Chapter 4

Miracles In December

Beep beep beep beep...

"Ugh," After letting the noise extend for a few more seconds, Luhan grunted and smashed the poor alarm clock's head, making it shut up instantly. He rose from the warm confines of his bed and stretched like a cat. A yawn soon followed his action. Feeling the griminess from not showering the night before, he gave a small irritated sound from the way his body felt and got up to get a clean set of clothes. He'd finally get that shower of his that he wanted.

Walking over to the drawer next to his bed, he glanced over his shoulder briefly and inspected a sleeping copper-haired boy cuddling adorably with his blanket. One of the thin legs were thrown carelessly over the bundled up ball of cotton and both his arms were encasing the comforter in a tight embrace. The boy's face was buried deeply inside of the covers as he let out an incoherent mumble from the shuffling on the other side of the room. Luhan wondered for a second-just a second-about who this man was that was so comfortably snuggled up with his blankets. Then it clicked.

Aish... How could Luhan forget that Minseok had moved in yesterday?

What was he, stupid?


The deer prolonged his gaze on the boy sleeping peacefully for a little longer till he swiftly snapped his head back to stare at the drawer of clean boxers. Haphazardly, he took hold of a random pair of boxers and made his way to the bathroom located inside of their room. While he was walking towards the shower, he glanced at Minseok for a mere second before he placed his attention back to the designated area again.

A scoff, why was he looking at the boy so much? Was it because he looked like a cute bun? Luhan decided to let Minseok sleep in for a while longer before he shook him awake.

The doe-eyed deer stepped into the modernly-styled bathroom and noticed that new possessions were placed on both the counter of the sink and the towel rack. A pink-Luhan snorted loudly at this-mug sat atop of the white marble sink with a lime green toothbrush placed inside.

It must've been Minseok's, he figured. Why would a grown man like him have a mug in such a girly color? Not that Luhan had anything against guys liking pink, but still, it was uncommon to see one that did. But then again, maybe it could just be a random mug Minseok had picked. Who knows?

Peering over at the other item on the other side of the room, he remarked a red body towel that hung on the rack, adjacent to his white one. It strangely matched well with the black and white theme of the bathroom. It was strange now that he knew he would be sharing the bathroom with another person from now on. Images of him waiting for Minseok to finish up in the bathroom made him groan as he realized he wouldn't be able to enter whenever he wanted anymore. He'd actually have to wait now.

Luhan quit his moping and began stripping down slowly until he was bare. Excited to hop under the shower head, the deer entered the shower/bathtub and twisted the knob against the wall. A stream of hot water began hitting him softly and he reveled in the majestic feel of the warmth running down his sculpted torso. He tilted his head, his eyes shut, and just stood there, loving the feel of the water caressing his neck.

Showering is when he was most at peace. It helped his thoughts travel to anything and anywhere. It's always been like a sort of.. cure for Luhan. No amount of medicine could make up for the time he spends in the shower. Doing what he does best under the flow of hot water, he subconsciously began to let his mind drift.

By the time he had snapped out of his thoughts, his skin was a nice shade of red-almost lobster like. He knew he had spent too much time in the showers and quickly but hesitantly, he jumped out of the shower and checked the time on the clock that hung high and proud on the wall. Luhan dried himself furiously with the white towel and slipped on his clothes for the day over his build quickly, afraid he would be tardy for the first class of the day. Never had he spent so much time in the bathroom even if it was a relaxing day with no school. What had gotten into him? Had he officially gone bonkers?

Luhan, now stressed and confused by his actions, grabbed his  toothbrush that was resting inside his cup and quickly slopped toothpaste messily over the brush, not caring if it made a mess for Minseok afterwards. Normally, he'd have more consideration towards his friends but he did not want to be late. Not only would it ruin his spot-free attendance, but he would also probably get those death stares from his professor for interrupting the lesson.

He shoved the toothbrush in his mouth and ruthlessly scrubbed away at his teeth, trying to get rid of the dirty feel as fast as he could manage. Spitting out the minty goodness, the panicked boy reached for his mug and filled it with water hurriedly. He had no time to waste even if it's just filling the cup with faucet water.

No way would he ruin his perfect attendance just because of a stupid shower.

With panic flooding his senses and his mind, he rapidly tripped and shuffled to Minseok and shook him violently to wake him from his slumber. The thought that he had his own alarm never crossed the poor boy's mind. The thought that maybe Minseok had set an alarm had never crossed his mind.

"Get up, sleeping beauty. You're gonna be late!" Luhan nearly shouted in Minseok's ear. Why was he even bothering to wake this guy up? He had a class to get to- not to mention that the professor announced there would be a huge test today. His grades would seriously be damaged if he were to miss this test. Damn it.

