Meet the Parents

Never Get Enough Of You


HELLOOOOOO EVERYBODY HOW ARE WE THIS FINE DAY? ok jk its freezing cold here i feel like im about to die i cant feel my hands and im indOORS WITH HEATING AND A FIREPLACE WHATS GOOD JACK FROST WHATS GOOD????????? 


 QTπ jongin meeting kyungsoo's parents yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


ok so stay healthy and well and smiley and lovely and happy my Noodle Skwad <3333333333333


“Jongin,” Kyungsoo says, smiling lightly out to the road in front of him. “Stop fidgeting.”

Jongin shuffles once more and then folds his hands into his lap. “Sorry.” He mutters.

Kyungsoo smiles to himself as he sits back a little in the driver’s seat, hands loosely clutching the steering wheel as his car cruises down the motorway, sun just starting to edge into the sky. “You’ll be absolutely fine Jongin. Absolutely fine.” He reassures, noting how Jongin gnaws his lip from the corner of his eye.

“Yeah,” Jongin says weakly, hands knotting together in his hoodie pocket.

The couple are driving down to Kyungsoo’s parent’s house on the south coast. They’ll be staying for a week, hence the suitcases shoved into the backseat, and it will be Jongin’s first time meeting his boyfriend’s family. He’s a little nervous to say the least.

“Do you really think they’ll like me?”

Kyungsoo downright laughs at Jongin now, and Jongin pouts although the sound of Kyungsoo’s chuckles echoing round the small car make him want to grin broadly. “Jongin my parents are going to love you. My brother is going to love you. They already know so much about you anyway, the only knew experience will be seeing your face!” Kyungsoo turns his palm face up on the gearstick and Jongin pulls his hand out of his pocket and tangles their fingers together gratefully.

The feeling of Kyungsoo’s hand in his, their pulses thudding in sync is extremely calming and so Jongin doesn’t say anything else for a while.

Kyungsoo knows his boyfriend and his occasionally nervous streak well enough to let him think for a bit, simply adding a “We’ll be stopping at a services in a bit,” to reassure the younger that he’s there and he gets it.


“Ok.” Kyungsoo says purposefully, placing two cardboard cups of tea down on the table in front of Jongin. “Some things are bugging you, spill.”

Jongin laughs lightly to himself, feeling somewhat boneless from the early start and nervous for the day ahead. He wraps his hands around the cup, warming them against the January air, and cautiously looks up at Kyungsoo through his eyelashes. “I just...  well, what if they don’t like me? You keep saying they will Soo, but what if they don’t?” Jongin stresses while fidgeting in his seat again and puffing air up into his fringe.

Kyungsoo smiles softly across the table and wraps his hands around Jongin’s own. He leans forward a little and whispers “Shall I tell you a secret? You’re actually pretty amazing Kim Jongin.”

Jongin smiles tentatively and looks down, hiding his slight blush under his bangs.

“And because you’re so amazing,” Kyungsoo continues “Everyone you meet instantly falls under your spell and loves you. That is exactly what’s going to happen with my family. I love you, so they will love you.”

Jongin looks up again at Kyungsoo and gulps a little. “But Soo, what if they read gossip magazines? They’ll think about all the rumours in the past and they’ll think I’m a player and what about all the stuff with Jihae? Oh my gosh, they’ll think I’m totally unworthy of you I can’t—“

“Jongin, shush.” Kyungsoo says, hands now clapped on either side of Jongin’s face. “You do get hysterical when you’re tired.” He says fondly, brushing his thumb across Jongin’s cheekbone before reaching down to have a sip of his own drink.

Jongin blushes like the love drunk teenager that he is inside and shakes his head. “I know. I’m sorry.” He says, pouting.

Kyungsoo smiles at him gently as he runs the pads of his fingers across the dark circles under Jongin’s eyes. “Nothing to be sorry for.” He whispers, grinning as Jongin’s own lips stretch into a tentative smile. “Get some sleep in the car, hm? You look tired.” Kyungsoo says suddenly, voice motherly and authoritative. He finally pulls away to toy with Jongin’s fingers soothingly, neither of them caring that there might be fan girls lurking and just ready to pounce with their video cameras.

