Coffee Shop

I Hate Coffee

“How can he be so perfect?”


Kyungsoo or as his friends friendly call him, D.O, is watching the latest cover of Nylon Magazine. A close up of Kai, the most sought after celebrity in Korea is grazing the cover. There’s a black and white close up picture of Kai’s near perfect face. D.O traces the line of Kai’s jaw as he lets out a sigh.

D.O has often dream of the young idol. What would it be like to be kissed by those lips?

A bell brings him back to reality. He is in his small coffee shop, sitting behind the counter.




He says cheerfully, only to be faced by the water delivery guy.


“Where should I put this?”


D.O leads the guy to the back and returns to his previous position. Like many others, he had decided to venture into the world of having his own business. Unfortunately his small coffee shop wasn’t doing so well. Not many people came. Not many people knew the place actually existed. The larger places with their fancy coffee names and reward cards stole all the potential customers. The least he wanted now was to declare himself defeated and have to go back to his parent’s house were he would hear his mom nonstop about taking the civil servant exam.

The doorbell chimes again.



“Aigoo, still empty? Am I the only person who keeps this place going?”


Suho has been D.O’s best friend since he can remember and now, having successfully become a lawyer still visits him and makes time to hang out every week. Just like he said, Suho seems to be the only customer to come in. D.O doesn’t like charging him for the coffee but Suho insists on paying, since he’s a lawyer and all.


“Hyung, why do you have so much free time?”

“That again? Forget it; just be grateful I’m here. Anyway, today I came to give you business advice.”


‘Hearing advice’ is one of the things D.O hates the most. It’s like everyone is telling him that he failed. But since he is in fact grateful for Suho’s loyalty he would politely listen and nod in the right moments.


“How about setting a coffee truck? You can run it part of the day and then open the shop for the rest of it. Is a great way of publicity. Oh, and you know they ask for those a lot for special occasions and filmings and whatnot.”


D.O is pleasantly surprised. That is actually a really good idea.


“That sounds really good actually, but I don’t have money to buy a truck”.

“One of the clients of the firm has one he needs to get rid of. I’ll get it for you really cheap. And we also have some contacts with TV stations that I can hook you up with”.

“That’s great hyung! But, why are you suddenly doing all this for me?”

“Hey, you are my best friend. Of course I just do it to help you”.


D.O doesn’t buy this ‘only help you’ and he stares at Suho until he cracks.


“Also, since you are grateful and all, how about the Ryu ball?”


Aha! The Ryu ball. D.O’s most prized possession is a baseball signed by Ryu Hyun Jin. They where together that day, but only D.O got the autograph. 


“Forget it”.

“Don’t be like that! Aish! At least let me borrow it. I bragged at work about having the ball. I can’t be seen as a liar. I’m a lawyer!”


Typical Suho, keeps exaggerating things up when he gets to be the centre of attention.

~ ~ ~

D.O end up sticking a deal with Suho and managed to get the truck and now was serving coffee outside of a TV station. Turns out they hire food trucks, or coffee trucks in this case, in the name of some artist and give free food to fans or staff. Today his truck was decorated with pictures of Kai.

Kai was not your typical celebrity. He started as a ballet dancer but since he was so good looking he got the attention of quite a few people, making his way into modelling and eventually acting. He was everyone’s dream guy, including D.O’s.

The long line at D.O’s truck had died down. Now there was only a guy attempting selcas near his truck. Well, D.O guessed this wasn’t so strange since many people became giddy just by being in a TV station and a selca was a must to brag about it later on.


Kai was a bit tired today and had a terrible headache. His schedule was packed and had been from a very long time now. But, he was grateful for it. Popularity was a scary thing but thankfully it was on his side now.

Today his fans had sent him a coffee truck to celebrate his first appearance in a variety show in that particular TV Station. Fans, staff and the public of the show had been served coffee by now and he was trying to sneak a few ‘thank you’ pictures and head back in undetected. Today he didn’t feel like dealing with the screaming fans, everyone fighting to get an autograph, a picture or sneaking an unwelcomed grab.