The smaller man just grumbled, unaware of the apparent stress Luhan was in. Minseok just held out one arm and flicked his wrist to swiftly palm Luhan's face, a silent sign to stop bothering his beauty sleep.

"Mfgh kwlass..." Luhan nudged the palm off his face, becoming increasingly annoyed and frustrated by the second.

"What? Speak louder." The deer shook Minseok again, dedicated to wake him up. If he wasn't going to speak up, he'd just have to keep annoying him.

"Io huuagheve hwuavef cwalssaluaovter twuaiee." It was slightly louder this time, but Luhan still couldn't make out a single word from what Minseok was trying to say. Is this really happening?

"What?" He repeated, pissed off at Minseok's antics. Luhan poked his cheek a bit, planning to annoy the smaller boy but it just managed to surprise the deer. It was extremely soft.

"I said. I have. class. later. today." Minseok rolled around the bed, releasing tiny noises of anger and throwing what looked like a mini tantrum.

Luhan observed his actions and thought that an annoyed Minseok was a cute Minseok. He was no longer angry but the thought of him being late still made him feel slightly uneasy. It caused him to tap his feet loudly on the ground until he finally caught up to what Minseok just said.

What the hell am I thinking, Luhan asked himself and swallowed a lump forming in his throat. He shook the thoughts away and the information that had fell out of Minseok's mouth knocked him to his senses. Oh...

"Oops.." The brunette was visibly embarrassed by his mistake. Were the heavens against him today? Why was he getting a consecutive chain of nothing but bad luck this morning?

He quickly muttered an apology and informed the younger that he needed to get to class before he was late. Then, the doe-eyed boy stormed out of the room with puffs of air following close behind his steps. His strides were long and he was thankful at that moment that he had long legs. Luhan just hoped he wouldn't taint his attendance record.

Not like the professors cared, but... still. A tardy is a tardy and nothing could change it.


(Minseok POV)

I decided to finally wake up a few minutes after Luhan shook me and screamed into my ear like I was deaf. I still felt my ears tingle from the aftermath of the screaming so I rubbed both my ears with my palm and tried to rid it of the ringing noise. It didn't help much, really. Did he really have to shout that loud in my ears?! Reluctantly, I just brushed the incident off and got up from the bed.

9:30 A.M.

It was way too early for me to be up today. Oh well...

I entered the bathroom and I figured Luhan had just recently used it because the mirror was fogged up. Eyes darting towards the sink, I made my way over and began my business. Was that something blue?

Curious, I shuffled over to the sink and glanced inside, it was like a blue glob of... toothpaste? Realization hit me and I ripped off two squares of toilet paper to swipe it off. This dampened my moods a little. Was he really that panicked to not wipe the dang toothpaste off the sink?

I entered my neat-freak mode and inspected the counter thoroughly, not wanting to miss any spots. I sighed dramatically.

I wonder what the other members in the dorm were doing. Did they have class right now? I shrugged my shoulders, not really caring about what they were doing on a Monday morning.

When I was done cleansing my face and my mouth of impurities, I stepped out the bedroom and walked over to the kitchen to make breakfast for myself. My stomach was grumbling like no tomorrow and I planned to stuff it with food right now.


Yeah, that sounds good for today. My stomach agreed energetically with me, letting out a loud growling noise.

The smell of pancake batter reached my nose and I signed. The smell was so tempting, I could just drink the batter out of the pan right this instant. Of course, I'd never dare to even consider acting on my actions since it was just plain unsanitary. I grimaced at the thought.

Tao and Lay entered the room and took a healthy whiff of the smell of pancakes. The expressions shown on their face was one of pure bliss and happiness.

"Oh, we're so lucky to have you Minnieee~" Tao gushed and eyed the pancakes that I was currently placing onto the ivory china plates. Flowers seemed to be radiating off his aura and I chuckled at how much of a child he looked like right now.

"Thanks again," Lay smiled at me, gratitude was swimming in his eyes- pure gratitude and nothing else. It was rare to see this kind of emotion in someone's eyes these days...

Never one to be used to compliments, I hid my face with my hands and spoke so softly, I doubt that they would be able to hear me, "Y-you're welcome.. You don't have to thank me ya' know. It's just food.."

"But I want to."

It's not like I didn't hear his response, I did but I just didn't know how to reply to his comment. Things like compliments were just not my thing. Not my thing at all.

I placed the plates on the table awkwardly and asked, "Where are the others?"

Looking around, I still saw no one coming out for the freshly made pancakes. I stared at Lay and Tao whom sat next to each other in a comfortable silence. It didn't really matter if they came or not, I reasoned.

"Kris is a lazy and he still doesn't want to wake up yet. The others have class- mmm! Minnie, these pancakes are delicious!" Tao complimented me and I blushed again. Lay was just focusing on devouring the circular flat goodness on the plate in front of him. I saw a brown substance drenching his pancakes and noticed it was syrup. Since when did he get up to go grab that?