Right now, in the glaring gaze of the rising sun, Jongin and Kyungsoo are no one else’s but each other’s.

“I love you, you know.” Jongin whispers from behind his cup.

Kyungsoo squeezes his hand in response they share a smile.


“Aw, man.” Jongin complains as the car pulls up behind a long line of traffic leading up to the toll bridge.

Kyungsoo sighs and leans back a little in his seat. “Well, I told my parents not to expect us until late in case we got stuck. My brother isn’t getting there till later either so it doesn’t matter.”

Jongin pouts and kicks his shoes off in the foot well, pulling his legs up onto the seat and nestling into his hoodie. “But I’ll get bored.” He whines.

“I told you to go to sleep, you need it.” Kyungsoo instructs, wagging his finger at Jongin.

“Are you trying to say I look zombified?” Jongin asks in mock horror.

“Yes, that is exactly what I’m insinuating.” Kyungsoo mocks, reaching over to the back and pulling a fleecy blanket loose. “Do you want your pillow as well?” He asks with raised eyebrows.

Jongin gives a gummy smile when Kyungsoo hands him the blanket, nodding his head and partying to himself because he secretly loves it when his boyfriend babies him. Jongin shifts a little so he’s on the other shoulder, so he’s facing Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo tucks the pillow under his head, making sure he’s comfy before tucking the blanket around Jongin’s shoulders. “You tucked in nice?”

Jongin snuggles down further into the blanket, inhaling deeply as the blanket smells very much like Kyungsoo’s vanilla scent and that’s a very very good thing. “Snug as a bug in a rug.” Jongin coos before letting his already heavy eyelids droop closed.

Kyungsoo smiles fondly and reaches over to brush Jongin’s forehead straight, before the line of traffic moves and he remembers he’s supposed to be driving a car rather than fussing over his boyfriend.


Jongin wakes up a few hours later, smacking his lips as he blinks himself awake.

Kyungsoo beside him is bobbing his head along to the radio, singing along in his delightfully husky voice, seemingly unaware that Jongin has woken up. “I’m not tryna pressure you, just can’t stop thinking ‘bout you, you ain’t even really gotta be my girlfriend.”

Jongin squints as he tries to make sense of the English words, but upon hearing the word ‘girlfriend’ (he knows what that means) he frowns. “Boyfriend.” He pouts.

Kyungsoo jumps a little, but smiles as he turns to see Jongin. “Oh, you’re awake.”

Jongin nods and smiles dopily, stretching his arms until his elbows crack and untangling himself from the blanket.

“You look better now.” Kyungsoo states with a smile.

“I look like a hot zombie now.”

“Definitely.” Kyungsoo winks and Jongin chuckles as he pulls himself into an upright position, twisting his back a little to get the kinks out. He’s definitely going to need a massage later. “We’re nearly there.” Kyungsoo says, indicating to pull off the motorway. “Only another forty five minutes, assuming we don’t get stuck in traffic again.”

Jongin nods and hums happily, reaching forward to turn the radio up a little louder. “Sing more.” He commands, sounding like a spoilt four year old, but Kyungsoo can only do as he asks and picks up the tune again.


By the time they finally pull up outside Kyungsoo’s house, Jongin is in frenzy. He’s thrown his hoodie off (‘Too informal, Soo, too informal) rearranged his fringe about forty times (“I want to look smart I don’t want to look stupid.”) and panicked about the most illogical scenarios ever (“Do you think they’ll hate me because I’m wearing a flannel shirt? How do they feel about the farmer checked shirt look will they be ok with it?”)

He’s still fiddling with his hair as he and Kyungsoo ascend the wooden steps of the pale blue veranda outside Kyungsoo’s home.

Kyungsoo laughs at Jongin, although he is starting to get a little irritated by the whining because it’s been a really long drive, he’s kind of tired and he really needs a drink. “Jongin, Shut up.”

Jongin hops from one leg to the other, tugging at the bottom of his shirt and ruffling his fringe, desperately hoping it’ll sit right. “Soo I know you don’t think this is important but it is to me—“

“Jongin, I said shut up.”

