Telling The Parents

This Sickness Has No Cure


"Lu! Luhan Wait!" I heard Kyungsoo call at me. 


"Luhan are you okay?" Junmyeon stopped me in my tracks, bracing his hands on my shoulders.


"No, I'm not ing okay, get off me!" I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. He looked at my hand, at the test, and put two and two together.


"Oh, Luhan. It's positive, isn't it?" He said gently, like he was afraid his words would break me. His grip on my shoulders loosened.


"Just off!" I screamed, walking away, away from the crowd that had gathered around me. I ran out of the changing rooms, past the group of ty cheerleaders swarming around the vending machines and ran straight out onto the track.


I screamed as loud as I could, viciously throwing the test onto the track as I sobbed and screeched at the top of my lungs.


I sat on the bleachers surrounding the area, pulling my hood over my head and completely shutting off the world as the tears began to fall more rapidly.




A few minutes later I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't turn around.


"You okay?" Kyungsoo's gentle voice rang in my ear like a gunshot.


"What do you ing think?"


"Yeah, it was a stupid question."


"My life is a mess, Soo. What am I gonna do?"


"It's not the end of the world. It's just a baby."


"It's not just a baby though. This thing is ruining everything. My future, my sanity, my youth, my body, my relationship with my parents...Of , they are gonna kill me!" I seethed, the cold air freezing my wet cheeks.


"They'll understand. They have to..."


"No, they'll skin me alive. Then they'll burn my body and destroy all evidence of my existence. All thought that would probably be the better option."


"They have to understand. You're their son!" Kyungsoo exclaimed, his voice trying to be comforting.


"Yeah their son, not daughter. If they find out I was born with the Gene, they'll disown me."


"Being born with the Gene, It's not your fault. You can't control it! Hell, most boys don't even know they have it!"


"So? What does that matter?"


"It matters because you can't control it. They can't blame your for the way you were born."


I sniffed. "What if I got-"


"No! Don't even think about the A word." Kyungsoo looked both shocked and disgusted.


"Why not? Wouldn't killing it be the better option?"


"In what way would an abortion be the better option?"


"I can barely look after myself. How am I supposed to provide for the child? Wouldn't killing it be better than making it live a horrible life?"


"Your baby is the last thing you have of Minseok. Are you really gonna kill it?" I froze. I had never thought about it like that.


"No. You're right. I can't kill it! Minseok wouldn't want that at all..."


"See! This is a good thing! You have something to remember him by."


"I was never gonna forget him anyway..."


"I Know, but this baby is a sign from him. Even though he's passed, his baby will live. His baby. The baby is a part of him."


"I can't do this without Minseok, Soo. I'll be alone..."


"I'll help you. We all will. You don't have to go through this alone, Lu." Kyungsoo wrapped his arm around me. I hid my face in his neck and sobbed a little harder.


"I'm so scared, Soo."


"I know you are. But you'll be okay. I promise you. Everything will be okay."


I looked up, smiling at Kyungsoo. He smiled back at me. I wiped my eyes.


"I need to apologise to Junmyeon. I kinda bit his head off back there."


When we walked back intot he building, Junmyeon was talking to Yixing.


"Hey, Junmyeon, Mind if I have a word?" Junmyeon turned to face me a smiled. Yixing got the message and headed the opposite way.


"I'm sorry for swearing at your. I didn't mean to be so disrespectful..."


"That's okay, Luhan. I was right though? It is positive, isn't it?" I nodded, tearing up again.


"Hey, don't go crying on me," Junmyeon pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back as I cried onto his shoulder. This probably would have been weird if Junmyeon was a normal coach, but he was more like a father to me, and had supported my running career since I was 9. "Everything's gonna work out, Lu." I pulled back, wiping my eyes on my jumper sleeve.


"Will it though?"


"Of course it will! Are you keeping the baby?"


I nodded.


"Have you considered the other option?" Junmyeon said gently. I shook my head.


"I mean, I thought about it, but I can't do it. I can't kill it."


"Maybe you should stop calling the baby 'It' then. He or she is a human. A life. Calling her or him 'It' is a little heartless." Kyungsoo piped up from behind. I turned to give him the look.


"First thing's first, we need to tell your parents."


"Oh crap. I forgot about that."


"Luhan, they aren't gonna be angry." Kyungsoo said, trying to comfort me.


"You know my dad. He will kill me."