"Whatever.." I gave out an indignant huff and took a bite out of the pancakes myself. They were good.


Classes were over for the day and everyone was tired from the uneventful Monday.

Even though some people had to wake up early for lectures tomorrow, the group of boys still planned to hold a movie night in the center of their living room. Hey, what do you expect from a bunch of college students? These boys did whatever they wanted. It was just the 6 of them snuggled together comfortably on the couches.

Tao and Kris were curled up on the love seat and a blanket were thrown over their laps to protect them from the chilly temperature. They always seemed to be sticking around each other, but that's reasonable since they both major in the same thing and they both have quite a few classes that they share together.

Chen and Lay were lounging lazily on a long sofa shared by Minseok and Luhan. Chen had his head in Lay's lap and Lay had his on the sofa. They shuffled around till they were satisfied and turned their attention to the flashing screen of the wide television.

Being boys, of course, they would choose something gruesome and "enjoyable" to watch. Or more specifically, Chen would. He had strange obsession for dinosaurs so he picked the perfect movie that he had recently bought from the stores that he thought suited his tastes perfectly.

It was called Jurassic World.

The movie was surprisingly interesting and many were captivated by the plot of the story but Minseok fell asleep, tired from the longevity of his classes. It just so happened that the copper-haired boy's head fell onto Luhan's shoulder with a soft 'plop'.

The feel of something colliding with his shoulder surprised the deer and he jumped a bit. He looked at the head that he was supporting with his left shoulder and the redolence of Minseok's shampoo radiated off of his hair. It smelled like a mixture of apricots and strawberries... it smelled nice. How did he even fall asleep from this kind of movie?

Might as well bring him to bed, Luhan carried the small boy bridal style and the members looked at Luhan in confusion.

"He fell asleep." They all nodded at his explanation and made hand gestures to bring him upstairs.

"I think I'll hit the hay too." The boys nodded again and shooed him away. The of the movie was starting and they didn't want to miss one bit of it.

Luhan, with Minseok in his arms, sauntered faintly so that he would not stir the sleeping boy. He reached their room and pushed the wooden doors open gently. Walking over to Minseok's bed, he placed him down and brought the covers up to his chin, inadvertently admiring his sleeping face that seemed to glow even in the dark.

The weird feeling was back and thriving through his blood. The doe-eyed boy still didn't understand what the feeling was-he had never experienced it before-but he figured it wasn't all that bad. Strange thing was that it only seemed to be acting up when he was near Minseok...

Brushing it off as nothing, he decided that he would sleep. He pulled the shirt over his head and slid his jeans down from his hips to his toe. Luhan flung it off with his ankle and picked it up to throw it inside the awaiting laundry basket on his side of the room. The brunette decided that he would shower in the morning again.

With nothing but boxers on, he walked over to his bed on the soft carpeting of the floor and crawled inside, thinking of the weird feeling he held for the boy that was completely knocked out next to the bed next to his. Luhan lifted the covers to his nose and drowned out everything else as his eyelids slid shut.


I have no readers... By the way, sorry if there wasn't as much dialogue. I was trying out some stuff.

This chapter was so uneventful and boring!

Cries in the dark corner*

Well I hope you liked this chapter. Please vote, follow, and comment if you want TwT. It would be appreciated! <3

Word count: 2788

Xiaomiki <3


 Luhan, you do not lean in this close just to whisper something into someone's ear. COUGH AND THAT HAND ON XIUMIN'S SHOULDER.. COUGH 


Guys, sorry for the lack of xiuhan gifs and pictures. My internet is shut down right now and so I'm doing this in my dad's workplace... (excuse- doing my homework MUWUHAUHAUHA)

Okay so yeah, hope you guys enjoyed the pictures and the chapter!


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Chapter 5: awww~ minseok in cat ears is so cute! <3
BaoziCute #2
Chapter 5: Luhan made a big mistake by putting the cat ears on Minseok xD But that's so cute, that's adorable ♡ Well done ^^
Chapter 4: i feel like i wanna squeeze minseok with all my life. he's simply adorable and irresistable.. <3
BaoziCute #4
Chapter 4: Minseok is such a fluffy ball of sunshine~ And Luhan is so clumsy sometime, it's all so cute ♡
Your story is wonderful~ Keep going ♡
Chapter 3: luhan is feeling all the weirdness and jitteries already. it's a good sign. ahaha ...
Chapter 2: ohgawd~ those gifs are killing me all over again..

you also make me miss OT12. aigoo~
Fangirlno0174 #7
i like this story ^^
BaoziCute #8
Chapter 2: Your story is so cute >~< Well done, authornim ♡