Without You

Second Chance

Leo entered his apartment very loudly causing his girlfriend to come out of her room and see why it was so noisy.

"Leo! You're back!" She said with a large smile.

Her smile began to disappear as she realized how drunk he was. He started staggering and she quickly was by his side helping him steady himself. She guided him to their kitchen table so he could take a seat. She then grabbed him a glass of water.

"You drank?" She said in a quiet voice.

Leo nodded unable to say anything. He looked like he was so disappointed in himself because he let her down. Many thoughts were running through her mind, but the biggest one was that he hardly ever drinks. Something must really be wrong if he needed to get this wasted.

Maybe it's me. Maybe this isn't working out, I think I should just leave....I'll talk to him in the morning before I make any rash decisions.

"Here. Have some water." She said while handing him the cup.

He wasn't able to grab it, so she helped him. It didn't seem like anything else was going to happen, so she helped him into bed and let him rest. She exited their bedroom and went back to kitchen and looked at the untouched dinner that she made for her and Leo.

I should just throw this away, I don't think it's still good.

She threw the food away and cleaned up, then she headed to bed. She glanced over at Leo who was knocked out and wished she could sleep like him right now, but it seemed like it was impossible for her to fall asleep. She was so worried. She knew she wasn't the best girlfriend in the world, but she didn't know how it got to this point. Could she live without him? The answer was easy for her to answer. Of course she could, she didn't need anyone but herself. She's a strong person, she needed to be strong to survive. Could Leo live without her? She thought yes, but if that was true then why hasn't he left her yet? She was stumped. Either way she knew they were not meant to be, so she decided what she thought was best for them.

"We need to break up." she unknowingly said out loud.

Leo stirred a little bit in her sleep and she was afraid that he had heard her. 

Not yet. I'm not ready yet, I will be soon, but I need to prepare myself first.

With these thoughts she finally was able to drift off into a deep sleep.

The next morning Leo woke up with a pounding headache and he couldn't remember wat happened the night before. He looked to his girlfriend and she soon woke up. She gave him a big smile, but it disappeared in a second and she headed to the bathroom. Leo thought that was strange, but he decided to get some water before addressing it. After he got himself a glass of water he started thinking about it.

It looked like she was angry. Did I do something while I was drunk last night? I wish I knew what happened so I can apologize and things can go back to normal.

His thoughts were interrupted by his girlfriend coming into the room and taking a seat next to him. 

"How are you feeling? You seemed extremely drunk last night." She said to break the silence.

"Horrible. I'm never drinking that much again." Leo said with a scoff.

She wanted to ask him why he drank that much, but decided to just leave it at that. He probably wants to be left alone right now anyways. She told him to rest up and told him that she would be going out today. 

After she left Leo felt bored and restless so he started getting ready to talk a walk. When he got to the lobby of the apartment building he noticed a group of guys who looked strangely familiar to him. They caught his interest so instead of going on a walk, he stayed in the lobby and observed the group. He noticed they were all wearing black and they looked like they were waiting for someone. He also noticed that one of the guys would occasionally look at him which caused him to look away to avoid eye contact. After this happened a few times the rest of the guys did the same and stared at Leo. One of them decided to take the lead and walked towards Leo. He was hesitant at first, but he took a seat next to Leo and stared at him. 

"Why are you looking at me and my friends?" said the one with black hair and green highlights.

"You remind me of someone." Leo replied. 

He looked a little surprised by the way Leo answered


"Ravi, you're here!" said a guy with blonde hair in the back of the group. 

They all averted their attention from Leo and to Ravi walking towards them. 

Ravi made eye contact with Leo and said: 

"Yeah let's go." as if he wanted to leave as quickly as possible. 

"Don't be rude Ravi. I was having a conversation with our new friend here." 

New friend? I wouldn't call us that, but it looks like Ravi is getting annoyed. I think I'll go along with it.

"Yeah Ravi, we're friends. Now that you're here we can head out." Leo said to get on his nerves.

"Leo you can't come with us." Ravi said in a stern voice.

"Sure he can! He's one of us now, or he will be soon." 

He took Leo's wrist and lead the way with the rest of the group following. Ravi refused to move from his spot, but then realized they were serious so he followed them and released an annoyed sigh.

He's one of us now.

Those words kept repeating in his head. He didn't want it to be true, but it was inevitable. Leo was destined to become like them.




Yay! I finally updated! Sorry to keep you all waiting. Any ideas on what is going to happen next? :) Comment your thoughts! Thank you all for being so patient with me, I will update again soon. Happy Holidays!!

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 9: Eeeh why so sad ;-; but it's kind of sweet.... I'm almost sure Taekwoon commited suicide though... so... I'm.going to cry
Chapter 9: So that was it. I'm kinda sad. ㅠ ㅠ
Well...I never expected Ravi to be a guardian angel. But I'm happy that even though Taek died..at least they'll be together from now on. ^_^

Thanks for writing authornim. And this last chap answered all my confusions. :)
kpopwtf #3
Chapter 8: I don't see how the piano was all in his mind. He said he was actually able to sit and play a song on it. And the mess in ravi's room. And his "friends". They can't be gone too quickly to not leave a trace, it seemed too corporeal to be a hallucination
kpopwtf #4
Chapter 5: The last two paragraphs (including that one-liner there) only raised more questions than answers; also, further proof that the timeline is going as well as it is, but maybe it's the wording that needs a tad bit more work
(Note: no offense meant author-nim. Just giving a critique on the story itself. I hope you won't be offended)
Chapter 8: Please please pleeeeeeaaaase continueeeeee!!! I'm dying to see what happened!! Where did they go?!? What does Ravi mean?!? Uhhhhgggg I'm too curious XD
Chapter 7: I am obsessed.
Chapter 8: Whaaat????!! Was Ravi just an imagination???!! Why??!!! I'm happy he and his gf broken up. But, where is Ravi? Where is my WonTaek?
KTsuki-chan #8
Chapter 8: ??! Don't tell me Wonshik isn't real. It can't be that. You hear me??
Chapter 7: I'm excited for the next updates!...;)
Chapter 1: Ooohhh!! I hope Wonshik is physically real....