"No he won't. This isn't your fault." Junmyeon placed his hand on my shoulder again, looking into my eyes. "You are not to blame."


"Will you stay with me?" I asked Kyungsoo. "When I tell them?"


Kyungsoo nodded. "Of course I will, you idiot!" He pulled me into a hug, and I felt a little of the weight on my shoulders drop off.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *




"Mum, Dad. I need to tell you something." I tried to sound confident. I didn't work.


"What's wrong sweetheart?" My mother sounded concerned. I swallowed, holding onto Kyungsoo's hand fro dear life.


"Okay. I'm gonna tell you something now, and I'm really scared, so please, just-just don't get mad at me."


"Luhan, You're scaring us now. Just tell us what's wrong." My dad spoke in a firm voice.


"I'm pregnant." I mumbled.


"What? Luhan, stop mumbling, you know I hate it when you mumble." My dad raised his voice slightly.


"I'm pregnant!" I said, just a little bit too loud. The room was silent. I felt my head spin with worry.


"What?" My dad said, anger slowly seeping into his voice.


"I-I'm Pregnant...With Minseoks baby." I said, just a bit quieter than the last time.


"But you're a boy? You can't get pregnant!" My mother said, confused.


"He's playing a joke on us. This isn't funny, Luhan. You know how we feel about him."


"I'm not joking, dad. I was born with the Gene. I'm pregnant."


"No one in our family is born with the Gene. It is impossible."


I sighed. "Dad, I am telling you now, I'm pregnant! Why won't you believe me?"


"Are you keeping it?" My dad looked straight into my eyes.


"Yes. Yeah I am."


"Are you really going to throw your whole future away on this thing?" My mother asked me.


"I want to keep this baby, Mum. I'm sorry, but I'm not giving it up."


"You're a fool."


I looked at my dad again. "Dad, Please-"


"You're only a child yourself, how are you going to look after it?"


"I'll get a proper job! I'll do everything I can-"


"STOP DELUDING YOURSELF LUHAN!" My dad suddenly roared. I clung to Kyungsoo's hand harder. He had stayed silent the entire time. "You are not having this bastard child! You will get rid of it!"


"No. Y-You can't make m-me."


"Then leave."


"Dad, please-"


"Get out of my house. You mean nothing to me. You're not my son."


"Honey, please can we just conside-" My mother reached her hand out to touch my father, but he swatted her away.


Kyungsoo began to speak. "Sir, I really think-"


"This was your idea. wasn't it? You and your gypsy family are making him keep it, aren't you?" My dad pointed at Kyungsoo.


"Dad, this has nothing to do with Kyungsoo. This is my decision."


"You have 45 minutes to pack up your things. Get out of my house this instant.


"Dad, Please! I'm begging you-"


"I'm not your father anymore. I didn't raise you to be like this."


I ran up the stairs as my dad set the timer, every second chiming in the air.


Kyungsoo follwed me to my room.


"I'm so sorry for what my dad said to you. this is not your fault at all!" I hugged kyungsoo.


"It's okay. You're okay."


"What am I gonna do? Where am-"


"You can stay with me. At least for a couple of days, until you find somewhere perminent."


"Soo, I can't expect your family to put-"


"I don't give a what they say. You're pregnant. As hard as that is to except, you have a child to think about. You can't sleep on the streets in your condition. You're staying with me."


I was suddely crying again. "Thank you so much Soo."


"It's no problem. I wouldn't have it any other way."


I smiled as Kyungsoo helped me pack my things.


Just before we were leaving, I remembered to grab Jeff. I held him to my nose, smelling my childhood in his warm neck.


And suddenly I remembered I wans't a child anymore. I would have to grow up if I wanted my own child to have the best life.


My own child.


I'm gonna be a Parent.





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Drawing-pain #1
Chapter 4: Perfect! :D
naexxx #3
Chapter 3: Love the idea! You know sehun taking care of luhan eventho hes pregnant with another mans child ;( I need longer chapter and more frequent update pleaseuuuu
Chapter 3: I was reading this from your other acct, but then the last note you said you moved here, so here I am, a new reader and already love this story :)
A bit longer chapter would be nice, but it is okay already.
LonelyCrow #5
Chapter 3: This is my first time reading and I like this story. Just want to know, are there going to be more "ing" scenes?
LonelyCrow #6
Chapter 2: I love Soo so much rn
LonelyCrow #7
Chapter 1: Wow this is unique haha Lu's preggy
LonelyCrow #8
What the!?