Beautiful Liar

Second Chance

"That's it. I can't take this anymore!" Leo yelled as he stormed out of the apartment away from his girlfriend.

"Go ahead and leave! I don't care," she replied back watching his figure retreat down the hallway and to the stairs.

Many thoughts were running through his mind, but they were mostly of his relationship and how unhappy they both were in it. He wanted to end it, but he didn't know how to. He couldn't imagine his life without her even if she was this horrible person. She was the only person he had. Everyone else in his life had abandoned him and she was the only person who stayed, but she was always hurting him.

He didn't realize he was on the roof of the bulding until he was met with a faint breeze.

I don't care, I don't care, I just want this pain to end, he thought while catching his breath. 

He started walking toward the edge of the building, but noticed something from the corner of his eye. He turned his head and saw a piano. 

Why would there be a piano on a rooftop? Leo thought as he turned away from the edge.

He started walking toward it and noticed it wasn't just an ordinary piano, It was red and the keys had a special pattern and texture on them. He didn't have a particular liking of pianos, but this one somehow felt different and piqued his interest. When he reached the piano he sat on the bench and studied it.

"Wonshik" he said outloud.

I guess this piano belongs to Wonshik. Whoever that is I'm sure he won't mind me playing his piano just this once. 

Leo started playing a song, it wasn't one that he knew. As soon as he touched the piano a melody popped into his head followed by lyrics and he needed to play it.

"Beautiful Liar" that's what I'll call it. His thoughts and his song were interrupted by a blonde haired man who looked a mix between angry and impressed.

"That's a pretty nice song, but why are you playing my piano?" He said.

"If this is your piano then you must be Wonshik." Leo replied in a calm tone.

"Yeah I'm Wonshik, or Ravi as my friends call me."

"Well, Wonshik, I was just leaving." Leo said as he stood up to leave.

"LEO? Please tell me your up here!" a female voice said. 

She opened the door to the rooftop and saw Leo standing by a piano. She ran towards him with tears in her eyes and hugged him tightly.

"After you left I had a horrible feeling so I ran after you, but I couldn't find you anywhere. I'm sorry I told you to leave. Please come back. I'll change. I love you Leo." she said with tears in her eyes as she looked at Leo.

"Okay. I'll come back, just don't make a scene," he said motioning towards Wonshik.

He didn't believe her, she said that she would change about a hundred times before. He only said okay so that they could talk somewhere more private and not in front of this stranger that he just met.

"Then let's go," she said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door. 

He walked slowly after her and looked towards Wonshik who was still at the piano. He nodded a little bit as a way of saying goodbye and Wonshik did the same. Leo's girlfriend noticed him looking back and looked toward the piano also.

"Why is-" she was cut off by Leo shaking his head and pulling her hand to go back to their apartment.

He just wanted to get away from the rooftop, away from his cowardly thoughts of suicide, and away from the mysterious Wonsik who knew the lyrics to his song and the contents of his relationship.





I finally wrote for this fic! Thank you all for being so patient waiting for this. I will hopefully have the second chapter up soon :)

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 9: Eeeh why so sad ;-; but it's kind of sweet.... I'm almost sure Taekwoon commited suicide though... so... I'm.going to cry
Chapter 9: So that was it. I'm kinda sad. ㅠ ㅠ
Well...I never expected Ravi to be a guardian angel. But I'm happy that even though Taek least they'll be together from now on. ^_^

Thanks for writing authornim. And this last chap answered all my confusions. :)
kpopwtf #3
Chapter 8: I don't see how the piano was all in his mind. He said he was actually able to sit and play a song on it. And the mess in ravi's room. And his "friends". They can't be gone too quickly to not leave a trace, it seemed too corporeal to be a hallucination
kpopwtf #4
Chapter 5: The last two paragraphs (including that one-liner there) only raised more questions than answers; also, further proof that the timeline is going as well as it is, but maybe it's the wording that needs a tad bit more work
(Note: no offense meant author-nim. Just giving a critique on the story itself. I hope you won't be offended)
Chapter 8: Please please pleeeeeeaaaase continueeeeee!!! I'm dying to see what happened!! Where did they go?!? What does Ravi mean?!? Uhhhhgggg I'm too curious XD
Chapter 7: I am obsessed.
Chapter 8: Whaaat????!! Was Ravi just an imagination???!! Why??!!! I'm happy he and his gf broken up. But, where is Ravi? Where is my WonTaek?
KTsuki-chan #8
Chapter 8: ??! Don't tell me Wonshik isn't real. It can't be that. You hear me??
Chapter 7: I'm excited for the next updates!...;)
Chapter 1: Ooohhh!! I hope Wonshik is physically real....