[15] At The Park

Overcome His Grief (Hiatus)

<< At The Park >>

On a Saturday afternoon, Jimin works as a library stocker at the public library after searching for a job to earn money. He is carrying the stack of books in his arms. He puts the books in alphabetical order by the last name of the authors in the section rows. He remembers the last time when the two culprits have stolen his wallet and already spent his money on drugs. From now on, he has to work to earn and save money with extra care, for basketball such as equipment and other expenses. He feels grateful to be on the basketball team, thanks to his two best friends who both have given him courage to join. He has never felt happier than before. Prior to meeting his two friends for the first time, he has had been in a major depression for a while since his family's car accident many years ago.

His manager says, "Jimin, please clean the floor and also, remember to lock the doors. The keys are at the front desk. Thank you. Have a good night." Jimin gives a small smile and kindly bows. After his manager leaves, Jimin is left alone in the building. He finishes cleaning the floor and putting the chairs on the tables. He then goes to the staffroom and picks up his thick blazer coat and his big long scarf. He locks the doors from the inside and places the keys back on the front desk. He turns off the lights and quietly walks out of the front doors. While on his way home, he is very exhausted from his day at work and couldn't wait to sleep.

The next day in the evening, he is going to jog for an hour to build his stamina up for basketball. He runs to various places including a park. Then, he gets to the beautiful beach nearby and decides to take a little break. He is panting hard and quickly wipes his sweat off his forehead. He looks over the beautiful deep blue water and little waves crashing onto the shore. He sits on the bench and drinks a plenty of water. He then listens to some music on his phone and looks at the people in the park. Some are jogging, walkng with their dog, playing sports, socializing, etc. He likes the feeling of cool breezes hitting on his cheeks. He stares at the glowing sun going down as the evening sky is evolving into the starry night sky. After taking a rest, he finally stands up and runs to the park.

Meanwhile, Taehyung is at the older sister's house after being called and asked to look after his nephew. His older sister has a really huge emergency and couldn't bring her son along. Taehyung doesn't want to babysit since the fact he knows that he is not good with kids and is always being awkward around them. He, however, reluctantly accepts his sister's request. Taehyung nods and says, "Don't worry. I'll look after him." He smiles at his aunt and his nephew suddenly arrives. His nephew sees him and shyly hides behind his mother's back. He is around at age 9-10 and his name is Dongjae. He has cute brown eyes, short black hair, and really chubby cheeks. His older sister faces Dongjae and says, "Remember your uncle, Taehyung? He will watch over you while I'm gone. There's a big emergency and you cannot come. I'll be back I promise." She shows her pinky finger to her son. She asks, "Don't cry. Promise?" Dongjae nods without saying a word. She smiles at him and hugs him with a warm embrace. She says, "Bye sweetie! Bye Taehyung! I'll owe you! I will be back probably at 11 or midnight! You boys have fun!" She kisses her son's head and quickly waves good-bye to them as she closes the door behind her. Dongjae sits on the sofa and hugs his cute small plush tightly. Taehyung sits down next to his nephew and both of them are feeling awkward with each other sine they've had never spent time together alone before. Taehyung looks at his nepher and smiles big, but his nephew quickly looks away, feeling uncomfortable. Taehyung thinks his nephew is scared of him. He nervously his dry lips and clears his throat. He stands up from sofa and kneels on the floor, looking straightly at him. He asks, "Dongjae, do you want to eat ice cream with me? I know a really good place. It's at the park." His nephew slowly nods 'no'. He replies, "I don't feel like eating ice cream..." Taehyung nods understandably and starts thinking of another food. He says, "Oh! How about bungeoppang? It's a fish-shaped pancake and it has red bean filling inside! I know the best place. It's also at the park." Dongjae kindly nods 'no', but his stomach suddenly growls. He says, "Uhhhh okay! I'm hungry and I want to eat those." Taehyung smiles and grabs his nephew's hand. They leave house and walk on their way to the park. They finally arrive at the park and buy bungeoppang. Dongjae also asks for ice cream and they buy two soft serve ice cream cones. They sit on the swings while eating two different treats. It is pretty chilly outside and dark as well, but there are very few outdoor light poles being lit up beautifully. Dongjae says, "Thank you for buying me treats. I really enjoy them. They're delicious and sweet." "You're very welcome. I'm glad to hear that", Taehyung says. His nephew pleads, "Please push me. I want to swing!" Taehyung laughs and says, "After we finish our treats first, then we'll swing! Okay?" His nephew nods and quickly eats his ice cream cone. After they've finished eating their treats, Taehyung starts pushing Dongjae on his back to swing. Dongjae asks him to push him harder so he can reach higher. "Weeee!!", Dongjae yells.

Jimin is jogging on his way back to home through the park. He is feeling very chilly and he starts rubbing his hands to make himself warm. Near the ice cream shop, he, however immediately stops after his eyes are caught on the familiar person with orange hair on the swing set with a little boy next to him. There is not a lot of fuys who has orange hair in the area and he assumes the person might be his friend, Taehyung. He then hears the recognizable voice coming from the familiar person who is talking and having fun with the little boy. He knows it is Taehyung, so he takes a leap and runs to where they are. "Hi! Taehyung!" Jimin shouts. Taehyugn shudders and turns his head around. "Oh! Hey, Jimin! What are you doing here?" he asks. Jimin tells him that he is jogging to build up his stamina for basketball in case if the games are long and tiring. Taehyung laughs, "I see! I like your tracksuit! Looks nice on you! Oh! This is my nephew, Dongjae. Dongjae, this is one of my best friends. His name is Jimin. We go to school together. He is an amazing basketball player!" Dongjae nods and shyly looks away from Jimin. Dongjae then looks at Jimin and asks, "Isbasketball your favorite sport?" Jiimin replies, "Oh yes! I love basketball since when I was a kid." Dongjae slowly nods and then faces down at the ground. Jimin starts to feel awkward and his heat beats as he has never really talked to kids before. Dongjae says, "Uncle, you said he is an amazing basketball player. I like basketball, too. I am wondering... if he could give me some tips on how to be an amazing basketball player." Taehyung smiles and says, "Well, why don't you ask Jimin? I bet he would love to teach you!" Dongjae looks at Jimin and asks, "Can you teach me how to be good at basketball?" Jimin awkwardly smiles and says, "Oh... Yes! I'd love to teach you, Dongjae!" Taehyung laughs, "Okay!! I know there's a basketball court that is available over there! It has lights! But wait! We don't have a basketball. Let's see if there are people over there. Come on guys!" Dongjae gets off the swing and grabs Taehyung's left hand. They all walk together to basketball court. When they arrive, they see two young men and a young woman who are playing basketball. Taehyung shouts, "We don't have a basketball! But I have my nephew and my very good friend who both want to play basketball. How about if we play a game with you guys? Sounds good?" They young woman says, "Of course! I would love to plau a gme with you guy. Come on!" Dongjae and Jimin are feeling nervous meeting new people but Taehyung tells them, "Don't be scared. I know they are nice people. I can tell by their faces. I think they are good at basketball too. Dongjae, it's going to be fun! You see Jimin's skills and their skills too! I think you will be a good basketball player!" Jimin and Dongjae exchanges their smiles. The young woman says, "Okay guys! Let's make two teams!"

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