Two(2) [Important Update in A/N-Please Read]

The Assignment

"Why are you giving me that look, Kris?" The President asked, breaking the silence between the two. "You did not want to be suspended until we figured it out, I get that. So, I'll put you in charge."

"Me? In charge of the entire unit?" Kris asked, his slack jaw bouncing up and don in disbelief. "With all due respect ma'am-"

"I've made my decision, Yifan" She ordered, her face stern and voice cold. "Bring the Princess back and whoever did this to justice." She commanded, standing along with Yifan. "Now," she sighed, looking at her watch. "I have to get to a press meeting. I suggest you get to work...Agent." She said with a smirk, walking out of her office.

Yifan sat back down in disbelief, turning on his Bluetooth and pulling out his phone to call the one person he knew would follow him to the very end.

"Hello, and thank you for calling the Agency of Korea special forces, to speak to a representative, please press one. Other languages, please press two. Default options, please press pound." The automated message said.

Yifan smirked at the dial tone. "Papa Romeo One, Lima Tango."

"Teuk." A hushed Leeteuk said over the phone. "...Hello?"

"Put out a missing persons for alias Tomaki Honda, and I want a list of Korea's most organized gangs and thugs."

"...Yifan?" Teuk asked, the perk in his voice and the sound of rustled papers in the background suggesting surprise as much as following newly given orders. "Sorry, but I only take orders from the one in charge-"

"Which as of three minutes ago, is me." Yifan interjected. "Now please. I'm going on a hunch here, and if it's correct, it should lead us into some very good sources. Round up the troops and I'll be there in ten." He added, ending the call before Teuk had any time to respond. Sighnig, Yifan ran his hand through his hair. He'd never been in charge of a majour case, let alone a whole department. You'll do fine, just don't get distracted, he thought as he carried himself with a sense of confident urgency back to his car and sped off toward the highway.


When Yifan finally reached the office building, a mild sense of panic had settled in with the urgency of a potential terrorist threat.

"Sir, the press has been flooding us with e-mails asking about the bomb-"

"Tell them it was an electrical fault and the city will be taking full action." Yifan interrupted as he stode passed assistants, interns, and secretaries. "Where is Teuk?"

"Out at the scene, sir, but he told me to give you this." A smiling boy said, haning Yifan a folder overflowing with papers.

Yifan smirked as he opened the file and scanned for one name in particular. "Thank you, Sungmin. How's the Mrs.?"

"Doing well. She goes for her utlrasound on Thursday." Sungmin smiled, playing with his wedding band.

"Excellent news, I'll be sure to buy you all something very nice for the little one." He smiled. "Okay people, I want Siwon, Jonghyun, and Tiffany to head to the Blue House and stay with the Royal Family at all times. They are not to leave your sights, understood?" Yifan warned them.

The three nodded silently before Siwon grabbed his car keys and they all left quickly.

"Sungmin, I want you and Yesung to stay here with Teuk to keep all agents briefed on the situation. Let them know of any breaks, leads, even if you ordered takeout, you send a mass e-mail. Okay?"

"Yes, sir." The men nodded, making their way to the second floor and disappearing behind a large oak door.

Sighing, Yifan lightly jogged down a long corridor before turning into an empty conference room and pulling out his phone. "Okay," he sighed. "let's see if you're still skulking around somewhere..." Shortly after he unlocked his phone, it began to buzz violently, an unfamiliar number lighting up the screen: 014-891: {:unknown:}. Seething, Yifan tapped the green talk button. "What the hell did you do..." he asked between gritted teeth, his free hand balling tightly enough to turn his knuckles white.

After a long pause and what sounded like the scuffing of Converse against marble, the voice on the other line huffed out a light laugh. "What the hell makes you think I'm that stupid?" he whispered, his voice covering many others, giving away his public position. "And don't try to trace the call, it'll just waste your time."

"If you come to my office unarmed and alone, I'll make sure your prison sentence is merciful..."

"Again, what makes you think I did this?" the voice repeated.

Yifan slammed his fist on the large conference table, his knuckle making an audible cracking sound as pain resonated through his finger and wrist. "The Princess of Japan is missing, and your signature was left at the scene!" He yelled. "Not to mention your badge..."

The voice remained quiet, the only noise coming from the voices in the background and the scuffling of shoes on marble. Shortly after, they hung up, leaving nothing but a long dial tone.

"!" Yifan yelled, pushing his now broken hand through his hair.


So I'm not gonna lie, I actually have done that before. Not blown up a subway line and kidnap anyone, but I've hit a solid oak table in rage so hard that I actually shattered my right knuckle and managed to crack a few bones in my wrist. Not pleasant at all, seeing as how I'm right handed and was still in school and it was exam week, talk about struggles!

Anyway, I'm not giving away too much about who the mystery person is, but if you watch the link below, you might be able to piece it together. Also, the video will say 'Coming this spring' - I have decided to halt this until: yes, next spring. I'm terribly sorry, but I've just got a ton going on right now: in case you don't know, I'm in the polishing phases of a Halloween story, taking an online writing course this spring and I'm currently planning a move with my colleague and best friend. And on a more personal note, my family is recovering from the loss of my great aunt, so I've had tons of people in the house and I haven't had a lot of time to write either. Trust me, I've been trying to get this chapter up forever; being the introvert I am, it's really bothering me that I'm around so many people at once and so suddenly because I can't really get away from them long enough to write (this is my fifth day trying to upload this, and my third day without sleep). But anyway, I'm really really sorry that it seems like I died, please forgive me if you were anticipating more from this story already :(



See you in the spring,

~A very sorry Marzie♥

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Anxiously waiting for the next chapter!!!! :3