“Ok but I have to make a good first impression on your parents Soo, I don’t want them to think I’m some sort of uncouth heathen I have to look smart but not too smart I have to look casual too but I need to look like I’ve put some effort in because they won’t want their son with someone who looks like a lazy bum but I’m worried that maybe I’m too casual and I maybe should have done my hair does it look ok, god Kyungsoo I can’t do this I think I should probably—“

Kyungsoo silences Jongin by reaching up and grabbing the taller by the back of the neck to pull him down into a bruising kiss.

Jongin’s eyes flutter shut at the familiar sensation, enjoying the way Kyungsoo’s mouth brings him into a sense of calm and relaxation. He hums pleasantly as Kyungsoo obediently opens his lips so Jongin can press his tongue inside and tangle it with Kyungsoo’s own, his hands slowly migrating to their usual resting place of Kyungsoo’s hips. It’s actually a really amazing kiss, just the two of them standing here with their heartbeats thudding in time, Kyungsoo’s hands starting to fist in the back of Jongin’s hair, if this goes on any longer it could get—

“Oh, good afternoon boys!”

Jongin’s eyes snap open and he pushes Kyungsoo away from him like he’s been burnt. “M-Mrs Do, It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He says, blushing the colour of a sun-ripe tomato (even the tanned complexion can’t save him from this one) and he dips into a perfect 90° bow, remembering his manners.

Jongin stays stooped in the bow for as long as humanly possible, cringing at his feet, until Kyungsoo taps his hip lightly and gives him a strange look as he leans in to hug his mother tightly.

Mrs Do certainly looks like her son, that’s for sure. She’s tiny for a start, not even as tall as Kyungsoo, and she has the same pouty lips and wide eyes that crinkle so adorably in a smile. She has slight wrinkles around her eyes but she’s almost babyishly chubby and her face is definitely sweet.

“Hi mum.” Kyungsoo coos while holding his mum until she pulls back to check her son over, fussing over whether he’s lost weight or not.

Jongin stands awkwardly at the side, letting them have their moment. He’s still dreadfully embarrassed about being caught kissing—more like making out—outside Kyungsoo’s family home, but the sweet interaction between Kyungsoo and his mother sends a little pang in his chest. It’s been a long time since he had a mum to hold him close.

As if reading his mind, Kyungsoo suddenly freezes in his mother’s arms.

Jongin still stares at his feet, scuffing his trainers along a groove in the wood and appears not to notice the halting in his boyfriend’s actions.

Kyungsoo and his mother share a knowing look, and Mrs Do’s eyebrows furrow concernedly as she bites down anxiously on her lower lip. (Had Jongin seen it he would most certainly recognise it from Kyungsoo's behaviour).

“Hello, you must be Jongin.” Mrs Do says quietly, stepping forward and leaning in slightly.

Jongin snaps his head up and flusters a little before dipping into a bow. “H-hello Mrs Do.”

Kyungsoo’s mother smiles so radiantly that it has a grin starting to form on Jongin’s lips. Her cheeks lift and her eyes disappear into crescents (so much like Kyungsoo) as she observes the shy boy before her. “Now now dear, call me Ilhwa. Aren’t you going to come and hug your new mother-in-law?”

Jongin smiles sheepishly as he ducks forward, locking eyes with Kyungsoo over his mother’s shoulder. It feels really nice to be in a mother’s embrace again.

Ilhwa finally lets him go and steps back to let Kyungsoo entwine his fingers with Jongin’s, her eyes getting a little misty for a second.

Kyungsoo eyes her sceptically until she flaps her hands and waves them indoors.


Jongin shifts a little bit in his spot.

Ilhwa and Kyungsoo have floated into the kitchen to start preparing dinner, and Jongin has been left alone with Kyungsoo’s father Dongil.

Dongil is a gruff man, Jongin can tell, who doesn’t have anywhere near the same amount of affection as his wife. He looks Jongin up and down a few times before asking “So you’re a Kim?”

“U-um, yes sir.” Jongin stutters, trying desperately to keep eye contact with the man despite the fact it feels like his eyes are boring holes into the top of Jongin’s head.

“Super Enterprises?”

“Y-yes sir. I-um, I took over from my father just before Christmas. As, erm, CEO of the company.”

“Is it a stable income?”

“Very much so sir.” Jongin nods. He might have no idea how to deal with meeting the in-laws but at least he knows how to talk business.

“You’re very young aren’t you?”

