BIRTH NAME: Min Seojin
DATE OF BIRTH 27/10/02
BIRTHPLACE Yeosu, South Jeolla

Korean - Native with a perfect Seoulite dialect which she worked very hard to achieve. Not a drop of undesirable Jeolla dialect remains.

English - Basic. She has had classes at MMC but she never excelled. Can exchange basic words with fans, can pronounce english with a noticeable accent.

Seojin was always pretty, but after Moon Manchul recommended the eye and nose job "to match the company style", she became drop dead gorgeous. Style-wise she does her best to be stylish, though she doesn't quite have what it takes to be a fashionista. She is attracted to brands as status symbols, she still has the pair of sponsored Fila sneakers all the trainees got 2 years ago, now incredibly worn. 

keep scrolling down!
 min seojin 
Arrogant // proud // ice princess // insecure // direct // impulsive // competitive // high-strung // lonely // petty // obedient // secretly empathetic
Once, Seojin was a regular girl who just wanted to be a part of the glamorous shining life of fame. Then she was told to fight for it, that everyone is your competition, that there can only be one favourite. Turned out, she was good at fighting for it.
Seojin is very much a product of her environment. She exudes confidence to the point of arrogance, after all she's been told for years now that she's a star that she's beautiful that she's the one the company has been looking for. Nevermind that she's tied all of her self-esteem to the opinions of others and the opinions of one man most of all. Nevermind that she spends hours making sure she looks perfect because the opposite just cannot be allowed. A hair out of place shows weakness and if she shows weakness they'll eat her alive.
She's always on edge, always a nudge away from fight or flight. Her entire self-worth depends on being better than them. She has to be better than them, she has worked so so hard to be better than them. Everything is us vs. them one way or another. Her vs. Sol Ai, Sol Ai vs. Dream4U, Sol Ai vs. Violetta. Competition just gives her the motivation to do better and losing is not an option.

And leadership? Oh boy was she not prepared for it. So much energy goes into being perfect and controlling every part of her presentation. Other people? They're unpredictable. You can't control other people! Certainly not other people that a second ago have been cold hard competition. She's direct in her criticism, seeing herself as someone dishing out harsh truths so they might be rectified. Other might see her as a cold hearted . It's all about perspective.
Under all of these thorns and this facade of confidence lies a lil heart that is lonely, that yearns for any kind of true connection. But Mion can't afford true connection, what if true connection stabs you in the back? You can't show weakness, you can't be vulnerable, they'll eat you up and then what will you have worked for all these years? You're a star you're a star you're a star. Even when that little heart of hearts of hers remembers the bright eyed girl full of empathy and hope she must shut it away. Even when she sees another girl crying and a long starved part of herself longs to reach out and help she squares her shoulders. They must deserve it, we all pull ourselves up by our bootstraps don't we? That's what the superiors always told her and why should she question them?

When Seojin looks into the mirror, she doesn't always like the Mion that looks back at her. But then it's time for her shots, no time to think about any of that. She's so close so close to the life of her dreams and she won't let anything stand in her way.
Seojin spent the first 12 years of her life in a cushy middle class family being the treasured daughter who got everything she wanted. Then the family bakery failed and the family fell on extremely hard times with big outstanding debts. Out was the doting and the attention, in was stressed parents constantly jumping from ty job to ty job and convenience store food and a big brother turned part-time parent.

For Seojin, it meant slipping into fantasy to get through a grim reality. Before she'd been a casual idol fan like many kids but after the Apocalypse she surrounded herself with these snippets of glam, she closed her eyes to image herself being there (or to imagine herself kissing her favourite idol she was still a tween). What if she was the one to stand on stage adored by many? She'd never have to worry about what gross convenience store meal her brother gave her today and AEON's Seojin-oppa would finally notice her and she'd go back to living in a big house and having all the things she wanted.

So little Min Seojin started dancing along to the dance practice videos and singing along to karaoke videos and when MMC finally came to Gwangju again for auditions she got on a bus to be there hours before it even started. And then she got in and everything changed. Online you can find tons of beautiful stories of poor idols who become trainees to relieve their parents of the burden of housing them, or to make money to save their families. This is not Seojin's story, all Seojin ever wanted was an escape.

- Used to be a huge fun of AEON's Seojin, mostly because they shared a name and therefore he must be superior. She still has the one single album she'd managed to scrape the money to buy (Chained Up Seojin version) in her closet back home.

She has since dropped him like a brick when he became an though and has declared him "not a real Seojin". Still likes Aeon, has moved on to Chanhee now though his association with D4U puts him on thin ice.
- She's still a Horizone fan and will fangirl a little when she sees them.

