[11] Memories: pt. III of III

Overcome His Grief (Hiatus)

<< Memories: pt. III of III >>

It is 5:30 pm as the heavy rain is still pouring down and Jimin's father is getting very concerned in driving with this bad weather condition. More pouring rain and the sky getting darker makes everyone anxious as they know the fact that most car accidents occur when there is a bad storm. Daisy, being impatient to see the sun coming out, asks Jimin's parents to drop her off when they see a place fore her to rest, and she will call a relative to pick her up the next day. Jimin's father finds a motel and stops at the entrance. Daisy thanks Jimin's parents for the ride and the food before she quickly leaves to avoid being too wet from the heavy rain. She waves good-bye at the family before turning around and says, "This car is uncomfortable. Ugh! I hope this place has nice rooms." Daisy opens the door while flipping her hair twice. Jimin's mother shouts, "Bye Daisy! It was nice meeting you! I haven't told you my name yet! My name is --" Jimin's father speedily drives off before she could tell Daisy her name. She says, "Her outfit reminds me of someone from a TV show... but I can't exactly remember. Hmm.." Ji-Dae laughs and insults Daisy's outfit, saying that she looks like a kindergarten. While they are riding in the highway, the weather condition gets worse and Jimin tries to look through the window but couldn't see the outside clearly because of more rain coming down. His mother says, "Please drive slower. It's not safe." His father obeys and drives slower. After nearly two hours, the rain finally stops and Jimin's family is relieved. Jimin's mother laughs, "Ohh! I've been shaking like a chihuahua for hours! I just want to get home and sleep on my comfortable bed with cozy blankets and soft pillows! Hehe!" His father yells, "Ours!"


A few minutes later, they arrive at the empty intersection. There are no cars, no light signals, and no road lights. It's around 7:45 p.m. and it is really dark out there. Jimin jokes, "I'm getting blind! I can't see the outside. I see all black!" Ji-Dae laughs and slaps Jiimin's head. "If you're blind, then why are your eyes looking at my eyes right now!" Their father asks them to be quiet as he wants to see if there are cars coming ahead. They see no cars coming and so Jimin's father finally drives and starts to make a left-turn. As he's turning left, one of the car tires suddenly explodes, resulting the car to spin around in the intersection continuously. The road is very slippery, thanks to the heavy rain, and the car spins around faster than before. They all scream and Jimin's mother yells, "What are you dooooing??? Get your foot off the pedal, you idiot!! AAHHHHH!" She takes several short breaths while her hand holds tightly onto the handle. Jimin's father lets his foot off the pedal and the car starts to gradually slow down. Jimin's family tries to get out of the car, but is feeling too dizzy. Jimin whines, "Mommu! I'm not feeling too well! I feel like throwing up now!" He then throws up in his shorts. Ji-Dae is disgusted to see the puke, Jimin quickly opens the door and pukes more. Jimin's father says, "Let's get out of the car. I need air!" After getting out of the car, Jimin's father shouts, "Don't worry! We have an extra tire!"


Jimin's father finally finishes replacing the car tire and tells his family to get in the car. Ji-Dae comments, "The tire explosion was awesome!" Jimin is still not feeling too well. His mother says, "Jimin, lay down. We'll be home soon." Jimin rests in the sleeping position, but can't shut his eyes completely. His father turns on the car engine and tells everone that everything is ready to go. As he places his right hand on the stick shift, he carefully hears a loud engine coming ahead but doesn't which direction is coming from. Right away in a second, he sees the large truck coming towards their car in a fast speed. He knows the truck driver is not going to hit the brake soon. He quickly shifts the stick and tries to get out of the intersection fast. However, the truck is way too over the speed limit and unfortunately hits Jimin's family car in a loud bang. The car rolls over several times. The truck driver immediately stops and is shocked to learn that he has accidentally crush the car. He rushes the car to check on Jimin's family. Everyone inside are badly injured and the truck driver assumes that they may be already dead.  The truck driver is feeling guilty and decides to escape the incident for good. However, before he quickly leaves, he unexpectedly catches Jimin's opened eyes and he know that Jimin is still alive. Jimin sees the truck driver and tries to raise his voice to call for help, but the truck driver knows what Jimin is trying to do and nervously rejects him as he rushes to his truck. Jimin cries, "Ji-Dae! Ji-Dae! Where are you? MOM!! DAD!!" His head is bleeding and his right arm is badly in pain. He tries to see the truck driver and quickly yells for help, but he hears the truck leaving. He starts crying as he doesn't want his family to die. He calls his brother's name many times, but gets no response. His parents and Ji-Dae are unconscious. Jimin cries while trying to get himself out of the car safely. "Ahh!", yells Jimin. He can feel his right arm's pain. He tries so hard to get out of both the seatbelt. He wriggles his body sideway and back &forth. Almost a minute later, he successfully gets himself out of the seatbelt, to the door and then to the outside. He crawls slowly to the side of the road and lie on his back, taking a slow breath. With so much pain and emotions inside him, he cries a bit, calling Ji-Dae and his parents one last time before he falls asleep.


