Disturbing (9 disturbing stories)

SpartAce Marital Bliss - Their treasures.

The days following the SBS Entertainment Award Ceremony were a whirlwind for the Kim family. While the girls’ performance had been nothing short of spectacular, it also attracted more attention tha

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Stocking's Sugary Skull Intrigues Insects

By xandermartin98 Updated
Characters Anarchy, Stocking Anarchy, Fighteer, Fighteer's Minions, Brief, Garterbelt, Doktor Finkelhoffer
With 1 chapters, 520 views, 27714 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By CinnamonChocolate Updated
Characters Kim Namjoon , Kim Seokjin , Min Yoongi , Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook.
With 38 chapters, 7 votes, 409 subscribers, 5040 views, 18 comments, 129257 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

The Darkness Within

By MikeBella15 Updated
Tags  abuse   death   fantasy   gore   horror   murder   mystery   psychological   suicide   supernatural   thriller   tragedy   violence   future   scary   past   denial   fiction   anger   winter   blood   sadness   accident   missing   nightmare   asylum   lost   witches   danger   soul   cold   witchcraft   abandoned   miracle   darkness   chill   night   hidden   disturbing   twistoffate   shiver   pity   darkside   deranged   flame   disgusting   mentality   foresight   darkhistory   loathe 
With 5 chapters, 810 views, 2714 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By Miyoonga Updated
Characters Artist Kim Taehyung & Hostage Jungkook?
With 7 chapters, 3 votes, 61 subscribers, 2020 views, 3 comments, 4664 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only

The shimmer in my peripherals.

By LizardKing Updated
Characters Sejda and the surprise idol
With 1 chapters, 1 comments, 1221 words
Status Completed

The  shimmer  in  my  peripherals.  It’s  there,  I  know  it  is.  And  it  knows  I’m  here.  It  mocks  me,  torments  me.  I  know  it’s  there.  I  know  the  secret.

Living in Sin

By TaeLovely Updated
Tags  murder   taekai   disturbing 
Characters Taemin||Kai||
With 1 chapters, 7 votes, 187 subscribers, 1720 views, 7 comments, 2892 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

silence is relative

By bluecheeese Updated
Tags  luhan   sehun   hunhan   disturbing 
Characters Lu Han, Se Hun
With 1 chapters, 8 comments, 1479 words
Status [M], Completed

Don't touch me, I'm filthy...

By BabyKyuhunnie Updated
Tags  depression   himchan   bap   bangchan   banghim   youngguk   disturbing 
With 22 chapters, 54 votes, 352 subscribers, 16840 views, 370 comments, 87319 words
Status [M], Completed


By TaeLovely Updated
Tags  angst   dark   taemin   kai   taekai   psycological   disturbing 
Characters Taemin, Kai
With 1 chapters, 10 votes, 31 subscribers, 1550 views, 14 comments, 2225 words
Status [M], Completed