
Second Chance

Leo felt thrilled while he was entering their van because for some reason provoking Wonshik made him feel accomplished. He wasn't sure why, but he liked getting a reaction out of Wonshik, even if it was irritation. As the car ride continued Leo began to feel nervous. How could he be so dumb? He entered a car with people he barely knows and he has no clue where they are headed. He started looking around for possible ways to escape, and if necessary how he would fight off 5 guys to get away. It was impossible and he knew it. No one was talking so it made Leo even more paranoid. He thought maybe he could end the silence. but because of his quiet nature he couldn't bring himself to do that so he gave up on the idea.

Someone must has been feeling the same awkward silence because they cleared their throat and began talking.

"Why are you all so quiet today? You usually talk so loud that I can't focus on driving." said the driver

"I'm sorry. It's because I'm here." Leo said quietly

"It's okay, but since we're bringing you to our secret hideout you can't tell anyone about it. Got it?" one of the other boys said

"Okay, but where are we going?"

"You'll see. We're almost there."

Leo began to pay more attention to where they were driving to. He didn't recognize the area, but it looked very secluded, almost forest-like. Maybe they had taken him here to kill him and hide his body, or maybe one of them live here. He hoped it was the latter. The car started slowing down and the driver turned to park in front of a small house. Everyone started getting out of the car and Leo followed. When they opened the door to the house it was pitch black inside. Ravi switched the lights on and Leo began to examine the room they were in. The walls were very colorful, it looked like a mural was painted on each on the four walls. He couldn't quite interperet what it signified, but he was sure it was there for an important reason. The room was filled with instruments that looked like they hadn't been played in a long time.

"This is our secret hideout!" said the blonde boy enthusiastically.

"We haven't been here in a while so please excuse the mess." said another one of them.

"Dont worry about it, I'm just admiring the room. You play instruments?" Leo said while looking at the group

"We used to. We haven't played in a long time though"

"Yeah we'd probably be really rusty if we tried to play again."

"Maybe we can play for you another time."

Leo left it at that. They all seemed to not want to play any music so he didn't push them to. He wondered what other kind of rooms this small house had. The boys lead him from room to room, none were as interesting as the first room, but he saw a few bed rooms, a kitchen, bathroom, dining room. The same as any other house. Leo felt a little disappointed, he thought he was going to be let in on a super important secret when being let into the house, but it was just a regular house, not actually a secret hideout. They all headed to the back door and decided to hang out outside since the weather was nice. There were already seats outside, but there were only 5 of them so someone went inside and brought a chair out for Leo. He thanked them and they all sat in a circle talking about their days.

Most of the conversatiion consisted of the boys talking about girls, possibly girlfriends, but Leo didn't want to come off as nosy by asking. They all asked how the girls were doing and the answer was always the same.

"She's doing well, I haven't seen her in a while." 

Probably ex girlfriends then Leo thought. His thoughts were interrupted by someone asking him a question.

"How about you Leo? How are you and your girlfriend?" Ravi said. 

Leo was flustered because of how focused the group was on his reply. He wasn't used to this kind of attention.

"She's okay, we're still not in a good place right now, but hopefully soon things will die down."

The boys comforted him and told him things will be fine and not to worry about it too much and if he did they were going to be there for him through it.

Leo finally felt a sense of belonging. When he's with this group of people he doesn't feel lonely, he doesn't have to be alone anymore.



Finally updated! Sorry I took so long, college kept me busy, but I'm on summer break now so I'll get more chapters out to you guys soon!! Till next time then~

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 9: Eeeh why so sad ;-; but it's kind of sweet.... I'm almost sure Taekwoon commited suicide though... so... I'm.going to cry
Chapter 9: So that was it. I'm kinda sad. ㅠ ㅠ
Well...I never expected Ravi to be a guardian angel. But I'm happy that even though Taek least they'll be together from now on. ^_^

Thanks for writing authornim. And this last chap answered all my confusions. :)
kpopwtf #3
Chapter 8: I don't see how the piano was all in his mind. He said he was actually able to sit and play a song on it. And the mess in ravi's room. And his "friends". They can't be gone too quickly to not leave a trace, it seemed too corporeal to be a hallucination
kpopwtf #4
Chapter 5: The last two paragraphs (including that one-liner there) only raised more questions than answers; also, further proof that the timeline is going as well as it is, but maybe it's the wording that needs a tad bit more work
(Note: no offense meant author-nim. Just giving a critique on the story itself. I hope you won't be offended)
Chapter 8: Please please pleeeeeeaaaase continueeeeee!!! I'm dying to see what happened!! Where did they go?!? What does Ravi mean?!? Uhhhhgggg I'm too curious XD
Chapter 7: I am obsessed.
Chapter 8: Whaaat????!! Was Ravi just an imagination???!! Why??!!! I'm happy he and his gf broken up. But, where is Ravi? Where is my WonTaek?
KTsuki-chan #8
Chapter 8: ??! Don't tell me Wonshik isn't real. It can't be that. You hear me??
Chapter 7: I'm excited for the next updates!...;)
Chapter 1: Ooohhh!! I hope Wonshik is physically real....