Chapter 4

Social Butterfly

Chapter 4


At the Wong’s mansion, Tavia was looking at the picture in her hand. All three of them looked so happy. Would things have been different if she picked him instead of Bosco?

But it’s too late now. Everything is not the same anymore…

Her cell phone went off and Tavia quickly wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Hey Ta, it’s me Leila. I’m back. I miss you so much. Do you miss me?”

Tavia was so surprised to hear Leila’s voice: “you are back really? Of course I miss you. Did you tell Nancy your back?”

Leila:” yea, I just called her. We are gonna meet at Amour. Wanna meet us?”

Tavia: “oh really? I’m try… “

Leila heard the distress in Tavia’s voice: “Ta, is everything ok?”

Tavia didn’t want her to worry: “of course. I was just planning on going to the spy today. I’m a mess today. I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you guys go ahead and I’ll let the chef prepare something yummy for you two. I’ll try to meet you there as soon as I’m done. “

“Sound’s good.” Leila hung up happily.

Tavia ended the call and walked out of her room. She knew Bosco was having an important meeting so she waited patiently outside his office.


After the lawsuit, Bosco disappeared. He knew Raymond would make sure he didn’t get any opportunity. However, not many people know that he was secretively involved in drug dealing, not even his father. He was able branch off his own business with the money he made.

After a long moment of silence, he finally looked up at the guest sitting across from him: “I don’t think you need me to say any more since you are a pro at this. Just remember don’t let her know your identity.”

The young woman took off her sunglass and revealed her cat-like eyes: “you don’t trust me? If he is anything like his brother, I will make him hand over everything he has willingly. All you have to do is stay out of my way and let me do my work.”

The woman got up to leave as Bosco tapped his computer and the screen came on to reveal a picture of a young women: “Just make sure you don’t hurt her.”

The women smiled deviously and answered without looking back: “after all these years you are still the same. I guess she will always remain your only weakness.”

Bosco touched the face on the screen and said: “you will be mine, even if you are going to be someone else’s wife.”

The young women laughed and walked out the door.


The door opened; both Bosco and the young woman saw Tavia, Bosco’s so-called girlfriend standing outside. The woman walked right pass Tavia with an evil stare and a little bump along the way.

“Are you spying on me?’ Bosco accused.

Tavia: “Bosco you know I would never do that. I was just going to ask you if I could go to the café today. Leila came back to Hong Kong. I don’t know if you remember but she’s my best friend. I just want to catch up with her if that’s ok with you?”

Bosco was in deep thoughts and Tavia was about to give up when look up at her with a bright smile on his face; the same smile that she fell in love with many years ago.

Bosco: “sure, go and have fun. You should go out and make more friends.”

Tavia was ecstatic with joy: “thank you so much.”

Tavia turned to leave when she heard Bosco said: “I wouldn’t mind meeting her.”

The smile disappeared from Tavia’s face. 


Meanwhile after Leila stormed out of Lam’s Corp, she decided to meet up with her best friends, Tavia and Nancy. Tavia and Leila grew up together because their parents were good friends and they also went to the same school. Leila met Nancy when she started middle school. Nancy’s father was the owner of the self defense school Leila attended (Security was bad in Hong Kong at the time so Leila’s family decided it was important for her to learn how to defend herself.) Leila really liked Nancy’s out going personality and they become friends instantly. She also introduced Tavia to Nancy and the three of them has been best friends since.


When Leila arrived, Nancy was already there. She wrapped Leila in a bear bug and almost lifted her up.

Leila: “Nance, let me down. We are in public.”

“oh Leila, I miss you so much. I can’t believe you were gone for so long. I swear I’m never gonna let you leave me again.”

Leila laughed: “you sound so cheesy and you make it sound like I’m your girlfriend. I swear you need to find a boyfriend.”

“ewww, I don’t want a yucky boy when I can have Leila.”

The two were chatting happily when Tavia finally showed up.

Nancy: “Ta, you’re finally here. Aren’t you suppose to be here all the time considering you are the owner?”

Leila: “probably because her honey doesn’t want her to work too hard.”
Tavia’s cheek was rosey both from rushing there and her friends’ comments: “come on guys, stop picking on me. Did you guys order already? Get anything. It’s my treat.”

Nancy: “Ta, that’s not fair. I always come here and I never get anything free.”

Leila: “that’s because you eat so much Tavia will have to close the café.”

During the meal, Leila took them about the reason for her return and her parents’ disappearance. Finally she got to the recent event involving her suitcase.

“No way!” Nancy sounded more excited than she should be “what a jerk. I bet he thinks he’s the just because he’s rich. What did you say his name is again?”

“Raymond Lam.”

“What!!” Tavia and Nancy said in union.

Leila: “yea, Raymond Lam. Is he that big of a deal?”

Nancy was about to speak when the news on the LCD screen caught their eyes (They are inside a private dinning room at Amour. there is a plasma table on each table so the guest can enjoy their meal and watch whatever they like.)

Following her line of vision, Leila and Tavia turned around to look at the t.v. It wsa broadcasting a live news conference and Leila recognize the person on the podium right away. It was Raymond Lam. He was very calmly delivering a speech to several hundred reporters and media from around the world.

“And therefore I would like to conclude Lam Corp’s future plan by announcing that I will be marrying Ms. Leila Tong from the Tong’s Corp and our wedding will be in two days.”

“What?” once again Tavia and Nancy both turned to look at her. But from the look on Leila’s face they knew she was just as surprised as they were.


New Characters:

 Tavia Yeung




 Nancy Wu

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links
Tenth story on aff~ ♡
HottestVIPSone #3
Love Leila and Raymond pairing!
visiting old stories!
hvnbns #5
hvnbns #6
:') rest in peace.
The poster is nice :) and the story seemed so interesting! But may you rest in peace :)
xueqing #8
rip.... :)
gotler #9
Wow it was featured too