➸┆BAND CAMP #2k15 ━ ◜ bang nari ◞

2nd year camper | timpani

HERE TO: UP, LEAVE. ) nari plays one of the most simple instuments in the entire band, and yet she can't even keep up sustainable beat at rehersals. she'd rather just annoyingly bang on her timpani the entire time and intentionally piss of the conductor. she often spends her time bothering other campers during practice time by poking them with her drumstick (varies from kfc and the ones from her actual drum) and constantly bugging the trumpet players to play jason derulo songs for her. it obvious that nari is just an overall slacker and annoyance to the other hardworking campers. in fact, she doesn't care about musicamp! so why the heck is she even here? well, it was either this or taking summer classes. as much as she hates band and camps, she sure as hell wasn't taking up the option for more school. she's only here to graduate and get out. nari expects this summer to be exactly like it was last year; a big ugly wasteland full of snobby kids and their tooty intruments. she's just trying to get by and not turn this a complete waste of time by getting laugh or two from messing with these (not so) happy campers whenever she gets the chance.


bbang bbang! / nari's name is perfectly made for her instrument, they both make the bang! sound. her friends like to call her this for her instrument choice. the tune of jessie j's 'bang bang' is also not a unfamilar sound to nari because of this cursed nickname. 
➳ drumroll girl / nari doesn't have much of a huge role in contrast to the rest of the band kids, she just sorta keeps a (not likely) steady tempo for everyone to (desperatly) follow, but often when the time calls for it she's the one to bring in the infamous drumroll sound to the rehersal atmosphere. when the director asks a question to the band or individual, she also throws in another drumroll as a harmless joke.
riri / nari is blessed with the same two letters in her name first name as her favorite western idol, rihanna. some closer friends will occasionally call her this, but her main alias is nari and she doesn't really mind what you call her anyways. riri just makes her feel cool, as she relates it to her holy queen, rihanna.

AGE ) 18.
BIRTHDAY ) july 28.

BIRTH PLACE ) incheon, south korea.
HOMETOWN ) incheon, south korea.

ETHNICITY ) korean.
korean / fluent / native language.
➳ english / conversational / learned from watching american tv shows and pop songs; she likes using short slang phrases like "yo" "bro" "no way" and "oh my god" to spice up her daily conversations and sarcastic replies.
FACE CLAIM ) searin.
APPEARANCE ) nari would be borderline overweight by this point if it wasn't for her metabolism. she doesn't consider it the fastest, but somehow it processes the constant flow of junk food she pours into her hungry mouth good enough to land her an average weight of 55 kg at her height of 165 cm. she gains weight like any other avid fast food eater, and with jiggle on her thighs, flub on her tummy, and booty fat, it all still balances out reasonably and it's not like she has a problem with it. nari's hair is naturally straight and chocolate hued, with bangs hanging in front where she can easily brush off to the side or clip up to create a middle parting. she also ties in her hair in a simple side ponytail whenever she feels too lazy to brush it in the mornings. a deformed heart shaped birth mark is peculiarly planted on her left , in which she claims to explain her love for the booty ... anyways, she has four identical piercings on each ear, two of which are actually 4mm gauges. she has a small dragon tattoo on her right shoulder blade that she sneaked out with friends to get on her eightteenth birthday, but her mom doesn't know about it. she enjoys showing it off to others whenever she feels like bragging about it. nari wears very minimal makeup because of her how she's already content with her smooth and pale skin. she just wears normal bb cream and on good days she'll wear a eyeliner or tiny bit of lip tint (for like maybe 2 hours before she /eats it all unintentionally).

