What's Right

Second Chance

Hanging out with the guys became a regular thing for Leo. He was very thankful to finally have friends after being only with his girlfriend for so long. Eventhough he was having a good time, in the back of his mind he kept thinking of her and how she feels about him hardly being home anymore. They didn't talk about it nor did they really talk about anything since their schedules clash a lot now. At least they don't fight anymore, so that is definitely an improvement. 

"Are you okay Leo? You look lost in thought" said one of the guys

"Yeah I was just thinking of my girlfriend....hey how would you guys like to meet her?"

"Uh I don't know"

"Maybe one day!"

"Sorry, but from the stories you've told us she doesn't really seem like a good person. I'll have to pass." Ravi said in a harsh tone

Maybe its best that they don't meet her then. I don't want to make things uncomfortable for everyone.

"It's alright guys! I just remembered she's gonna be busy this week." Leo said awkwardly.

Everyone said their goodbyes for the night and Leo and Ravi both walked toward the apartment elevator. The atmosphere around them felt heavy so Ravi decided to speak up.

"Hey man sorry about what I said"

"It's okay I understand. She really isn't the easiest person to get along with, even for me. I've been thinking a lot lately about our situation. I think it will be best for me and her if we split up."

"Are you sure? Why don't you think about that a little more?"

"Okay I will." Leo said while nodding slowly

Leo felt a bit puzzled by the way Ravi responded to him. Usually he says things like "I don't care." or "Do what you want:" Maybe they really are becoming friends now. He felt himself smile slightly. Ravi said goodnight and got off on his floor and Leo rode the elevator up to his floor and went into his apartment.


"Why did I say that?" Ravi whispered to himself on the way to his apartment. 

He felt conflicted. He knew Leo was unhappy in his relationship and it would be best if they parted ways, but for some twisted reason Ravi wanted them to stay together. He knew what the reason was, if Leo and his girlfriend broke up one of them would have to leave and he didn't want to be somewhere that Leo wasn't. He knew he was being selfish and Leo deserved to be happy.

Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll tell him that he was right, he needs to do what will make him happy. Tomorrow for sure.




Finally got the next chapter out! It's a little short I know. Okay so truth time right now. For a while I really didn't know where I wanted to go with this story, but I finally found the way I want to end it, I just have to get there haha. Thank you all so much for continuing to read this story! See ya next update!

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 9: Eeeh why so sad ;-; but it's kind of sweet.... I'm almost sure Taekwoon commited suicide though... so... I'm.going to cry
Chapter 9: So that was it. I'm kinda sad. ㅠ ㅠ
Well...I never expected Ravi to be a guardian angel. But I'm happy that even though Taek died..at least they'll be together from now on. ^_^

Thanks for writing authornim. And this last chap answered all my confusions. :)
kpopwtf #3
Chapter 8: I don't see how the piano was all in his mind. He said he was actually able to sit and play a song on it. And the mess in ravi's room. And his "friends". They can't be gone too quickly to not leave a trace, it seemed too corporeal to be a hallucination
kpopwtf #4
Chapter 5: The last two paragraphs (including that one-liner there) only raised more questions than answers; also, further proof that the timeline is going as well as it is, but maybe it's the wording that needs a tad bit more work
(Note: no offense meant author-nim. Just giving a critique on the story itself. I hope you won't be offended)
Chapter 8: Please please pleeeeeeaaaase continueeeeee!!! I'm dying to see what happened!! Where did they go?!? What does Ravi mean?!? Uhhhhgggg I'm too curious XD
Chapter 7: I am obsessed.
Chapter 8: Whaaat????!! Was Ravi just an imagination???!! Why??!!! I'm happy he and his gf broken up. But, where is Ravi? Where is my WonTaek?
KTsuki-chan #8
Chapter 8: ??! Don't tell me Wonshik isn't real. It can't be that. You hear me??
Chapter 7: I'm excited for the next updates!...;)
Chapter 1: Ooohhh!! I hope Wonshik is physically real....