Rumour Has It

I Hate Coffee

Kai wanted to open up more to D.O; he wanted to shape this fake relationship into a real one. He started by his work place; he would take D.O to the ballet. Today would be the first performance of Romeo and Juliet where he would be playing the lead. Kai was really excited and planned to leave his all in stage just for D.O to see.

D.O had never been to the ballet. To him that sounded expensive and well, boring. But it was Kai who was playing the lead as Romeo and he really wanted to see Kai dance. At least he wasn’t alone. Eunhyuk was there with his boyfriend, a handsome man named Donghae.

The lights went off and when Kai first joined the stage many things went thru D.O’s mind. First Kai’s clothing was so tight that he looked . D.O quickly casted those useless thoughts aside and focused. D.O wasn’t naïve, he knew there were different sides to people but every time he saw a new side of Kai he found the other even more perfect and he was falling in love even deeper.

Every movement made by Kai was expressed with such passion that it was mesmerizing and D.O was enthralled.

When the show ended he was guided to the backstage as Kai had arranged. He immediately found the younger boy who was walking towards him with a large smile and drenched in sweat. He looked so hot. He was also engulfed by his previous thoughts on the tightness of Kai’s clothes. D.O gave Kai a shy smile and handed him the roses bouquet he was carrying.


“Thank you! Wait here, I’ll change quickly!”


D.O did as instructed. He recognized Victoria, the ballerina who played Juliet. She gave him a side look and walked into her own dressing room. Then she started talking with someone who was already inside.


“Wasn’t I perfect today? Kai also did pretty well. At least he is a gorgeous thing to look at. Well, to look at and a bit more if you know what I mean”.

“Didn’t he have a boyfriend?”

“Ha, I don’t know about that but I know two days ago he was mine the whole night”.


D.O quickly went over the last couple of days. Kai wasn’t able to visit that day because of the upcoming Ballet Season. He had no way of proving it and it just reminded him of how things really were.

Kai reached D.O still smiling and grabbed his hand as usual as they made their way out.

~ ~

“Hyung, I think Kai is seeing other people”.

“What?! I knew it! I knew it! I knew that bastard would break your heart!”


D.O looked up at Suho surprised by his statement. They were in the small storage room of the coffee shop looking for more napkins since the clientele had grown.


“What…what do you mean break my heart?”


D.O asked failing to sound offended.


“D.O, I’m your best friend and anyone can tell you like that guy. It’s written all over your face. You barely smile but when he is around is the only thing you do. It’s kind of creepy to be honest”.

“I think I need to break up with him”.


At that very inopportune moment Kai walked towards the back, hearing loud and clear the conversation between the other two.


“Good, this has been prolonged by far too long. You got what you wanted out of him so now you should move on”.

“Yeah, I guess so”.


Inside the room D.O looked really sad, almost in the verge of tears. It was almost unbearable to lose Kai now. If he had known, he wouldn’t have started this in the first place.

Suho tried joking to distract his best friend.


“You know what we can do? Sue him for damages against you”.


Kai couldn’t bear to hear anymore. He was being betrayed by the person he loved. He walked into the coffee shop and a young woman instantly recognized him.


“Kai, it’s Kai!”


She shouted and the commotion started. D.O and Suho heard this and went outside.

Suho helped separating the small crowd from Kai while D.O reached to him.


“Kai, I didn’t know you were here. Why don’t you go upstairs? I…we need to talk”.


To D.O’s and everyone else’s surprised Kai turned with an angry expression, shouting at D.O.


“Why should I? I already heard everything I needed to hear. And you, I should have known that you only wanted fame. Forget it, forget everything. Why would I be with someone like you?”


Someone like you. There it was. Since they started ‘dating’ D.O always knew they were from different places and feared the most hearing that he wasn’t worthy of Kai’s love. D.O was already feeling emotional from before and his reaction shocked Kai the most.

Kai suddenly felt a pain in his stomach as he was being tackled by D.O’s small frame.

D.O pushed Kai with all his strength knocking the other to the floor. Kai gather himself from the shock and stood quickly delivering a punch into D.O’s face. D.O was small but by no means weak. He punched Kai as well and the two ended up on the floor on top of each other in what seemed to be them, taking turns to hit their opponent.

The crowd went crazy taking pictures and video of the situation. Suho who tried to separate them first got a jab in his jaw as a consequence. Eunhyuk who was in the car waiting for Kai went running towards the fight.

They were separated eventually and Eunhyuk took Kai away while D.O went up to his apartment.

Within 30 minutes of the fight it was all over the news and the Internet. Their relationship was officially over a bit more dramatically than they originally intended. The netizens took Kai’s side and D.O was made the bad guy. 

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Chapter 6: Hahhah...why eunhyuk keeps mention about his busy dating schedule all the time....i love it...but D.O still didnt get his revenge to that crazy woman who burned my baby fair skin...i think author should burn her back instead or something worst!!! Still,glad that they're together at th end
noodlehead #2
Chapter 7: Omo, this story was really cute! I really loved reading it, thanks author-nim
Chapter 7: oh this is cute! but what about the public? shouldn't they, like, make a statement about their relationship?
emreadsfics #4
Oh so sweet. And Eunhyuk as a manager, jajaja he was so funny!
Weirdogurl88 #5
Chapter 7: i feel like i wanna beat tht lady until she's dying. She deserve tht. off es! And u shd make a sequel author-nim!!! Pweaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
squishy_kyungsoo91 #6
Chapter 7: Great story..thumbs up ^^
Chapter 3: lmao suho gets no love where is the lie
Chapter 7: This fic deserves a sequel.
my kaisoo... ♡