STYLE ) nari's style is simple and boyish, and loose. her wardrobe consists of mostly plain t-shirts, she particularly likes a jersey style with a big random number or nonsense english text on it. she says its for the aesthetics. she has a distaste for colorful grandma-esque flowery patterns, or patterns in general, which is why everything she has is either black and/or white, solid colored, and minimalist in terms of pattern. for colder days a grey sweater and jeans will do. sometimes she wears skirts or even that one dress she brought to camp whenever everything else is being washed. she perfers shorts as bottoms, but as long as it's comfortable, it's cool. sometimes nari gets a little too comfortable in her clothing; it's a sight to see when nari forgets she is wearing a skirt today and sits with legs wide open "oh shut up, there's black hot-shorts under! what's the big deal?". as for accessories, she wears caps, beanies, or her favorite bandana to look extra cool. she also has some cool glasses to put on when she's feeling y shady. now what about shoes? she has one crusty pair of black converse that she's been wearing everyday for the past 3 years, certainly completing her tomboyish look.

here are some classic nari looks!! :

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( + ) frivolous, jocular, laidback, confident.
( - ) inappropriote, easily distracted, irresponsible, erted.

coming at you at full speed, i introduce you the one and only bang nari; the most energetic queer kid any band camp could possibly offer, and she's loud and proud to say so. she's one carefree individual, the utmost defintion of a wild & free spirit. nari doesn't allow anyone to tell her what her own mouth can say (or eat), and with confidence bursting through the roof, she makes it damn obvious. from her uncensorable dirty thoughts to expressing her uality to being confident with her failures, nari always speaks up, she never has anything to hide. she's the one to make awkward silences start running their steam again, she's the one to raise her hand first even if she doesn't know the answer. some might find charm in her carefree attidude, others (aka all camp directors & couselors) will find her downright inappropriote and unnessicary. and it's true. she's dangerously honest. she makes fun of your mess-ups, never keeps secrets, and isn't afraid to sass the person in higher authority without any shame. it's quite ironic since she herself doesn't have much talent in things except for banging on a small steel drum (badly) for hours on end and bribing fast food workers for discounts on already extremely cheap food.

in 'the official bang nari handbook to being bang nari', there is literally simply one most important rule written: there are no rules!! nari does what she wants without thinking of consequence, and it's not like she cares about getting in trouble any ways, she's far passed the point of being carefree into being careless. nari is over-the-top energetic, she can never sit still or listen to instruction because again, she just doesn't care. nothing ever worries her. she only get's bits and pieces of info through her extremely narrow attention span, and that still doesn't even mean she'll still follow them or know what the hell is going on. for example "forte? that means loud right? nice" and "pianissimo? pianos are loud too right? yes". she spends her time zoning out and thoroughly thinking of ways to destroy the ego of a person she doesn't like with sick comebacks and approaches whenever she's put inside a classroom or quieter atmosphere instead of listening to lectures. honestly what's the worst thing that staff could do, suspend her? hah, her mom will find a way to get her out of that.

nari is a natural, self-taught, top class booty hunter for genders of all types, it doesn't matter because she knows a good when she sees one, and that's enough to satisfy her in more ways than just aethetically ... along with her outgoing personality comes with a painful amount of erted, borderline offensive jokes. she can never take anything seriously, especially if it's related to being ual. sometimes she'll do you the favor of wearing sunglasses (indoors?) when inspecting your behind, but you can never really expect or escape from her bad habits or tendencies. as inapropriote as nari gets, she won't ever physically touch in an invasive way you if you're not her friend, it's more like lowkey complimenting your booty or nice body figure and allow you to decide how you want to react to her 'harmless admiration'. if you are comfortable passed nari's wild behavior, she won't mind slapping your in public or maybe poke a or two. once you get close to nari, you get really close.

it's hard to imagine such a booming and energetic person such as nari try handle emotional or extremely serious situations well. she's usually very upbeat but she makes a quick 180 whenever you make her feel small or intimadated, which isn't very often. she tends to avoid talking about her personal life or problems, acting nonchalant and covering it all up with her unserious jokes which is effortlessly working for the most part. she doesn't like thinking about the future such as looking for a job or doing 'adult-things', as she doesn't ever manage her responsiblities well. she is young and carefree at heart and hates being pressured or stressed to do something. it's strange to see her become distant and wary to those kinds of topics. she doesn't cry or get frustrated, she more or less just ignores the fact that she is on the verge of reaching adulthood and it's rough reality while coming up with excuses to not confront them. deep down, nari doesn't have much self confidence on what she can do with herself, and perfers to just stay the way she is, reluctant to try anything new or changing, denying her potential in doing anything greater than what she is now.

