
I Hate Coffee

D.O’s coffee shop was commonly vandalized with eggs or mean messages written on his windows that took a lot of time and money to get out. His coffee truck wasn’t getting any calls, not that it would have mattered since his tires had been pinched, some windows broken and someone stole part of the engine. These were the remnants of his life and his relationship with a celebrity.

Kai on the other hand seemed to be doing great. Kai felt heartbroken but manage to channel all his frustrations into his dancing. This didn’t make him happier but it took his mind off things. Everyone was in love with him again and he was even being mentioned for a big artsy award.

Suho was furious. He wanted to engage into legal action but there was really nothing to blame here and D.O wouldn’t let him. Suho couldn’t stand watching as his friend broke down piece by piece.

It had been one month since the incident and while the vandalism was less, there were still a few incidents.

Suho was sitting in the coffee shop, when a lady came in an order a coffee mug. There was nothing out of the ordinary only that when D.O handed her the mug, she threw it back at him.


“That’s so you learn to respect other people. That poor boy didn’t deserve to be treated like that by someone like you”.


Like that, she left. D.O burst out crying and was taken to the hospital to treat minor burns.

~ ~

That night D.O went back home and Suho had to attend a charity event from work. Unluckily or luckily Kai was there as well. Suho came across him in an empty hallway on his way to the bathroom. Kai saw him but intended to walk by him without talking. At first Suho thought it was best to ignore him but he was reminded of D.O.


“Are you happy now?”


Kai stopped reluctantly and looked at Suho.


“You only took what you needed and left him to suffer by himself. What did he ever did to you besides give his all? That’s enough now. Tell all those people to stop bothering him, oh and tell that lady that I will press charges for aggression and physical damage”.


Suho walked away feeling angry and leaving Kai very confused.

Kai was aware that there was a lot of bashing towards D.O on the Internet and at first he was so hurt he thought D.O deserved it. But it was the first time he heard anything about aggression and physical damage.

Kai fought against himself but he was still in love with D.O and he was really worried. When he reached the coffee shop wearing his hoodie and facemask he was shocked by what he found. All the glass windows were filled with insults written in red paint. He could see that one part of the glass was shattered and covered by duck tape. But what hurt him most was seeing D.O, covered in bandages and in obvious pain cleaning the windows from the insults.

D.O looked skinnier and smaller. Even from afar Kai could see the dark bags under his eyes, devoid from any happiness. The glint that Kai loved in D.O’s eyes was gone. Kai almost ran towards D.O, in fact he was going to when a very familiar van pulled over.

Eunhyuk stepped out and walked towards D.O. They talked for a while and then they went up to D.O’s place. About an hour later Eunhyuk came out and left.

What could be the reason Eunhyuk was visiting D.O? Kai didn’t even know they kept in contact.

~ ~ ~

“Hyung, do you know anything about D.O?”

“Huh? No… why would you think that I know anything?”

“I just overheard that he had sold the coffee shop”.




“That he sold it to some chaebol and made a lot of money out of it”.

“Ah, yeah I heard that, but it’s not true. He still has his coffee shop”.

“Mmm”. “I also heard that he had attacked a person and that person ended in the hospital ICU”.

“What?! No, he was the one attacked! People really…”



Eunhyuk realized he spoke too much and Kai gave him a look telling him that he was caught.


“Hyung, I saw you last night at his place”.




“Oh, what were you doing last night at his place?”

“Hyung, tell me what happened to him”.


Eunhyuk told everything to Kai. How people vandalized D.O’s shop and truck and because of this he was nearly out of business. How D.O was really depressed by everything that had happened and how he was in the hospital because of the coffee attack.


“He has suffered a lot. He is a good kid, this isn’t right. I offered compensation but he rejected it. I think he really liked you”.




“What about you? Did you? Did you really like D.O?”




“Hyung, can you take me to D.O’s place?”

“No. I have a date tonight”.


Kai looked and Eunhyuk incredulously and ran out of the place. 

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Chapter 6: Hahhah...why eunhyuk keeps mention about his busy dating schedule all the time....i love it...but D.O still didnt get his revenge to that crazy woman who burned my baby fair skin...i think author should burn her back instead or something worst!!! Still,glad that they're together at th end
noodlehead #2
Chapter 7: Omo, this story was really cute! I really loved reading it, thanks author-nim
Chapter 7: oh this is cute! but what about the public? shouldn't they, like, make a statement about their relationship?
emreadsfics #4
Oh so sweet. And Eunhyuk as a manager, jajaja he was so funny!
Weirdogurl88 #5
Chapter 7: i feel like i wanna beat tht lady until she's dying. She deserve tht. off es! And u shd make a sequel author-nim!!! Pweaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
squishy_kyungsoo91 #6
Chapter 7: Great story..thumbs up ^^
Chapter 3: lmao suho gets no love where is the lie
Chapter 7: This fic deserves a sequel.
my kaisoo... ♡