It's Time

Second Chance

The next morning Ravi woke up with a heavy heart. He knew he needed to talk to Leo but he really didn't know how to. He got out of bed and went to his favorite place, the rooftop, where he does his best thinking. He sat on his piano bench and the memories of when he first met Leo came it his mind. They weren't all good memories, but they were Leo. He felt hopeful for a moment; maybe this isn't a bad thing. Leo is finally gonna get out of his toxic relationship, he should be happy for him. But for some reason he wasn't. He slammed his hands on the piano out of frustration, making a noisy sound. He put his head down on the piano rested there until he felt someone take a seat next to him. He lifted his head up and met eyes with the person who has been on his mind, Leo. He quickly turned his head away.

"What are you doing up here?" Wonshik said while looking off into the distance. 

"I was hoping you'd be here. I was thinking about what you said yesterday and-".

"You should break up with her, you clearly aren't happy and I'm sorry that I tried to change your mind." 

"I just can't read you Wonshik. One second you say one thing and the next you say the exact opposite. Even so, I'm glad you agree." 

Leo stood up as he finished his sentence and started to leave the rooftop. But was stopped by Ravi running up to him.

"You're making the right decision, I wish you luck with it." Ravi said while nodding his head.

They both left the rooftop and parted ways so Leo could do what he needed to. Leo got to his apartment and opened the door. It was quiet, which wasn't unusual, but this time it hit him with a mix of emotions. It's time, now or never. He went to their shared bedroom to look for her but she wasn't in there. He heard a noise coming from the bathroom so he knocked on the door.

"Yes?" she said loudly so Leo could hear her.

"Are you busy? I want to talk to you" Leo said just as loudly.

"No, come in" She opened the door welcoming Leo in. He saw that she was doing her makeup and looked like she was heading out to a party.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Leo took a deep breath and was about to say it when he was interrupted by her.

"Let's breakup." she said coolly

Leo was taken aback by how direct she was being.

"That's what you were gonna say right? Let's just make it quick, I have somewhere to be. I'll grab my things tomorrow and move out, and don't worry I have a place to stay." she continued to say as she was finishing up her makeup. 

"Yeah, I'm glad we both agree on this. Even though we didn't work out I wish you the best in life."

Leo closed the bathroom door behind him and he felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. The first thought on his mind was that he needed to see Ravi and celebrate.

Leo's now ex-girlfriend looked into the mirror and saw her mascara running because of her tears that were falling. "I'm glad I was able to keep it together when he was here." She wiped her face and redid her ruined makeup. "Things will be better for both of us this way" She looked into the mirror again and gave herself a smile and left the apartment to go to her party. 

There are many places where Ravi could be so first he checked the lobby of the apartment. Leo looked around and didn't see Ravi or his friends who were usually crowding the place when they were waiting for them. Next he went to check Ravi's apartment. He went up the elevator and knocked on his door. He waited a few moments and there was no answer, so he decided to check the rooftop, where Ravi would most likely be. He opened the door to the rooftop and saw nothing. No Ravi, and no colorful piano, just a regular rooftop. Leo stood there confused for a second and walked to where the piano used to be. He felt like he imagined it all. There was absolutely no trace of Ravi, it was as if he had disappeared from existence.




Hey guys! I tried really hard to make this chapter longer than the last and I hope you're all satisfied and don't hate me haha. Oh! and Fantasy came out today and I gotta know what did you all think of it? I absolutely loved the concept and the song and I'm so happy that Hyuk got a lot of lines! Leave comments down below and I'll try to comment on them :) Til the next update!

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 9: Eeeh why so sad ;-; but it's kind of sweet.... I'm almost sure Taekwoon commited suicide though... so... I'm.going to cry
Chapter 9: So that was it. I'm kinda sad. ㅠ ㅠ
Well...I never expected Ravi to be a guardian angel. But I'm happy that even though Taek least they'll be together from now on. ^_^

Thanks for writing authornim. And this last chap answered all my confusions. :)
kpopwtf #3
Chapter 8: I don't see how the piano was all in his mind. He said he was actually able to sit and play a song on it. And the mess in ravi's room. And his "friends". They can't be gone too quickly to not leave a trace, it seemed too corporeal to be a hallucination
kpopwtf #4
Chapter 5: The last two paragraphs (including that one-liner there) only raised more questions than answers; also, further proof that the timeline is going as well as it is, but maybe it's the wording that needs a tad bit more work
(Note: no offense meant author-nim. Just giving a critique on the story itself. I hope you won't be offended)
Chapter 8: Please please pleeeeeeaaaase continueeeeee!!! I'm dying to see what happened!! Where did they go?!? What does Ravi mean?!? Uhhhhgggg I'm too curious XD
Chapter 7: I am obsessed.
Chapter 8: Whaaat????!! Was Ravi just an imagination???!! Why??!!! I'm happy he and his gf broken up. But, where is Ravi? Where is my WonTaek?
KTsuki-chan #8
Chapter 8: ??! Don't tell me Wonshik isn't real. It can't be that. You hear me??
Chapter 7: I'm excited for the next updates!...;)
Chapter 1: Ooohhh!! I hope Wonshik is physically real....