“I’m twenty-four, sir.”

“Polite young chap.”

“I’d like to think so sir.”

“Are you going to look after my son well? I have heard about the—events that occurred earlier in your relationship.”

This time Jongin has no problems with making eye contact. “Of course. I love Kyungsoo with my heart and soul, sir.”

Dongil is quiet for a moment, giving Jongin a quick once over before his eyes lighten considerably and his lips pull up into a smile. “Alright. I approve.” He says before clapping Jongin harshly on the shoulder.

Jongin winces at the impact but manages to keep a smile on his face. “I’m glad to hear it sir.”

“Oh, just call me Dongil. My wife will shout at me if I don’t, and she’s incredibly like Kyungsoo in that department.”

A cheeky grin slips onto Jongin’s face. “Oh, ouch.” He grimaces, raising a belly laugh from Kyungsoo’s father.

“Trust me, I’ve had thirty odd years of it.” He chuckles before putting an arm round Jongin’s shoulders and guiding him to the sofa. “Now tell me what’s going on in this stock market, the government are going absolutely nuts...”

Looks like parental approval is a success.


Kyungsoo’s brother arrives literally just as dinner is being served on the table.

Seungsoo dives into the room and throws himself straight into his seat grabbing his chopsticks and hungrily shoving the food into his mouth, elbows everywhere.

Jongin is a little taken aback by the sudden intrusion, readjusting his grip on his chopsticks as Kyungsoo groans loudly in frustration beside him. “Why did he have to come?”

“DO SEUNGSOO!” Dongil’s voice booms across the table.

Seungsoo looks up innocently with sauce dripping down his chin and a wad of noodles hanging out of his mouth.

“We have guests.” Ilhwa scolds, frowning disapprovingly at her son.

Seungsoo stops eating and chances a look at Jongin. “Oh, you’re that Jogging bloke Kyungsoo’s dating.”

Before Kyungsoo’s mother can interject anymore, a pretty girl with relatively tanned skin sweeps into the kitchen and smacks Seungsoo on the back of the head with a napkin. “You are so rude,” She turns to Jongin and bows with a smile. “Hello Jongin, my name is Seolhyun. I was stupid enough to get engaged to the useless Do brother over there; you’re welcome to call me noona.”

Jongin stands and returns the gesture, laughing lightly as Seolhyun continues to glare at Seungsoo across the table.

She takes her seat and smiles at Kyungsoo’s mother, thanking her for the meal before she starts to eat.

“So Jogging—“

“His name is Jongin, Seungsoo.” All four of the others on the table correct.

Jongin—is it true that you were with that girl then?”

Everyone gasps and Jongin looks mortified. “Um no that was—that was a misunderstanding.”

Seungsoo still doesn’t look impressed “Seriously though you were an absolute to my brother.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes nearly hurt from the amount of times he’s rolled them already. Kyungsoo’s heard the explanation, he knows far more than Seungsoo does.

 “Seungsoo quit bugging him.” Seolhyun chastises.

“No I won’t Soo I’ve gotta make sure he’s suitable you know?” Seungsoo says before turning his attention back to a slightly terrified Jongin. “So you cheated on my brother—“

“I didn’t.” Jongin says, sounding so helpless that Kyungsoo grabs his hand under the table.

“So you cheated on my brother, like no offence or anything dude but what the hell did your mother say?”

“Seungsoo, don’t.” Kyungsoo hisses, sensing his brother is about to dive straight into sensitive waters.

“Oh my gosh Soo, shush I’m trying to get my point across here. Jongin seriously your mother didn’t do a great job of raising you I can tell you that now, because seriously what kind of mother teaches her son it’s ok to go and sleep with a load of girls behind his boyfriends back?”

“Seungsoo, you’re making him upset.” Ilhwa cautions.

Seungsoo doesn’t give in “I don’t trust you to be honest because of that. You should speak to your mum you know, let her know that she seriously missed out that part on—“

“Seungsoo SHUT UP!” Kyungsoo screeches.

Jongin is crying. Kyungsoo’s hand is gripping onto his so tightly that he has to wrench it away to brush his tears away before they can start falling properly. “I—I need some-some air.” He gasps, before he’s up and running out of the back door.

