Breaking Barriers

Ice Queen

Minseok and Luhan made their way to the nearby coffee shop. Minseok was completely aware that they were on their way to that cafe. 

The two of them entered and the employees stared at the pair. One ran through the back door which set off mini alarms in Minseok's head. Luhan on the other hand was completely unaware of the whole thing, simply walking straight up to the counter to order them both a cup of coffee. Entering from the back room was a slender girl with mid length straight hair and her name tag labelled her as the manager. The young woman scanned the room with hardened eyes and her eyes met Minseok's. A glint in her eyes set something off in the latter's brain. 

"What can I get for you? and your girlfriend?" The manager took their order with a mischievous tone. 

"Oh um we aren't like that," Luhan felt his a blush starting at his neck. 

"I see.... well what can I get you two then?" The woman seemed a bit disappointed but gave a look at Minseok. 

"Luhan maybe we should go somewhere else?" Minseok asked warily.

"What's wrong with this place?" Luhan looked at her confused, he brushed over the earlier situation completely.

"Miss I didn't mean to offend you!" The manager defended.

"I'm going to the restroom, Minseok, sit wherever you'd like," he prepaid and rushed to the bathroom.

Once he was out of sight the manager dragged Minseok off to a table in the corner and suffocated her in a hug. 

"MINSEOK!" the woman practically squealed, "it's been forever since you've visited so I thought you died, but I saw that guy and thought he was the reason so I got excited and I'm sorry about misunderstanding but I've got to say it's a first!" 

"Suho! You're rambling again!" Minseok hushed her in a paranoid whisper. 

"Sorry, so what's with him? And I guess you aren't here for the usual? I mean it's not even eight yet," the manager, Suho leaned in with curious eyes.

"He's just... a classmate. Not today, just here for some coffee..." she explained. What was Luhan to her? A stranger? No. A friend? Nah. Classmate was all that was left. (for now >:))

"Are you going to come back in the future?" Suho asked looking a bit sentimental.

"Maybe, if I have time, I'm sorry I suddenly stopped dropping by but I was a bit uh... busy," she stammered out.

"Busy? For two years? I don't think so, we'll save that story for another time but what's with the uniform? I thought you were going to JYP High?" Suho wasn't angry, more like a mother who hadn't seen her child in a long time, worried.

"I uh... moved actually, in my last year of middle school..." Minseok glanced up at Suho's eyes.

"Okay we definitely will talk about this, but later, you classmate is coming back," her eyes gestured to Luhan, who was looking for their table.

"Okay, next time," Minseok suddenly felt a wave of relief wash over her once Suho left but it soon dissipated when she thought about explaining and Luhan.

Said boy slunk into his chair in front of her. 

"I saw you talking to the manager?" Luhan asked surprised seeing that Minseok seeming to be talking quite a lot with a complete stranger. 

"She's a friend," came out Minseok's short replies. 

"A frie-?" Luhan was about to ask but was cut off as a crash sounded. 

One of the baristas, who was probably new or plain clumsy, judging by the face of panic on their face scramble to their feet, hands on one of the coffee machines. He was about to ignore it and continue his question when he looked at Minseok's face. 

Her eyes were squinting slightly, lips pursed as she peered at the mess the worker was making. When the worker was about to turn a certain nozzle her eyes widened to the size of golf balls leaving Luhan looking like a deer in the headlights(hehe). She ran toward the male worker and quickly flipped a few switches and pushed a few buttons. The machine started working like new again and the barista gazed at Minseok as if she was an angel. If he had broken the machine he would've been dead. 

"THANK YOU!" The worker grasped Minseok's hands, "Minseok right?"

"Y-yes, it was nothing," she smiled slightly. 

As Minseok walked back to the table where Luhan sat there were thoughts running through his mind. 

Who was that guy? Why did he hold your hand? Why did he know you? How did you do that? Why did you smile? Why did you do that? 

"Um... one at a time please," Minseok looked up at Luhan looking embarrassed as she settled down in her seat. Luhan flushed realizing that he must've said that all out loud.

"Alright, who was that?" He started.

"A new worker named Mark(lol yeah the smrookie) I think?" She answered bring a hand up to scratch her neck and blushed slightly. Which brought another question to Luhan's head and made sure he didn't say it out loud. WHY WAS SHE BLUSHING?