The pictures weren’t coming out good. He didn’t have his selca stick, which would only gather more attention. However he tried it he ended up cutting the truck or himself out of the frame. Aha! He finally got one right but when he zoomed in there was a guy with big eyes looking strangely at him and directly into the camera. This looked too weird. If it weren’t for the guy in the coffee truck the picture would have come out great. Kai looked back and saw the guy walk out of the truck carrying a trash bag. Now would be the right time. He aimed for the picture when he heard a loud gasp. That was never a good sign.

A nearby woman had noticed Kai. He wasn’t easy to miss, to be honest. When the woman turned to alert those nearby, Kai ran towards the safest place he could find. When the woman turned around Kai was gone.


D.O went out to take the trash and came back to the truck ready to leave. When he stepped up he noticed a man crouching inside his truck. The man looked at him pleading to keep quiet. D.O then noticed the small but increasing number of people outside.


“I tell you it was Kai! He must be still around here. I tell you it was him!”


D.O looks back down and recognizes the handsome stranger pleading him for help.


“Just go”


Kai whispers. D.O then starts up the truck and drives away. Only when he has put some distance from the TV Station he speaks.


“It’s ok now. Where would you like to go?”

“Let’s just go to some place quiet. Some place safe”.


D.O nods and keeps driving. Soon, they arrive at the coffee shop.


“A coffee shop?! But, how is this quiet?”


Kai asks a bit flustered.


“This is my place, and don’t worry, no one comes in here anyway”.


They go in and as Kai looks around D.O prepares some coffee. He comes back with one mug for Kai.


“Oh, I’m ok thank you”.

“If you don’t drink it is going to waste”.

“How about you? You can have it.”

“I don’t like coffee”.

“What? You don’t like coffee but you run a coffee shop?”


Kai starts laughing. D.O just shrugs. He is used to the same remarks and jokes about it by now. He is a little flustered by the male god standing in front of him laughing. His mom always told him that if he met the celebrities he liked he would be disappointed, since it happened to her that she met an actor she was deeply in love with, but he turned out to be shorter than her. But D.O was mesmerized because now it seemed the beautiful pictures in the magazines didn’t do Kai any justice. He was tall and comfortable in his own skin. His every movement was as natural as air or flowing water. Watching Kai was more fascinating than watching his cat run after the red dot from his laser pen.

Kai drank the coffee out of courtesy of this stranger who helped him.


“Mmm, it’s really good”.


D.O was pulled from his thoughts (why did his mind wander so much!).


“You don’t have to pretend it is”.

“But it is!”


Kai’s mobile interrupted the conversation.


“Yes hyung?”


Kai passed the mobile to D.O who instructed Kai’s manager on how to get to the coffee shop. His manager was close so in about 5 minutes a horn was pressuring Kai out of the place.


“I didn’t get to finish the coffee!”


D.O looked at him incredulous. Kai actually looked sad that he wasn’t able to drink the whole thing.


“Just take it”.



He lit up but the horn was being insistent.


“Yeah, just take the mug. I have plenty”.


Kai gave him a big smile that made D.O feel his stomach bumping against his chest.


“Thanks! Oh, and thank you for your help today”.


Just like that Kai was out of his life and back into the pages of the magazine. He forgot to ask him for an autograph.

~ ~

Kai was inside the van now, balancing his coffee mug trying not to get the brown liquid spill on his clothes as his manager sped down the roads to his next schedule. Just then he realized he forgot to ask the other his name. 


A/N: The real cover from Nylon Magazine that Kai did looks a bit like the one I described!! 

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Chapter 6: Hahhah...why eunhyuk keeps mention about his busy dating schedule all the time....i love it...but D.O still didnt get his revenge to that crazy woman who burned my baby fair skin...i think author should burn her back instead or something worst!!! Still,glad that they're together at th end
noodlehead #2
Chapter 7: Omo, this story was really cute! I really loved reading it, thanks author-nim
Chapter 7: oh this is cute! but what about the public? shouldn't they, like, make a statement about their relationship?
emreadsfics #4
Oh so sweet. And Eunhyuk as a manager, jajaja he was so funny!
Weirdogurl88 #5
Chapter 7: i feel like i wanna beat tht lady until she's dying. She deserve tht. off es! And u shd make a sequel author-nim!!! Pweaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
squishy_kyungsoo91 #6
Chapter 7: Great story..thumbs up ^^
Chapter 3: lmao suho gets no love where is the lie
Chapter 7: This fic deserves a sequel.
my kaisoo... ♡