back, congratulating me on my win when we reached the changing rooms. I smiled back at him kindly. I had missed being here, with my friends, all of us trying to reach our goals.


"I'm glad Kyungsoo here persuaded me!" I slapped Kyungsoo jokingly, and he smiled. I had missed him more than anyone else.


The suddenly feeling of sickness struck again. I clamped my hand over my mouth before sprinting to the bathroom. I made it just in time to throw up into the toliet.


"Lu? You okay?" Kyungsoo's worried voice hung in the stale air.


"Yeah, just give me a second." I breathed deeply, flushing the toilet and exiting my stall. Kyungsoo was standing with a bottle of water. I took it gratefully, heading over to the sink and rinsing my mouth out. I splashed my face with cold water, trying to bring my body temperature down.


"How long has this been going on for now?" Kyungsoo asked me.


"A week. Maybe a couple day more."


"Maybe you should go to the doctor."


"It's just something I ate. I'll be fine."


The door swung open.


"Junymeon's here. Wants to speak with all of us." Yixing called into the toilets. Me and Kyungsoo made or way out of the bathroom. everyone was crowded around our coach, who was giving his usual inspirational speech. Junmyeon looked at me.


"Well done, Luhan. Keep running like that and you'll be an olympic athlete in no time!" I smiled.


"Okay, I know we all hate this part, but we're gonna need a urine sample from you guys." Eveyone groaned at Junmyeon's request.


"Wait, why do we have to give a urine test?" The newest member of our team, Jungkook asked from across the room.


"To check that none of us are on steroids." I answered.


"I know none of you are on drugs, but it is regualtion." Junmyeon shook the box of containers. "So take a cup. No getting out of it. Sorry guys."




* * * * * * * * *




1 week later.




"Luhan, can I have a word with you for a minute?" Junmyeon said quietly after practise. I nodded and followed him away from the noisy changing room.


"Your test-"


"What about it?"


"Um, I don't really know how to put this.. but I think you should do this." Junmyeon handed me a box. A pregnancy test. I laughed.




"Your drugs test hints that you could be pregnant. I think you should do the test, just to make sure."


"But, I can't even get pregnant. I wasn't born with the Gene."


"Have you not seen the news recently?" I shook my head.


"Well, it said that some boys have the Gene without realising, and have ended up pregnant. I think the test if worth doing."


"I can't be pregnant. I haven't been with anyone since..since Minseok..."


"I know, but I really think you should do the test, just to put your mind at ease. And mine for that matter."


"Okay. I'll do it, but I can assure you it will be negative. The drug's test must have ed up somewhere."


I headed to the bathroom, test in hand determined to prove Junmyeon wrong. Suddenly I ran into Yixing.


"Hey, Lu. Where are you going? Soo's looking for you."


"Bathroom. I'll be back in second." Yixing looked at the test in my hand.




"Just a precaution. It'll be negative, I swear."


 Yixing smiled. "Oh. Okay. I'll tell Kyungsoo where you are."


"Thanks!" I smiled, locking the toilet door before ripping open the test.


* * * * * * * * *


I washed my hands, waiting for the test to show the result. The door swung open, and Kyungsoo came in.


"Hey, I was looking for you everywhere. Yixing said you were in he- What the is that?" Kyungsoo nodded towards the pregnancy test in my hand.


"It's a -"


"I know what it is, I meant, why have you got it?" Kyungsoo snatched the test from my hand.


"Junmyeon gave it to me. The drugs test ed up and said I could be pregnant, so I'm doing it to prove him wrong."


"Are you sure you aren't pregnant?"


"Yes, I'm ing sure. I wasn't born with the Gene. I can't be. Bsides, I haven't been with anyone since Minseok. It's impossible."


I snatched the test back, looking at the small window on the plastic stick.


I was going to faint. I stopped breathing for a second, focusing on getting my heart to stop beating so fast. I swallowed the lump in my throat, only for it to get stuck in my windpipe. I vaguely felt Kyungsoo take the test from my hands.


"What do the two lines mean?"


I shook, trying to wake up for this twisted nightmare.


"Oh." Kyungsoo finally realised what it meant. "."


I ran out of the door, all sense of reality seeping out of me as my life shattered before me.



I was pregnant with my dead boyfriends baby.


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Drawing-pain #1
Chapter 4: Perfect! :D
naexxx #3
Chapter 3: Love the idea! You know sehun taking care of luhan eventho hes pregnant with another mans child ;( I need longer chapter and more frequent update pleaseuuuu
Chapter 3: I was reading this from your other acct, but then the last note you said you moved here, so here I am, a new reader and already love this story :)
A bit longer chapter would be nice, but it is okay already.
LonelyCrow #5
Chapter 3: This is my first time reading and I like this story. Just want to know, are there going to be more "ing" scenes?
LonelyCrow #6
Chapter 2: I love Soo so much rn
LonelyCrow #7
Chapter 1: Wow this is unique haha Lu's preggy
LonelyCrow #8
What the!?