“Jongin wait!” Kyungsoo cries, hot on his heels.

The family sit in silence for a moment. Seungsoo continues to shovel food into his mouth, looking utterly confused.

His parents sit glaring at their son, too shocked for words.

Seolhyun is shaking her head angrily, looking close to tears herself. She stands, throws her napkin down on the table and spits “I hope you’re happy with yourself.”


Jongin sits himself at the end of Kyungsoo’s garden, watching the waves of the southern coast roll in and crash against the shore at the bottom of the hill.

He feels Kyungsoo’s presence rather than sees it, and Jongin subconsciously turns to bury his head in Kyungsoo’s neck, sobbing his eyes out.

He feels Seolhyun’s hand caress his back gently as well, her own soothing voice reassuring him.

Stupid Seungsoo would make him cry in front of Kyungsoo’s parents. They must think he’s a right loser now. Jongin almost laughs bitterly to himself because Seungsoo is in some way right, his mother probably would be ashamed at him for not standing up to his dad. Maybe Jongin is the stupid one here.

Before Jongin can think anymore, Kyungsoo does that scary thing where he almost reads his mind. “Whatever you’re thinking Jongin stop it. Seungsoo is the one in the wrong here. He shouldn’t have said that. You’re not a cry baby, none of this is your fault and yes my brother is a .”

Jongin sits up a little and wipes his eyes with the back of his hand.

Seolhyun smiles at him gently and squeezes his shoulder. “I’m definitely with the wrong brother.” She winks. “Kyungsoo’s right. Seungsoo is a sweetheart really, but when he meets new people he gets incredibly high and mighty and turns into a right... well as Kyungsoo said, a . He’s highly insensitive at the best of times. I grew up with four brothers so I think that’s why I managed to see past his crappy sides and fall in love with him.”She laughs fondly.

Jongin smiles a little. “Yeah, my best friend can be a bit like that sometimes.” He thinks back to all the times he’s had to talk Sehun out of tricky situations after the younger boy has made some spectacularly blunt comment.

The trio sit in quiet for some time, Kyungsoo letting Jongin huddle close for comfort and Seolhyun providing calming warmth at Jongin’s side.

After a while, Jongin feels both Kyungsoo and Seolhyun stiffen as they hear a noise behind them.

Seungsoo stands a little distance back with his hands balled nervously in his pockets.

Seolhyun and Kyungsoo stand up simultaneously and Kyungsoo brushes grass of his bottom quickly. He leans down to peck a tiny kiss to the corner of Jongin’s mouth. “If he upsets you again, come straight back inside.”

Jongin nods and squeezes Seolhyun’s hand too, thanking her for being there. He stares out at the ocean as they leave, waiting with a nervous knot in his stomach for Seungsoo to sit down.

“Um, Jongin? Is it alright if—can I sit down for a minute?” Seungsoo asks cautiously while biting his lip nervously.

Jongin nods his head wordlessly, not trusting his voice.

Seungsoo settles down beside Jongin and twiddles a piece of grass between his fingers before speaking. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry. I didn’t—I had no idea about you or—actually scratch that I shouldn’t have said what I said about anyone’s mother. I’m a jerk. I’m sorry. My parents have, um told me about what happened with you and Kyungsoo and the little bits they know about your own family and—yeah. I’m sorry. I’ve said that too many times now I know but I mean it. It wasn’t fair of me to jump at you like that when I know nothing about you. I’m so sorry.”

Jongin brushes the last few tears away with the back of his hand. “It’s alright.” He says quietly, raising a smile and turning to face a still incredibly apprehensive looking Seungsoo. “Kyungsoo said you were a sometimes.”

At this, Seungsoo laughs. “He’s right there... I’m very protective—overprotective of Kyungsoo. In my mind he’s still a little fifteen year old Soo that knows nothing of the world and isn’t corrupted yet.” He smiles fondly. “I can be really standoffish with people; especially people who I think have done something to upset my brother. That doesn’t excuse what I said of course, that’s one of my many flaws. Either way, I can tell my brother is head over heels for you and I trust his judgement. I guess—I guess I’m sorry.”

