[11] Memories: part I of III

Overcome His Grief (Hiatus)

<< Memories: pt. I of III >>

Before the evening sky evolves into the dark night sky, Jimin is silently lying on his bed, looking at the empty white ceiling without a movement. The lamp is left on with very little light being exposed, and through the window, it shows the tree branches moving up and down by the strong winds. The clock is ticking constantly, and his aunt is assumed to be downstairs, dowing usual things. Jimin is bored and really has nothing else to do, so he decides to rest and think of something that would help rid of his boredom. Then a second later, his head shifts to the small frame standing on the nightstand and it shows an old photo of his deceased family and himself when he was a little boy. He then rolls over to face the wall, still thinking of his family, and he couldn't help it because he still misses his family a lot. He closes his eyes and a few tears start running down his fae. He cries, "Ï still miss you so much. Iwish you guys were still alive."

<< Flashblack >>

On a breezy, sunny day in the deep, dark green forest, his father and his older brother, Ji-Dae, are setting up the big tent near the sparkling lake, while his mother is collecting sticks and some sweet and sour berries from the bushes. Jimin is laying on his unopened sleeping bag, being bored with nothing to do. He takes a quick small sigh and complains, "I am soo bored! Everything here is dirty! No bathroom, no TV, even topokki! I want to go home!" Ji-Dae rolls his eyes and he says, "Stop whining you little boy. Go help mom with picking berries! Don't spend a whole day doing nothing." Their mother smiles at his two boys and asks Jimin, "Do you want go into the woods with me? It'll be fun! Don't worry, I know how to deal with the dangerous animals." She then shows him the whistle for scaring off the animals. Jimin says, "Uhh, okay fine. I'll go with you." His mother grabs his shoulders and kisses on his head. "Good boy. I'll grab the stuff and then we'll go okay, Jimin?" He lazily nods and waits for his mother until she has her small handbag and her favorite red cap. Her mother excitedly shouts, "Let's go!" Jimin fake smiles and both walk up the narrow trail and into the woods.

Ji-Dae finishes helping his father setting the tent up and then asks, "Dad, you don't mind if I go find mom and Jimin?" His father chuckles and says, "Please, have go fun! I'll do all the work here. Remember, no scary surprises. Okay, son?" Ji-Dae nods and says, "Ahahas! I won't." His father smiles and turns around to continue the work while Ji-Dae quickly runs into the woods.

Meanwhile, Jimin and his mother are walking in the dark green forest, looking at several birds and plants. Jimin groans and asks, "Why do we have go camping?" His mother smiles and says, "To explore the wilderness and have an awesome time! I love to be adventurous and appreciate all the nature here. I want to take a break from my job and spend more time with my family. I believe that camping is a great experience for us to be together closer again." Jimin sighs and understands what his mother is trying to tell him, so he reluctantly accepts his family's camping trip and appreciate his parents for what they've done for him and his older brother.

As they keep exploring and collecting different species of flowers, Jimin starts to hear something coming from the bushes. The bushes are shaking and he gets suspicious as he keep hearing sounds. His mother tells him to not worry and that it is probably an animal inside. A few seconds later, the bushes stop shaking which surprise them. "Hmm? Oh well, let's keep going. Nothing to worry! Hahaha!", his mother laughs. Jimin looks scared but he is feeling better as he has his mother who can protect him. A few steos later, all of a sudden, a person from behind yells, "BOO!!", shouts Ji-Dae. Jimin and his mother scream and drop the flowers on the ground. Ji-Dae laughs uncontrollably while Jimin is getting mad and then rushes towards to his brother. He punches on his brother's left arm several times, but Ji-Dae is not feeling too painful and he quickly grabs the flowers from the ground. "What are the flowers for? Look! I'm Maria from the Sound of Music! Ohhh la la la laa!" His mother laughs and says, "Be careful, Julie doesn't like to be made fun of. Hehe! Oh by the way, the flowers are for the girl from your class. Jimin told me everything about her. You never told me that you had a crush! Hahaha!" Ji-Dae's cheeks turn pinkish red and he turns to Jimin and says, "Jimin, you're a big mouth!" He then laughs and rubs on his younger brother's head. Jimin yells, "Stop it! Grrr!" A few minutes later, their father shows up with a big red ape on his back and poses like Superman. "Hey guys! I think I've gained superpowers!", their father shouts. He then dashes and takes a big long jump, resembling to how Superman flies. Their mother chuckles and jokes, "That's lame! I can do better!" Jimin and his family all laugh and later leave to the mountain to hike. Jimin is getting very exhausted from hiking, so his father helps carrying him on his back.

After the long hike, they finally reach to the top of the mountain and are amaxed to see the gorgeous view of the beautiful land and sky. "Wow! Awwesome!", says Jimin. His mother takes a few photos while Ji-Dae is lying on the big rock. His father asks, "Can you see our house? I think I can see it! Ooh!""Jimin's face looks confused and turns his head to look for their house. Jimin knows their house can't be seen and says, "Yeah! I can see our house! It's over ther!" After playing tag, hinde-and-seek, and a little soccer game, they all head back to their tent near the lake by climbing down the mountain and walking through the woods. They finally make to their tent as the sky shifts from blye to the usual sunset's colours. Jimin complains, "My legs are so sore! I hate walking!" His father replies, "That is good! Exercising is important!" Ji-Dae brags, "I'm not sore, I'm all fine! Haha!" Jimin smirks and says, "I think my legs are fine now! I'm feeling good! Woo!"

A minute later, their mom shouts, "I'm going to take more photos!" She then leaves and takes more photos of different objects and the evening sky. Jimin, Ji-Dae, and their father are cooking Korean BBQ over the fire pit with metal racks. Jimin is starving and couldn't stop drooling. "Mmmm smells so goood!", shouts Jimin. Ji-Dae laughs and says, "Haha! Really, you're the pig of the family!" Their father says, "Of course, we're all pigs!" Jimin's mother arrives with small plastic boxes of kimchi, glazed potatoes , and bean sprouts with sesame oil. She says, "Ahh! Smells delicious! I think they're ready. Let's eat!" Then they all quickly eat their dinner like pigs.

After dinner, they all are feeling tired from their long day. They quickly change their clothes into comfy pajamas and brush their teeth near the lake. Then they all enter their tent and slowly sleep like how the bears sleep in the cave. Jimin suddenly wakes up and says, "I actually like camping. It was fun!" His family yells, "Go to sleep, Jimin!"

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