Chapter 8

Social Butterfly


A week after the wedding, Leila returned to Tong International Corp and took up the position of CEO. Since she decided to go to work, Raymond has assigned Ron to her personal assistant. Samuel was there to greet her as if nothing bad had happened between them but it was clear that he was not happy to see Ron. With her background in law and Samuel’s finance degree, they began to feel like things were turning around for them. Although Raymond never said anything, Leila knew that he has a lot to do with the turn around for her company. However, he has not spoken one word to her ever since their confrontation with Samuel. She is only finding out what is going on with her husband’s life through tabloids.


Inside her office Leila couldn’t concentrate on her work because of what Ron said during their ride to work. Their commute to and from work are usually filled with silence but today he surprised her by asking her to attend the Lam’s Corp annual charity gala.

“Is this Raymond’s idea” she asked

Ron: “no, he because he doesn’t think you would go anyway.”

Leila: “well, he’s right. Why should I?”

Ron hesitated for a long moment that Leila almost thought he wasn’t going to say anything but then he answered: “Because he’s going to need you beside him.”

What does Ron mean? How come someone as arrogant as him needs someone like her? When Leila left work that day she doesn’t finish any of her task and that night she lost sleep too. The next evening when Leila walked out of the mansion Ron was standing next to the car waiting for her. She offered a light smile and to her surprise he actually smiled back. Once again the two rode in silent; their minds each on their own thought.


Meanwhile at the Lam’s charity gala, Raymond dressed in a white tuxedo was chatting casually with some of the senior officers; Kenneth and Joel were standing by his side and surveying the crowd. About 10 feet away, Linda whom came as Joel’s date (because she begged him) has been adjusting her expensive designer dress and showing more of her skin by the second but Raymond seen to pay no attention. Finally Linda stumped her feet and walked away; she had no idea that another girl was watching and waiting for her to move out of the way so she could make her move.


Kate was walking up to Raymond when a clumsy waiter dumped into her. She closed her eyes in preparation for the contact with the floor but it doesn’t happen. When she opened her eyes, she was in Raymond’s arms.

Raymond: “are you open?”

Kate: “yes, I’m fine. It’s just that this wasn’t how I thought our first meeting would be.”

“Oh really, how did you think we would meet then?” Raymond let go of her but they remain close.

Kate smiled: “first let me introduce myself, Mr. Lam I am Kate Tsui, your new secretary.”

Raymond smiled back: “that’s a present surprise. Secretaries that are both intelligent and beautiful are hard to come by these days. So have yourself a good time to night and I will see you at work tomorrow.”

Kate couldn’t believe that he had given her a dead end but she was smart enough not to press it; she will have plenty of time to make him hers anyway.

The door opened and Bosco walked in with Tavia. For a brief second, Tavia thought she saw pain in his eyes but a second later it was gone. He raised his glass to them and drank the remainder of the wine.

Bosco walked up to Raymond with Tavia in his arms; he was smiling genuinely because he knew Raymond must feel miserable seeing him and Tavia together. He knew Raymond love her; enough that he almost die for her. Thus he will use her as a way to get back at him.

But tonight, he will not have the chance because the door opened again and Leila walked in with Ron behind her. Everyone’s attention turned to her, not because she is the official wife, not because she rarely attends events like this, but because tonight she is no doubt the most beautiful woman here.


Raymond couldn’t move his eyes away from her; he couldn’t believe that she actually came. He looked over at the man standing next to her and Ron returned an all knowing smile. Again, Raymond was grateful to have a friend that can understand what’s in his mind. Leila looked over at Raymond and their eyes met; everything around then seen to have dissolved. He walked over and met her at the bottom of the stair case. They walked hand in hand on to the stage and she remained by his side as he offered the opening speech. Ron went and joined Joel and Kenneth in the corner; one of them padded him on the back and the other offered a thumb up. They watched as Raymond and Leila took the dance floor for the first dance; without realizing, they were all smiling for their best friend has found happiness. But they didn’t forget that danger was just steps away as Ron pointed out Bosco who was standing on the other corner. Tavia also noticed Bosco’s strange reaction and turned to reach for his hand. He didn’t even notice because since Leila entered the room his eyes have been locked on her. Meanwhile, Nancy and Samuel was watching all of this and noting in their head the strange relationship among all of them.


But on the dance floor, the world belonged to just Raymond and Leila. He was looking so intensely at that but she started to blush.

“Can you stop looking at me like that?” she asked.

Raymond: “why? You are my wife you know. And beside you are the most beautiful here tonight so who else can I look at?”

Leila gave him a confused look: “who are you really? The Raymond I know would never say something like this.”

Raymond: “really? I guess you don’t remember know me then. But it’s not your fault I really haven’t given you the chance but from today on everything will be different.”

Leila: “what do you mean?”

Raymond: “what I mean is, I suddenly realize how beautiful my wife is. Just look at all these men drooling over you.”

He was looking straight in her eyes as he said this and she almost wanted to back away but he held her tightly in his arms.

“Thank you for being here tonight; from this moment on you belong to me and I’ll never let you fly away, my butterfly” his whispered in her ear.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links
Tenth story on aff~ ♡
HottestVIPSone #3
Love Leila and Raymond pairing!
visiting old stories!
hvnbns #5
hvnbns #6
:') rest in peace.
The poster is nice :) and the story seemed so interesting! But may you rest in peace :)
xueqing #8
rip.... :)
gotler #9
Wow it was featured too