Jongin nearly laughs at Seungsoo’s still anxious face, but instead he lets him know he’s a forgiving person. “Honestly, it’s fine. I see why you would be like that, I know about—about Jiyong and things. I’m just glad you look after Kyungsoo. I just wasn’t expecting a reaction like that the first time you meet the brother in law.”

Seungsoo’s face darkens at Jiyong’s name. “Just be aware though that if you do break my brother’s heart I will put you in the ground.”

Jongin smiles to himself. “I can assure you I have no intention of doing that. I—I’m pretty head over heels too.”

Seungsoo smiles at the blush on Jongin’s face and holds his hand out. “Let’s try again. Hello Jongin, it’s lovely to meet you at last. My name is Do Seungsoo, I’m Kyungsoo’s brother. So, tell me about yourself?”

Jongin chuckles lightly and shakes Seungsoo’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you Seungsoo. Well, I’m CEO of Super Enterprises which was founded by my dad but has now since passed to me as he’s of gallivanting the world with my stepmother.” Jongin rolls his eyes and Seungsoo laughs. “My family is quite small, a dad, a mum in heaven, a step mum, a load of really old aunts and uncles that I haven’t seen in years and my cousin Hyoyeon. Having said that, that’s only family by blood. My real family also has Kyungsoo and his friends, my best friend Oh Sehun, my housekeeper Joohyun and three dogs called Jjangu, Monggu and Jjangah.”

“Oh my gosh you have dogs? What breed are they?” Seungsoo coos.

“They’re Poodles. Do you want to see a picture?” Jongin pulls his phone out of his pocket and shows Seungsoo a picture of them, chest swelling in pride as Seungsoo melts over the sight of his babies.

“They’re so cute.” Seungsoo sighs. “I’ve been trying to get Seolhyun to allow us to adopt a dog but she thinks we have too much on.” He looks rueful. “I like to cook and I can finish a Rubik’s cube in under two minutes.” Seungsoo adds, remembering he should probably let Jongin find out a little bit about himself too.  

“I like to dance in my spare time.” Jongin includes as the thought pops into his head.

“No way! I wish I could dance but I’m just way too uncoordinated. Do you like baseball?” Seungsoo says as he stands up, the cold sea air is starting to blow the dusk in and it’s getting a little chilly.

“Of course! I’ve supported Busan Seagulls since forever.”

“Seriously? I’ve followed the Seagulls since I was fourteen! We have way too much in common.” Seungsoo says laughing as Jongin slings an arm round his shoulder. “Kyungsoo will be pleased we get along just fine.”

“He will.” Jongin sighs happily as he and Seungsoo head towards the house again. “By the way, do you have any embarrassing pictures of Kyungsoo? He got a load of photos of me in my emo faze from my childhood friend and I have no ammunition to go back at him.”

“You had an emo phase? Same man, same! But don’t worry I have the perfect picture of Kyungsoo. It’s from one of his school plays. He was sick on audition day and by the time he got back there were no guy roles left so he had to play and old lady! He had a wig and makeup and everything!”

Jongin makes a sound of astonishment and he and Seungsoo cackle as they stagger into the living room. “Remind me to get your number later; you have to send those to me!”

The living room is lovely and cosy compared to the cool winds of outside, and Kyungsoo’s family are all sitting round with a deck of cards and a selection of board games.

Kyungsoo hands out cups of tea to everyone, eyeing the two as they walk in giggling. “What are you too laughing about?”

“Nothing! Nothing.” Seungsoo and Jongin say, smothering their chuckles with their hands.

Kyungsoo narrows his eyes but leaves them be, chest warmed because he doesn’t think he could cope if the most important and fourth most important men in his life didn’t get on. (Jongin is most important obviously, Dongil is second and Monggu and Jjangu are joint third.)

“Come on boys! The Do family board game frenzy is about to begin!” Ilhwa encourages.

Jongin plonks himself on the floor next to Kyungsoo and grabs the figurine of Colonel Mustard from the scrabble board. “Dibs on mustard.”

Seolhyun launches for Miss Scarlet, Ilhwa votes for Mrs Peacock and Dongil and Seungsoo fight over Professor Plum, with Dongil inevitably winning and forcing Seungsoo to be Mrs White.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes at his childish family. “Well I’m being Reverend Green.” He huffs, picking up the figurine and placing it on his spot.