"Why did he hold your hand?" his eyes burned furiously. Was this jealousy?

"Why would I know?" she questioned innocently. That's right there was no need for him to direct anger to her.

"So uh do you know him?" 

"He's a barista, I come here often?"

"For coffee?"

"I guess," technically it was true. She guessed? What did that mean? 

"How did you do that?" 

"That's actually because..." she trailed off.

"Does it have to do with that manager?" He had so many questions.

"That... um... yes," Minseok let out a sigh, there was no escaping it, "I used to come to this cafe to practice... uh.... becoming a barista."

Luhan did not expect that. Everything about minseok seemed to be something new and surprising. He started imagining the small girl in a black apron pouring coffee on a sunny fall afternoon. He hair in a messy bun and light hitting in just the right spots on her face. He stopped himself from going too far into his imagination and blinked to snap himself out of it. 

"Woah! You should test out your skills for me one day!" he joked in an attempt to stop his awkwardness. Plus he'd asked her and himself one too many questions. He laughed mentally rethinking what he just said and waited for rejection.

"Okay, if you'd like I can make some coffee for you at my apartment." Yet another thing that causing his eyes to shoot open. Did she just say okay? For him to come to her apartment when just moments ago he was just a stranger, a classmate at most. 

Luhan nodded stupidly seeing Minseok's slight blush. She really was different than what Tao and Chen said about her. Really, really nice, a bit shy, and honestly an honest girl. The way she hid behind her hands when she blushed and her wide eyes fluttering when she was nervous. He honestly didn't know why he was so intrigued by her, it's not like she even gave him a second thought. 

Minseok on the other hand was extremely embarrassed with herself. She didn't usually accept pretty much anything, yet she was sitting here in a cafe with someone she just met and had plans to meet in the future. 

She couldn't hold her expressions when she was around him. Come to think of it she never even heard what his name was until he included it in one of his many soccer stories. 

Nobody except the workers even knew her hobbies or that she practiced there but she just revealed that to Luhan. 

Minseok didn't expect for her to be so easily opening up to just anyone, especially someone with a personality like his. He liked questions, she noticed, the type of person who liked to know a person inside out. She didn't mind being friends with Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, and Yixing without knowing their secrets. What made Luhan odd was that he willingly let Minseok know things about himself and others that most would call personal topics. Weirdly it made her trust him so easily. It was as if he was letting his guard down as if to lure her in. Breaking his own walls, beckoning her to come out of hiding.

Something was happening, changing.

Minseok could feel it.

It was going to be extreme

Note: Not so satisfied with this chapter, I was having a lot of trouble writing. A lot came up before writing this as well, please understand! I'll try to make the next chapter better~~

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No update today!! Too busy >>


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melon-gummies #1
Chapter 7: kyaaaaa i can't believe it took me this long to discover your writing! this story is a gem, and so are your drawings! everything is so adorable and sweet and cute and just perfect! thank you for sharing, i'm so excited to read the rest of this and your other works :))
khasabat #2
Chapter 21: Oh! My Lumin!! so cute :-* :-*
Chapter 20: so cute! cant believe that its already finished!
baozee1726 #4
Chapter 20: I just screamed when minseok kissed luhan!!!
I'm gonna miss this story :( hoping for another xiuhan fanfic because i'm a hardcore xiuhan shipper :)
meiosei #5
Chapter 20: sweet pie~~ those cute are too cute for me~ ㅎ///ㅎ next chap will lovely, i am waiting, keep spirit~:)
Chapter 20: Aww what cuties! I would like to see more stories centered around this au in the future ^^
ilikekpop4 #7
Chapter 20: Eeekkkkkk! That was so cute! Omg i need like an epilogue or something. Please do make another story similar to this one, would it be bad if i request for kaisoo? I loved it :)
The_SnoWSprite #8
Chapter 20: The end!!? Waaaaahhhh~ I'm gonna miss this story :') Though eventually will demand a sequel cause who don't! This is so sweet..high school fluffy moments and with friends altogether~ Finally they confessed love to each other for good!! >.< Thank you for the writing the story author-nim~ Would love to see your next new project *cough* ofc with xiuhan in it *cough* Take care <3
Nice chapter ^^