
The Assignment

Yifan sighed as he ran his fingers through his jet black hair, walking sluggishly to the bathroom. After turning on the water, he turned his iPhone on, cautious of the bright light and squinted to check the time: four eighteen. Sighing, he set his phone on the bathroom counter and stepped into the warm jets, smiling as the hot water cascaded over his cold body and caused goosebumps to form over his tanned, muscular figure.

The sun had yet to rise over the buildings of Seoul. Fog from last night's thunderstorms covered the streets, and the tall buildings were bathed in a dark mix of plum and navy. It was a morning like any other; Yifan made his way to the kitchen of his black and white sophisticated condominium after his shower, turning on the small television mounted just above the windows that overlooked the city.

"In recent news, a bomb has been reported to have completely destroyed the metro connecting Dongdaemun to Sungshin Women's University. Although many are reported to be injured among the passengers, four bodies are reported to have been recovered from the rubble-" The reporter stated.

Yifan sighed as he drowned out the news anchor and focused solely on his brewing Earl Grey when suddenly, the phone began to ring. "Always when I'm making my tea..." he groaned, hitting the big red speaker button. "What do you want, Teuk?"

"That's no way to speak to your higher up, not to mention your elder and best friend..." Teuk said, the slight huff of air into the reciever giving away his amusement. "And I'm assuming you've seen the news-"

"Not my division, you know that." Yifan interjected, blowing gently on his freshly poured travel mug of tea. "Besides, I have today off, by order of the President. Sorry." he smirked to himself.

"It's not just about the explosion, it's who's unaccounted for." Teuk said, raising his voice in slight annoyance. "As you may know, Japanese Emperor Akihito and his family have been in Korea visiting with Her Presidency. Well, it seems that Princess Mako of Akishino was on her way to tour the Women's University when-" Teuk explained before Yifan ended the call, hastily grabbing his car keys and running out his front door.


Yifan was ten minutes away from the Blue House when his phone began to play his marimba ringtone. Rolling his eyes as he swiped left, he lazily tossed the phone onto the centre console. "I'm about ten minutes away, Teuk. Can't it wait?" 

"Nope." Teuk snapped, the quiet sniffle and rustling of papers flooding the background of Teuk's office. "You're not gonna like what Jongin found at the scene..."

Yifan bit his lip and inhaled slowly, pulling into the parking lot and looking nervously at the Japanese Royalty, who seemed to be in a deep conversation with a few other politics. "What?" He asked cautiously.

"Badge number 23." Teuk said cautiously.

Yifan remained silent as his stomachh tied in a tight knot and his chest began to hurt. "Was there a black rose petal?"

"And your name scrawled in the dust." Teuk added, the creaking in the background giving way to him leaning back in his chair. "Seems someone's trying to get your attention, Yifan."

"Yeah, and I'm not happy with who it might be..." Yifan mumbled, putting on his wireless Bluetooth headset and getting out of his car. "Have Jongin see if he can pull prints off of the petal, and run the badge number through every police and military base we have access to." He mumbled, walking by the anxious royalty and into the Blue House, where the President was impatiently waiting for him. "Apologies, ma'am," He bowed respectfully.

"No, it is I who should be sorry," She sighed, walking into her office and sitting behind the large, red oak desk. "I know that you were to have the day off, but from the intel that Jongin has given us, things aren't looking good." She grimaced, sliding a black envelope towards Yifan.

"Are we assuming terrorism?" He asked, looking through the folder at the multiple pictures of corpses and debris.

The President sighed as she drummed her fingers on her desk. "That is what I am assuming, " She nodded, "but I am not ruling out the North." She added coldly. "Yifan, I hope  you are aware of the tensions between Japan and South Korea. It is imperitave that the Princess returns to her family alive and well. With our war efforts focused mainly on keeping the North in line, we cannot afford to spark a war with our overseas neighbours."

"So if I may ask, ma'am," Yifan nodded. "what does this have to do with me? I mean, this obviously has nothing to do with some sort of gang activity."

"That was also my first assumption." She agreed, pointing to a picture of a dusty black rose petal and a note scrawled in dirt. "No one is really sure what exactly it says, but we do know it has your name in it." She said, leaning against her elbows. "Yifan, I have known you for many years, so please understand when I tell you this..."

Yifan looked up to her, a hint of anger glossing his dark eyes. "Ma'am, you can't be serious..." he asked, his voice cracking with the sting of betrayal.

The President nodded solemnly, motioning for two security guards. "I'm sorry Yifan, but until we get this sorted out, you will be under constant supervision. I advise you to not leave this country, as well as turn in your badge and gun to me."

Yifan stared deep into the President's eyes, a lump forming in his throat as tears of anger stung his eyes. "So this is it," He asked, his voice barely above a growl, "why did you bother showing me all this if I won't have a part in finding who took her?"

"Yifan, I'm not doing this because I want to-"

"With all due respect ma'am, I'm calling bull." He interjected, his statement catching the President in disbelief.

"Fine." She nodded, putting the pictures back into the envelope and sliding it towards Yifan. "On behalf of the Republic of Korea, and for the political standing we currently share with the State of Japan, this case, in which we are to treat as Class One Domestic Terrorism will fully be in the hands of you, Kris Wu. However, with recent evidence proposed to Her Presidency, Park Geun-hye, you will be under constant surveillance by military personnel." She announced. Soon after, she held her hand up to the two men behind Yifan. Respectfully, they stepped back.  "However, by refusing to believe you had anything to do with this, I leave the entire terrorist division of this country in your hands." She stood, bowing respectfully, the security personnel in the room following suite. Snapping up quickly, she took Yifan's hand, placing the envelope in his hand.


Well, seeing as how I don't have a functioning webcam yet, vlogs will unfortunatey have to wait until I get some cash. I don't know when that will be, but hopefully soon, or until my phone battery charger comes in from Amazon, then I'll just record with my phone and run it through the computer...


Anyways, there's a story to talk about. Like Oil and Water and All Because a Cup of Coffee, I'm hoping that this will be something people are willing to read. I'm trying to make it as accurate as possible, but I just went to school for the language, so I have no idea about how thir politics work (Blue House is a real thing though. Super awesome the history behind it and in some dramas it is referenced.) The subway lines will all be accurate - you can find maps of the subways all over Seoul, and the destinations/brands ae all real too, of course(I am not affiliated with any copyrighted items mentioned in this fanfic, btw). By the way, don't forget: at the start of October and running unil Halloween, there will be a holiday fanfiction! See you all in the next chapter!




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Anxiously waiting for the next chapter!!!! :3