
The Assignment

"It's got to be him..." Yifan mumbled, holding his hand out to the medic. "It's gotta be, there's no one else who leaves-"

"Hey," Teuk interjected, putting his hand on Kris's shoulder. "it's going to be okay. I know you're under a lot of stress, but all we need to do is be patient-"

"The last time I was patient, he slipped away." Yifan interrupted, his voice cold. "I need to find him now." He decided, pulling his phone out of his pocket and redialing the last called number. "C'mon..." He sighed, cursing under his breath when the dialtone rang in his ear. "I've gotta find out where he is..." he said, standing and heading for the door.

Teuk followed shortly behind, straining to keep Yifan's eager pace. "Wait, do you really think this is a good idea? This could be Beijing all over again-"

"I told you never to say that around me..." Yifan growled, pressing the button for the elevator and tapping his foot impatiently. "Now, just go back to the office and keep me posted, please..." He sighed, stepping on the elevator. "I'll be in touch." He added as the doors closed.

The elevator doors opened to the fifth floor, where most of the agency's audio records were monitored. Yifan turned into the second door on the left, slamming his phone onto the desk of one of the agents. "Pull the recent call from this."

"What? Isn't this your phone?"

"Amber, there's not a lot of time, I need the recent call!" Yifan pushed.

Amber took his phone and plugged it into her computer, going around the antivirus software to access his recent call. "Found it."

"Full volume." he ordered, listening intently to the call. "Drop our conversation, I need to hear the background."

Amber nodded, making adjustments as she and Yifan listened closely to the backnoise. "Sounds like...Shoes on tile?"

"That's not tile." Yifan realized, unplugging and taking his phone. "That's the AK Plaza." Yifan rushed down the stairs and out to his car when his phone began to ring. "This is Yifan, make it quick I'm in a-"

"You're not going to find me..."

Yifan got into his car and sat still, listening closely to the background. "Just talk to me. One on one, no wires, no agents, just you and me." he persuaded. "It'll be just us."

"What makes you think I'm that stupid?" they asked before hanging up.

"..." Yifan sighed, looking in his rear view mirror to see a black rose petal on the trunk of his car.


Oh my good good gosh it's been so long since I've worked on this story...

Hey everyone! How are you? You doin' okay? Have you all been eating well, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water? I hope so, I love you all so much!♥

So the reason I haven't worked on this story for so lng is because I kinda hit a point where I couldn't write since I was graduating I had startd doing other stuff, and I just recently got back into what I love to do, and I'll explain it all in September when I get back home and make a video! Yup, I finally got everything I needed to make my videos, including a good camera, a tripod, and my life [semi]organized! Super happy, super excited, and super ready to start vlogging my author's notes. :P Anyways, until next time you guys!



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Anxiously waiting for the next chapter!!!! :3