A Devil Wearing An Angel Mask, Or Is It The Other Way Around?



We ‘stared’ at each other until the bell rang. The sound of the bell brought me back to my senses.

“Oh no! I’m late!” I said nervously, more to myself, and I took a step towards my step. I couldn’t take more than two steps as the boy in front of me held my arm and pulled me back.

“Where do you think you are going?” he asked, with a hint of danger in voice.

“Uhmm… To my class?” My answer came out like a question.

“You’re the transfer student, right?”

“That’s right?” I answered hesitantly.

“Do you know who I am?”

“A-aniyo… Do I need to?” I said, surprised a little. The boy just smirked.


He started to drag me across the corridor.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” I raised my voice and it echoed in the quite corridor.

“Damn, girl! Just be quiet. We’re going to get caught!” he hissed.

“Bu-but-“I started to protest but he suddenly covered my mouth with his hand.

“I told you to be quiet” he whispered.

He pushed me into a room before he got in. My nervousness increased as I heard the locking sound coming from the door. I looked around, this place looked like a storage room with the desks piled upon each other. I turned around and realized that the boy had disappeared behind the desks. I started walking between them, and although I would never admit this place was designed like a labyrinth which looked really cool.

The boy came into my sight again as he spoke to me.

“Hey don’t stand like a fool, come on!”

He waved his hand at me, motioning me to follow him. I silently obeyed him and followed as he passed some desks and came to place which had more space. There was couch at the very end of the room, and a guitar stood on the floor with some note sheets on it.

“Where are we exactly?” I asked. My anger towards him was replaced with curiosity now.

“My hideout. You’re lucky actually, you are the first one to see this place.” He said listlessly.

“You… Bringing me here… Waeyo ‘Why’?” I asked.

“Well… I needed a company or to be more exact, a plaything to keep me entertained. I’m really bored you know! Ah, and the fact that you are a transfer student who doesn’t know me, makes everything easier for me.”

“And why is that?” I put my hands on my hips with a daring look on my face.

“Since other people might be too scared or nervous to have a chat.” I couldn’t figure out the look in his eyes. Was it filled with sadness? Or nonchalance? Maybe hope?

“I’m not that comfortable too, you know.” I rolled my eyes, “And I’m not your plaything or anything! Because of you, I’m missing my lesson, are you going to take the responsibility for that?”

“Sure” the boy said after some thought. “What do you want me to do?”

I was surprised by his answer, I surely didn’t expect it.

“Uhmm…” I couldn’t come up with anything that fast.

“How about a hug?” he asked while coming closer to me. My heartbeats quickened. I answered with a great lie.

“Ewe! I mean why would I want that?” I took a few steps back.

The boy froze then started to laugh like crazy. ‘He should smile more often, he looks so handsome when he does’ I thought unwillingly. I hate to admit but this boy really is gorgeous. From his deep brown eyes to his ashy greyish blonde hair. Even his perfect laugh. Basically everything about him seems so perfect.

His laughter calmed down slowly.

“You’re serious? Whoa! This is the first time any girl rejected me! It’s really interesting” he said examining me as if I was a rare thing to find around.

“Well, it was about the time I guess.” I scoffed.

To the opposite of what I thought would happen- which was him getting angry at me and all- he smirked. I blinked, taken aback a little bit.

“You’re really interesting. I might really have fun with you” His gaze was locked into mine. I was getting more and more anxious, and scared. The deep look in his eyes made me forget the situation I was in for a moment. Not being able to handle this great intensity, I broke the gaze and turned my eyes at the ground.

“So… We were talking about taking responsibility, aren’t we?” he said mysteriously. I could almost feel him smirking in his voice.

I froze for a second, not being able to answer but then started my hands as a meaning of ‘no’.

“Aniyo, ani ‘No, no’… Gwenchanha ‘It’s ok’! I don’t want you take the responsibility or anything. I was just joking.” I took a step back. I was scared of his tone when speaking, it made me alerted. I fixed my gaze on the ground, too afraid to meet his eyes. He came closer and closer until I was trapped between the wall and him. He put one of his hands on the cold wall next to my body which made it impossible to escape. He gently but forcefully grabbed my chin and lifted it up.

“What if I really want to take it?” he made the word ‘really’ longer to emphasize on it. I just looked at him nervously. I was pretty sure that he was able to hear the loud beating of my poor heart. He suddenly let go of my chin.

“Alright, alright I won’t take it, no need to be scared.”

I was about to let out a deep breath of relief when he suddenly grabbed my chin again. He started leaning in as he looked at me with an evil smile plastered on his face.

“Just kidding”

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frenchBABY #1
Chapter 3: Uuuuuugh my heart! my feelngs! Whyyyyy?? Your writing style also makes me feel all sort of ways DX Pabo~ but I love you and your stories. Are you planning on updating it? it is marked as completed.
frenchBABY #2
Chapter 2: Woaaa cool! I love it (although I doubt you can find eight perfect boys in one high school ;P) Just be careful you said "the boy was disappeared" which means nothing. it is either had disappeared of was disappearing ^^ keep updating juseyo (not like me...)
Sugathesugar #3
Chapter 1: It's awesome! Please ubdate as soon as possible! :DDDDD
_KimHyeWon_ #4
Chapter 1: Its great!!update soon~~