Chapter 3

Social Butterfly




While Raymond was busy taking the Asia Financial world by storm, Leila hardly had time to pay any attention to the news. For the past two days, Leila has been visiting all of her parents’ friends hoping they would give her a clue for her parents’ disappearance. Unfortunately, no one knew or they simply weren’t telling her anything. Finally she was dragged home by Samuel so she could get some rest.



When Leila finally opened her luggage she found some stuff that she didn’t recognize. There was a bottle of Armani cologne and some neatly stacked men’s clothing. Finally she saw an envelope stuffed in one of the side pocket. The letter was addressed to Raymond Lam with an US address. Inside the envelope was a brief memo informing Raymond with the address of his new residence in HK. A handsome but icy face appeared in her memory. Wasn’t it be romantic if the luggage belonged to that guy? Leila thought to herself.

At the time she had no idea how much their path will be crossed from this day on.


Meanwhile one day earlier Raymond opened his luggage and also realized that he had the wrong suitcase. He was about to called for Kenneth to return the suitcase when sometime caught his eyes.

So now the suitcase still lay open on the carpeted floor. Raymond was lying on his bed; in one hand he was holding a diary and in his other hand was a photo frame. In the photo a girl were smiling brightly with her cap and grown on. Her parents were also smiling by her side.


The next day, Leila got up early so she could return the suitcase to its rightful owner and get her own suitcase back. Samuel wanted to come with her but Leila insisted that she would be ok. And since Samuel hasn’t been to work in two days it was able time for him to show his face at the department. Shortly after Leila left the Tong’s mansion, Joel arrived at the house on Raymond’s order. He’s job was to deliver the suitcase back to the owner; the only thing missing was the photo frame inside. Samuel told the suitcase on her behalf without even saying thanks. He’s police training and many years on the job told him that he didn’t want Leila to have any further interaction with these people.


At the breakfast table, Linda was happily chatting away. It has been ten years since she late saw Raymond; he was even better looking than she remembered. Ron nodded once in a while to show that he was listening. Even thought he never encouraged it he always knew his younger sister has a crush on Raymond. Raymond’s thought were still on his decision to have Joel take the suitcase back to Leila. He told himself not to make this a big deal. How can a girl he hardly knew have this big of an effect on him?


When the butler came and announced that a Miss. Tong was here to return a suitcase, Raymond jumped up in surprise. He’s reaction took both Ron and Linda by surprise. Raymond tried to hide his excitement and asked the Butler to Leila to the guest room.


Leila wasn’t sure if she should be exited or scared that he turned out to be him after all. One thing was for sure, the look on his face was making her very uncomfortable. With out the sunglass, she realized that his eyes were lighter than most people. It was also like shade of amber and his glaze was like a lion eyeing down on a prey.

Leila: Hi are you Mister Lam?

Raymond gestured for her to sit down: yes. What can I help you with?

Leila: I think we grabbed each other’s suitcase by mistake the airport. I’m very sorry if I caused any problem for you. I was a mess that day.

Raymond could tell she was very nervous and he decided to some more: I must say you don’t look too good right now either.

He’s comment took her by surprise and she decided to finish her business quickly so she could get out of here: I brought back you suitcase today and I was hoping you can give me back mine?

Raymond: I already asked my man to deliver it back. I’m sure it should be back at your place by now. As for my suitcase, just leave it here. I will ask the maid to check and make sure nothing is missing or damage.

Leila was offended by his arrogant attitude: what do you mean by that? Do you think I would be interested in taking any of your stuff? I might not the richest person in Hong Kong but I can still afford what I want ok?

Raymond: it’s not about money. You really can’t tell about people nowadays.

Raymond almost wanted to laugh since he was the one guilty of taking something that doesn’t belonged to him. But they will be married soon right? What is hers will be his soon.

Leila was furious by now: I shouldn’t even be wasting time with arrogant people like you. Your suitcase is here. Check it 100 times if you have time. If you still have my suitcase then keep it! Just do me a favor and make sure we never meet again.


Raymond watched Leila stormed out the room and smiled to him self: I’m sorry but I don’t think that is possible. Leila Tong we will meet again, very soon.


Outside the door, Linda was listening in on their conversation. She was caught red-handed when Leila opened the door quickly. Linda smiled awkwardly but Leila stormed out the door without even looking at her.


New Characters:

Joel Chan


Linda Chung


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links
Tenth story on aff~ ♡
HottestVIPSone #3
Love Leila and Raymond pairing!
visiting old stories!
hvnbns #5
hvnbns #6
:') rest in peace.
The poster is nice :) and the story seemed so interesting! But may you rest in peace :)
xueqing #8
rip.... :)
gotler #9
Wow it was featured too