His eyes slowly opens as he begins hearing several voices and noises around him. He is laying on the stretcher, being pushed by nurses and doctors. He looks at the white bright ceiling and learns that he's at the hospital. One of the nurses shouts, "To the third floor!!" Another nurse checks on his face and tells him that he will be fine. Jimin loudlu asks, "Where are my parents?! Where's Ji-Dae?!" The other nurse asks him to calm down and tells him that his family is already taken care of. Feeling too overwhelmed and exhausted, he quickly falls asleep again.


After a few days later, he slowly wakes up and observes around the room. He hears the monitor and people talking in the hallway. He checks his head with left hand and feels the soft bandage. He looks at his right arm being held in a sling. He then sees the sunshine coming in through the window. There is no one in the room but himself. He tries to rise up but the pain prevents him from doing that and he slowly lies back. All of a sudden, the door swings open and he sees a young lady, standing at the door still. Her face looks surprised with a mixture of relief and sorrow. Jimin looks at the lady's face and quickly recognizes her. It is his aunt, his mother's younger sister who is in the mid 20's. His aunt eyes go wide and her tears start running down her cheeks. His aunt cries, "Ohh! Jimin! You're alive!! I'm so relieved!" She gently hugs him and kisses on his forehead. His aunt tells him that she has revieved a call from the doctor about her family's tragic car accudent and immediately books a ticket for plane from Seoul to Busan. Jimin says, "Aunt, I'm glad you're here. I haven't seen you for a while. Um, are Ji-Dae and my parents... s-still alive?" His aunt starts sobbing, covering her face with her both hands. A minute later, she finally has the courage to tell him that his family unfortunately has suffered a lot from the accident, and due to severe injuries that could not be handled nor cured, they have passed away tragically. Jimin is shocked and then his eyes begin tearing up. He cries, "NO! NO! NO!" His aunt quickly hugs him, telling him to calm down. Then, they both cry together while his doctor is witnessing them at the door, and he starts to have sympathy for them. The doctor takes his handkerchief to wipe few tears off his face before leaving the door and he asks one of the nurses for a favor.


A few weeks later, Jimin's parents and Ji-Dae's funerals are being held and are attended by roughly a hundred of people, mainly his family, friends, relatives, neighbors, and the other people his family knows. He sees his ant sobbing over her one and only sister's coffin.


A week later, Jimin is waitng for his aunt to pick him up at his school. It's a bit cloudy and chilly outside. While he is waiting his classmates who are playing at the playground, ask Jimin if he would like to play games with them. Jimin, being depressed over his family's death, rudely rejects his classmates' request. His classmates, feeling sad, accept his decision and leave him alone afterward. He then sees his aunt waving at him. His aunt quickly walks towards him and kisses on his forehead. His aunt says, "Come on. Let's go." While walking, she aks Jimin about his day at school. Jimin responds that it is same as usual. They arrive at the park a few blocks away from his home and they both sit on the bench. His aunt has studied Jimin's behavior for the past few weeks and is concerned about him. So, she tells him that they will be moving to her home in Seoul in next month because she will be going back to school to complete her studies. She also tells him that she will be officially her legal guardian soon, according to his parents' will, and he will inherit all of his parent's money when he will turns 18. Jimin, feeling sad, that he will have to leave Busan and start a new life all over again. His aunt explains that it will be a new beginning for him and she promises him that she will always love, support, and look after him, no matter what. He half smiles as his aunt kisses on his forehead and hugs him tightly. He then sees his friend and neighbor coming towards and asks, "Oh! Jimin! Jimin! It's me! Wow! I see your arm is better now! I don't see the white cloth thing anymore! How is your arm feeling? Do you want to join me and my friend for hide & seek?!" Jimin, however, sadly nods "no", and asks his aunt to take him home. His aunt says, "Sure thing. Say good-bye to your friend." Jimin says good-bye to his friend who looks disappointed but kindly waves goodbye back. Jimin and his aunt walk away together on the trail as the decayed leaves start falling down to the gound.

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