That Soccer Ball

Ice Queen

(Nobody's POV)

Minseok quietly made her way to her teacher's office during free period and something caught her attention. She was on her way to deliver a stack of worksheets to Mr. Kim. Simply always volunteering to clean or do chores for her teacher in her free time. With a stack of papers almost blocking her vision she peered over to the field. It was the soccer team practicing for their upcoming match. Minseok watched quietly, she'd always been a fan of soccer and played in middle school, but quit when she moved schools her last year. Ever since she never paid much attention to the school team. 

From the field Tao looked around, feeling eyes on their team. He figured it was just another girl fawning over one of them, it was a usual occurrence. He looked up and almost immediately smacked Chen on he back.

"HEY! CHEN!" He all but whispered. Chen whipped his head in Tao's direction.

"WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG?" Tao was common to scream in fear but he knew if he was screaming about a ghost, a bully, or something completely different. This time it was the latter.

"Isn't that girl Minseok?" Chen calmed down once he saw Tao's eyes flicker to the small form above the steps. 

"No wayyy It's gotta be just another fangirl or whatever," Chen said disbelieving, "YO KRIS!" He beckoned said man over. 

"What's got you all jittery man?" Kris sighed. 

"You think that's that one weird girl Minseok?" Tao nodded in Minseok's direction. Seeing Kris confused eyes he added, "You know the one known as the ice queen?"

Kris peered right at her, seeing that she was starting to leave. 

"I think so?" He looked further, "nope, I know so. Definitely that girl." 

It was right when they confirmed it when they saw a soccer ball fly in her direction.

Minseok noticed that the players were starting to stare and quickly made her way to leave. She hadn't noticed how much time passed when she was watching them practice. Turning her heel something hit her hands leaving the documents to go flying. Minseok also went along with the documents and fell on the hard cement. When she opened her eyes she saw all the papers on the ground ruined from the damp ground caused from the sprinklers on the edge of the running field. She felt something spark in her that hadn't been activated in a long time, agitation.

Her head turned off to the side, seeing a soccer ball rolling away. Anger was starting to pent up but she knew better than not to snap, it would make a scene. It was when she saw Mr. Kim marching toward her was when she panicked slightly. 

"Kim Minseok, what's the meaning of this? You aren't exactly the clumsy type and you shouldn't volunteer if you can't do it," Mr. Kim offered a hand to Minseok, which was rejected and she picked herself up.

"I'm afraid I'll have to schedule you a detention. I know you have a perfect reputation but these reports were very important," Mr, Kim stressed his words and passed a detention slip in Minseok's fingers. She nodded and felt the wind pass by as her teacher left in the direction she came to print new copies.

That's all it took. As she looked down to the soccer ball she felt her face morph into a look of complete rage.. So much for a perfect reputation. She planned to get through highschool without any bad records. 

"Nice going!" Tao whispered harshly at Luhan.

"It wasn't my fault! I didn't know someone was there and Chanyeol ruined my kick! You know I never miss, at least that far off!" Luhan defended. He ran closer to the girl and stopped in his tracks. He had seen her around before. It was th one Tao was afraid of for being closed off and all the rumors floating around about her. Luhan saw the look on her face and was shocked. Tao always mentioned how she was like a ghost, no expression, didn't talk, and her milky white skin and long hair didn't help either but he saw something unexpected. 

The girl's brows were scrunched together and her lips pressed in a fine line making her face seem rounder than it already naturally was. It immediately reminded Luhan of a food he eats back home but couldn't exactly remember what. Luhan's eyes flicked down to her hand that was clenching the detention slip in a death grip. Her face was a bit red, probably due to her rising blood pressure. All in all she looked kind of cute, but then again Luhan wasn't interested in dating.

Her facial expression relaxed into a blank, unreadable face under a second and she quickly snatched the documents and dumped them in the trash. Swiftly brushing off her skirt she turned to leave. Luhan knew he wouldn't be able to catch up so he made his way up the outdoor steps, walking.

He noticed that she dropped her handkerchief in the midst which was covered in tiny soccer ball designs and A small K.M. stitched in the corner. Luhan stuffed it into his pocket before picking up the object that caused it all, the soccer ball he'd kicked. He ran back to the field to the others finding that they were waiting for his arrival. 

"Dude you had to do that! She's probably going to remember that!" Tao cried hitting Luhan's shoulder.

"Who was that?" Luhan asked with peaked interest.

"Don't you know? Kim freakin Minseok!" Tao once again shouted.

"I know her from the stories you rant about but I didn't know her name..." Luhan looked down.

"You have to apologize so she doesn't haunt you forever!" Tao was pacing by this point. 

"Tao's kind of right, you should apologize, it'll ease your conscience," Kris butted in, "and not to mind, shut this kid up."

Tao and Kris started bickering but Luhan tuned them out, like he usually does when he's too busy thinking of something else. Kim Minseok, that girl was stuck in his mind. He remember her punishment and his own; perhaps he could apologize and treat her to a meal after detention.

Luhan sighed for the thousandth time that day when the bell rang signalling the next class to start.

Phew this chapter was a bit longer than the last two! 

Just making it known that I'll stop writing which POV it is at every page break unless the POV changes, but it'll most likely stay as nobody's POV

And just putting it out there, I know Tao seems kinda mean when he's talking about Minseok but I SWEAR it'll change! It's all just first impressions right?


LOL You guys know the spoiler by now

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No update today!! Too busy >>


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melon-gummies #1
Chapter 7: kyaaaaa i can't believe it took me this long to discover your writing! this story is a gem, and so are your drawings! everything is so adorable and sweet and cute and just perfect! thank you for sharing, i'm so excited to read the rest of this and your other works :))
khasabat #2
Chapter 21: Oh! My Lumin!! so cute :-* :-*
Chapter 20: so cute! cant believe that its already finished!
baozee1726 #4
Chapter 20: I just screamed when minseok kissed luhan!!!
I'm gonna miss this story :( hoping for another xiuhan fanfic because i'm a hardcore xiuhan shipper :)
meiosei #5
Chapter 20: sweet pie~~ those cute are too cute for me~ ㅎ///ㅎ next chap will lovely, i am waiting, keep spirit~:)
Chapter 20: Aww what cuties! I would like to see more stories centered around this au in the future ^^
ilikekpop4 #7
Chapter 20: Eeekkkkkk! That was so cute! Omg i need like an epilogue or something. Please do make another story similar to this one, would it be bad if i request for kaisoo? I loved it :)
The_SnoWSprite #8
Chapter 20: The end!!? Waaaaahhhh~ I'm gonna miss this story :') Though eventually will demand a sequel cause who don't! This is so sweet..high school fluffy moments and with friends altogether~ Finally they confessed love to each other for good!! >.< Thank you for the writing the story author-nim~ Would love to see your next new project *cough* ofc with xiuhan in it *cough* Take care <3
Nice chapter ^^