First Things First


His kiss was aggressive. I tried to push him away from me but he held my arms too strong that I hardly was able to move. I finally managed to push him and break the kiss. We both were breathless. I stabilized my breathing before I started yelling at him.

”What are you doing? Ho- how could you?!”

I started punching his chest. Not to mention the tears that rolled down my cheeks. He looked at me, puzzled and concerned.

“Why- why are you crying?” he asked.

I looked at him disbelievingly. Really? He doesn’t even have a clue?

“You seriously ask me that question?” I said between my sobs. “Stupid! You are the most stupid person I’ve ever met!”

I continued to punch him on the chest and he did nothing to defend himself. Only after a while he pulled me into a hug. I tried to escape but he didn’t let me.

“It was meant to be with someone I love… Not like this…” I talked to myself while crying. The boy grabbed my shoulders gently, making me face him.

“Don’t tell me… You’re crying because this was your first kiss?”

He looked surprised yet amused at the same time. Seeing how he found the whole situation amusing, I got angry.

“You dare to laugh? Pabo, you will never know why I feel this sad since someone –and my I remind you that I don’t even know that person- kissed me suddenly!”

I ripped his hands off of me with a strong move. He slowly smiled and then burst into a laugh. I looked at him angrily, signaling to stop making fun of me. He just continued to laugh. I sighed.

 “Whatever, I’m going!” I said before I started to move towards the door.

“Wait! Wait!” he said and back hugged me to make me stop walking. It worked.

I was surprised by his actions more and more. I froze, couldn’t even take one more step. My heartbeats fastened as he stood so close to me. Wait, wasn’t I angry just a second ago? Dammit, this boy really makes me do and feel complicated things.

“Mianhae… mian. I mean I’m sorry” he whispered softly.

I could feel his breathing on my ears. It gave me goosebumps.

“I apologize for what I’ve done… I do not mean the kissing thing though; I mean the laughing part. My intention wasn’t making fun of you. It just that… uhmm it was funny how our reactions were different to the same thing.”

“The same thing? Well I’m sorry ahjusshi (A/N means old man) but of course my reaction would be different next to a person who probably experienced this a lot before.”

The boy giggled as he continued to hug me, but more gently now.

“Fine, I’ll accept the ahjusshi part but what makes you think that I have done this a lot before?”

I slowly turned around putting a safe distance between us.

“Well you have this hey-girls-im-the-playboy-that-goes-around-and-randomly-kisses-them-even-if-they-don’t-want-to-though-they-usually-do aura” I answered.

“Hahaha! What kind of aura is that?” he laughed. His laughter was like a soft music that relaxed my soul… ‘What the hell I am even thinking? Seriously this boy is making a weird person or more like a bipolar one’

“You know,” he spoke in a serious tone, “I’m actually kind of sad if you see me as that kind of person who doesn’t value a kiss”

I kept my silence and tilted my head, showing no signs of believing what he said.

“Yah! You really do think that! Look here, girl, I’m not the person you think I am. I’m telling you. I’m going through the same thing as you do right now.” He said a little bit angrily.

‘Same situation? What does he mean?’ I thought for a second. ‘Wait a sec! Does he mean that-‘

“OMG” I said taking a step backwards “You mean, this was… YOUR FIRST KISS?” I asked in a shock.

He slightly blushed and turned his head to the side. His eyes were now fixed on the ground. I cracked up in a laughter.

“Who is laughing and making fun now?” he pouted looking at me.

“Mianhae, mianhae!” I said as I calmed myself down. ‘Maybe this boy wasn’t that bad after all’ I though before he reached his hand out to me.

“We actually never met… What’s your name?”

I slowly shook his hand. “I’m Lee Minji, and you are…?

The boy showed his beautiful smile.

“Me? I’m Jung Daehyun”








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frenchBABY #1
Chapter 3: Uuuuuugh my heart! my feelngs! Whyyyyy?? Your writing style also makes me feel all sort of ways DX Pabo~ but I love you and your stories. Are you planning on updating it? it is marked as completed.
frenchBABY #2
Chapter 2: Woaaa cool! I love it (although I doubt you can find eight perfect boys in one high school ;P) Just be careful you said "the boy was disappeared" which means nothing. it is either had disappeared of was disappearing ^^ keep updating juseyo (not like me...)
Sugathesugar #3
Chapter 1: It's awesome! Please ubdate as soon as possible! :DDDDD
_KimHyeWon_ #4
Chapter 1: Its great!!update soon~~