“You didn’t have a choice to be anything else Soo.” Jongin hums, and Kyungsoo smacks him on the arm in mock horror.

“Kim Jongin! I refuse to let you follow in my brother’s bullying footsteps!”

Seungsoo leans over the coffee table and high fives Jongin, ignoring Kyungsoo’s scandalous shrieking.

The elder boy soon shuts up though when Jongin pulls him into his lap whispering “We can share notes, work as a sneaky team hyung.”

Kyungsoo flushes and tries to elbow him in the ribs. Stupid Jongin never calls him hyung and only chooses now to do so.


The end of the day is drawing near as Kyungsoo and Jongin curl up in Kyungsoo’s old bed.

It had been strange for Jongin to see Kyungsoo’s childhood room, still with all his old pictures from his school days scattered over the wall and the mindless doodles scrawled on his desk.

It was like seeing another part of Kyungsoo, the final puzzle piece and it makes him want to take Jongin to his childhood home too.

“One day, I’m taking you to my house and all of our holiday houses. I want to take you everywhere.” He hums as Kyungsoo returns to the bed from flicking all of the lights out.

It’s started raining now as well, curtains safely drawn as the water lashes against the window panes. Kyungsoo has turned his old projector night lamp on, and the constellations sprawled out across his ceiling are nearly a match for the real thing.

Kyungsoo snuggles down onto Jongin’s bare chest and sighs. “I’d like that.”

There is a knock on the door and Ilhwa pushes the door open with her elbow, carrying a large tray. “I brought you boys some hot chocolate.” She says, placing two cups down on Kyungsoo’s bedside table.

“Thanks mum!” Kyungsoo cries, sitting up to grab them. “You put marshmallows on too!?”

“Of course I did.” Ilhwa smiles, eyes soft at the sight of her youngest curled up in bed with the man he loves.

“Thank you so much Ilhwa.” Jongin says and Ilhwa blows a soft kiss at him.

This morning, Jongin would have been mortified at the thought of being found shirtless in bed with his arms around Kyungsoo (even if they weren’t doing anything suspicious). By this evening, he’s become so comfortable with the family that all he can do is smile dopily and curl and arm around Kyungsoo’s waist.

“Are you sure you boys have everything you need? If you’re hungry there’s plenty of food in the kitchen. There’s lots of spare blankets too so don’t get cold ok the weather is awful out there.” Ilhwa fusses and Kyungsoo has to flap at her to let her know that they’re both fine.

“Ok, Ok.” She relents finally, holding her hands up in mock surrender. “I’m going.” She winks before she ducks out of the room.

Kyungsoo presses play on the TV remote that already has a sappy movie lined up and slumps back down onto Jongin’s chest, getting comfy again. “In case you can’t read my mother’s body language, she was about to suggest something very inappropriate. Just so you’re aware, no that will not be happening because this is my childhood room and it is filled with many innocent memories and I’d quite like to keep it that way.” He says haughtily.

Jongin chuckles, the sound rumbling pleasantly in his chest as he hugs Kyungsoo to him and pulls the duvet up so he doesn’t get cold. “Whatever you say Soo, whatever you say.”

Kyungsoo can only maturely stick his tongue out as the movie begins and Jongin’s fingers toy with his hair.

Jongin can hear Seungsoo and Seolhyun arguing and laughing over what TV show they’re going to watch next door, and he can hear Dongil and Ilhwa singing together in the living room. He feels happy, calm and content as he lies in a bubble of love with Kyungsoo in his arms, and settles himself down in a warm bed underneath a ceiling of stars.


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Sakuraheat #1
Chapter 11: Cute ans lolll
Charlie498 #2
Chapter 10: The meeting the parents was one of my favourite extras it's heartwarming at first and its a little masochist of my part but I love the little angst here <3
Chapter 10: Nervous fidgety nini is cute
Chapter 4: Chicken love :')
Chapter 2: Cute ??
Chapter 1: M crying this is so cuuuuute
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 11: They're pissing Jongin hahaha

And thank you dear for the great story. I know i finished reading all chapters only today... but it was great. Thank you
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 10: What a lovely family Kyungsoo have and now with Jongin to share with
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 9: Their friends are awesome and the way Jongin's blush is too cute hehe