- She has a real weakness for sweets, especially ice cream. Hasn't had one in ages because constant diets.
- She quit school to focus on training.

- She used to cook and bake with her mom as a kid though she hasn't done it in a good while. She was pretty good at it though.
MOON MANCHUL  / lord and god / '57
The most important man in her life. She has spent years making him the center of her existence and making the way he perceives her the most important thing there can be. A slight frown of the eyebrows during an evaluation can send her into a spiral of figuring out what she can do to fix it.
KWON HYEONSU  / devil in her ear / '02 / 
Hyeonsu is so annoying. She vaguely knew him since they were trainees but only really got to know him after debut and as the cracks of her star-status start forming.

"It's happening to you too," he says almost with glee. "You're being replaced."

"Shut the up," she snaps. He never does.

"Come to me if you need coping tips," he grins. "It's mostly alcohol."

ADOR KIM  / that  / '94
Mion and Ador do not get along. There comes the enemy, the feeling is mutual. Their meetings mostly consist of the two of them sniping at each other, and suddenly in the presence of Violetta, the girls of SOL AI can do no wrong. Show no weakness, is the motto. No matter the shortcomings of these girls, they are Seojin's girls. 
DREAM4U / those es
D4U is the greatest enemy. Sure, Ador is a and annoying and SOL AI must prove their right of existence by being better than them, but Dream4U? They don't even deserve to be associated with SOL AI and yet they're the ones winning award and outselling them?? !
It is, of course, all because of Manchul's disgust at the situation, the way SOL AI is blamed for not being better than that group of nobodies. And what is Seojin going to do? Self-reflect?? Much easier to look at Dream4U and declare them personae non gratae. She is not kind to them.
MIN SUHWAN  / big brother parent / 99 
Despite being only 2 years older than her, Suhwan has acted as parent since the Min's stable life crumbled. He was the one who made sure they ate and helped her with homework and watched her silly idol cover performances in their tiny apartment and accompanied her to the audition. She's closer to him than she is to her parents and he checks in on her more often than they do. They talk often and Seojin always pretends to be a better person than she has become as in rare moments of self-reflection she feels ashamed for what training turned her into.
PLOTLINE  The Favourite
POSITION  Main vocal, lead dancer
TALENT TWINS Karina (Aespa)

Skill-wise everything is very idol, everything she has she learned at MMC. Her vocal are more stylized to sound good than technically profiscient, her dancing is perfect for kpop routines but she falls apart if asked to freestyle.
TRAINEE YEARS  3 years (April 2017 -  debut 2020)
TRAINEE LIFE Seojin entered MMC as a starry eyed 15 year old thinking the hard part was done and she was on an easy path to stardom and promptly had that gross misconception beaten out of her. From the start she was held a little above the majority of trainees, she was told Moon Manchul had picked her especially from the 2017 auditions as the stand-out and he'd often check on her. It was clear to Seojin that she wa something special, but it was also clear to her that she had to keep improving and perfecting herself to fulfill that potential.
She wasn't the absolute favourite from the start, that was another trainee when she came in, but she pushed herself hard to improve her meagre skills and did anything Manchul or staff suggested of her and she quickly grew into that most coveted spot. She was always pretty, the surgery made her beautiful, and her own hard work made her charismatic. From 2018 on it was undisputable, Seojin was going to be the next MMC star.
As for her other trainees, Seojin has very few friends. As a workaholic trainee, she was always obsessing over her performance, getting all the details just right. She also mostly talked to trainees she deemed of her calibre, but always carefully a little less skiller or pretty or charismatic than her. As long as she could feel a little above them. Always obsessed with keeping her status, Seojin has definitely done some sabotage in her lowest moments, when the fear of replacement overtook her.
Love interest is open for whoever wants, and otherwise will be deicded later. Biual queen.
Go forth and create, my friends <3
  coded by lowcation


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I hope I didn't miss or forget anything ><

okay but is anyone else surprised at how fast I did this? like where did that speed come from--
anyways I hope you like her! lmk if I need to edit/change/etc anything cause this might be rushed but at least it's done XD
Master Yoda's voice: "The grudge in this one, personal it is. hmm. Yes yes."
Did she fight me the whole way? Absolutely. Was it a great exercise? Absolutely. xD
I hope you have fun reading!
for the first time in a long time i'm not turning in an app at 5am... anyways, please take her away!
Ahhh, so there are things I feel could be better about this app, but I feel I’ll just keep on nitpicking if I don’t just submit it. I hope there are no major issues but just let me know if there is ^^ : https://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1307392

AGHH! /hurls her at you/ I'm sorry for this child and I am happy to scrap or change anything on her >_>
Okay, seriously... why am I the first one to hand in a character???
Anyhoo... have my child, I hope you'll like her <3