

Stars are born within the clouds of dust and scattered throughout most galaxies. Turbulence deep within these clouds gives rise to knots with sufficient mass that the gas and dust can begin to collapse under their own gravitational attraction. As the cloud collapses, a dense, hot core forms and begins gathering dust and gas. A star is born.


The Van Maanen’s star is the star which represents him.


영원한나만의 super star 눈부신걸
별이가득한 lonely night 너없는밤


My Love by B1A4


It was never easy, but he still smiled brightly. 

The smile never once left his face.

No one saw the sadness in his eyes and the hurt he was feeling inside.



"It's really hard to fake a smile..."


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oncloudydays #1
I've re-read this story because back then, I was confused between Jason and Sanduel sometimes. Somehow.
Decided to sieve out all my favourite quotes from your story that evoke emotions in me since I'm bored and you wouldn't mind :P
"The thought of being able to see the brightest star and getting a piece of a star instantly cheered him up."
"The stars smiled down on them."
"He wished everything would be a vibrant blue again."
"the rain didn't do its job well."
"If you die, I'll kill you" <- Still so cute.
Esh, I have to re-read and find the sentences for the third time because I wasn't sieving while reading for the second time. So I might miss out some...Anws, I am glad I re-read because it's like reading a new story. Short chapters that made me enjoy, realising new things like the idol concept weaved in at the ending. <3
Ps. Sanduel is a star?
Thank-you for the comments! They really motivate me to continue writing! <3
The ending is cute! :D I also like the letter and how u incorporated the stars ^^
Hehes..(: You ended your story faster than me :X Good job anyways for ending earlier than me (I will never be able to write like this though :( )
@watermelon<br />
Soon. :D
Hehes (: i read your story and when are you updating (;?
Thank-you so much! :D
OMG I love this story so much ;^; i love your writing style and the plot they are just so adorable asdgkhjh ;o;<br />
update soon
Haha, I was thinking my plot is kinda predictable. :x<br />
I think maybe you've already guessed it. (:
You finally updated !^^ Wonder what is the sad story beind the sadness in jason's eyes (;looking forward..