


The Sun hid behind the buildings, leaving behind a sea of red with its departure. It was twilight. Jung Hwan waited patiently. The Moon finally peeked out from its hiding place; the stars became visible shortly after. He sat there with his lone shadow accompanying him.  Jason hadn't been coming up lately. Whenever Jung Hwan asked him out, he would always decline. 


"Not today, Jung Hwan." He would say. "I can't. I'm sorry. Next time, alright?" The conversation would then end. Jung Hwan was afraid. He didn't want to lose his friend, but he was tired of trying. He hugged both of his knees and lowered his head. He remembered the countless number of sleepless nights they spent together; their chatters and his melodious laughter. He was like a brother to him. He blinked away the tears which had accumulated in his eyes.


"Hey," He heard a familiar voice from behind him. He turned around slowly. He was there, leaning casually against the wall. Jason grinned at him. "The sky is still as pretty!" he added, and he made his way towards him.


"Why are you here?" Jung Hwan gritted his teeth. 


"Look, I'm sorry that I've been neglecting you. I was -" 


"Don't tell me you were busy!" Jung Hwan snapped. His fists were curled tightly. "I am your friend!" He shook his head quickly. "I was your friend," he whispered.


"I was sick." Jason murmured.


"Why didn't you tell me?"


"I didn't want you to worry. Besides, I'm all good now, aren't I?" Jason managed a smile.


Jung Hwan looked up to meet his eyes, and the two of them broke out in fits of laughter.




"Friends." Jung Hwan repeated. "Forever," he added. He thought he saw sadness in Jason's eyes for a moment then, but he quickly brushed it off thinking that his eyes were playing tricks on him. The duo continued joking around, breaking the silence in the peaceful night.


"You have such brown hair," Jason playfully ruffled his hair. "They are soft, just like your eyes." He continued. "You remind me of a gentle wind."


The stars smiled down on them.

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oncloudydays #1
I've re-read this story because back then, I was confused between Jason and Sanduel sometimes. Somehow.
Decided to sieve out all my favourite quotes from your story that evoke emotions in me since I'm bored and you wouldn't mind :P
"The thought of being able to see the brightest star and getting a piece of a star instantly cheered him up."
"The stars smiled down on them."
"He wished everything would be a vibrant blue again."
"the rain didn't do its job well."
"If you die, I'll kill you" <- Still so cute.
Esh, I have to re-read and find the sentences for the third time because I wasn't sieving while reading for the second time. So I might miss out some...Anws, I am glad I re-read because it's like reading a new story. Short chapters that made me enjoy, realising new things like the idol concept weaved in at the ending. <3
Ps. Sanduel is a star?
Thank-you for the comments! They really motivate me to continue writing! <3
The ending is cute! :D I also like the letter and how u incorporated the stars ^^
Hehes..(: You ended your story faster than me :X Good job anyways for ending earlier than me (I will never be able to write like this though :( )
@watermelon<br />
Soon. :D
Hehes (: i read your story and when are you updating (;?
Thank-you so much! :D
OMG I love this story so much ;^; i love your writing style and the plot they are just so adorable asdgkhjh ;o;<br />
update soon
Haha, I was thinking my plot is kinda predictable. :x<br />
I think maybe you've already guessed it. (:
You finally updated !^^ Wonder what is the sad story beind the sadness in jason's eyes (;looking forward..