PAST ) before even being born into the world, nari has always caused reckless trouble for her mom. her conception was at first an incredible delight to her parents, but that happiness periodically declined. her demands for food and constant kicking inside her mother's womb caused her lifelong painful back problems. bang nari was unexpectedly born 2 weeks premature on july 28 of the year 1997, almost birthed in a car if it wasn't for her father speeding through red lights to the hospital. there goes nari's very first speeding ticket fee, at a ripe age of 2 hours old. her parents hoped for a better future with their daughter, even if it was a rough start. boy howdy were they wrong. all throughout her childhood, nari would never sit still (unless if it was for food). causing her mom and dad sleepless nights, coming home with stolen items from the boys in the playground at school, and multiple disiplinary phone calls from her teachers were never an unfamiliar events. it wasn't just nari's mindless childhood antics that caused stress upon her parents, but the couple themselves found their love for each other quickly gravitating away. their different jobs, uncompatiable personalities, and unhealthy way of taking care of their child through a set schedule of 'taking turns' soon led to a divorce when nari was just 8 years old, when she was too young to comprehend love or why this seperation happened. nari's father suddenly disappeared from her life a few days after she overheard a loud argument from her parents. he never signed papers or even talked to nari about it, he just ... left.

now it was just a little clueless nari and her disgruntled single mother living inside a upper-middle class enviornment. her mother was a professional medical scientist, and with her amount of money still coming in and her highly respected position in the field, it would have been easy to regain her life and pride again, even after the person she supposedly loved left her without a word. a once lively young mother turned into a depressed and distant woman. she never said it out loud, but nari knew that nahyun wanted to scream at and blame her for her father's disappearance; nari knew that her mom just wanted to get up in her face and tell her 'you're a huge failure. you're absolutely hopeless'. nari began to believe these suspected thoughts, causing her to not have much motivation in doing great things since her mom seemed to not care anyways. nahyun became quieter, and just looked at nari with a hint distaste or disappointment most of the time, and that came to be the face that nari has implanted in her mind; a judgemental, emotionally wrecked, grumpy old mother. nahyun just let nari did whatever she wanted from now on, but still tried to meekly hover over her and persuade her not to do anything terribly bad, like run away or do drugs. her teenage years shaped nari into somone eccentric and careless, as most of her nights were spent with friends instead of coming home. heck, who knows if she listened to her mom at all with all those outside influences. their relationship and connection just floated away, as if they even had a good one at the beginning.

PRESENT ) nari still lives with her mother, but it's as if she's living on her own. coming home from school, usually no one would be home since her mother began taking night shifts and extra hours. nari thinks that her mom is just playing along with the 'i avoid you, you avoid me' game, which she has no problem with. notes about overdue milk on the refigerator is almost the only way they really even interact with each other anymore. she lazily takes care of herself with a cabinet-full of ramen and tv, or she crashes at a friend's for a few weeks if she really begins to feel alone. her grades and marks are absolutely terrible, and was nearly close to not passing her first year of high school last year. she was either to take summer school or do community hours at this so called bandcamp called musicamp over the summer or else she'd have no chance of getting out of high school. her mom and her decided to send her off to the camp, and her plan is to come here every year summer until she graduates, or at best just finish high school, with a degree or not. when she's out of the house she wants to just freely experience life and stay young and happy.


➳ junk food / what's for lunch? from a big bag of cavity-inducing candies to a classic #2 combo from any nearby fast food place, you can always expect nari munching on the unhealthiest of finger-foods, though she insists that they taste great and she wouldn't live any other way. there's never a "vegatable" or "diet" option when you're around her. watch out for incoming crumbs and sauces flying into your personal space also, she's super messy.
➳ dramas / she loves them for the rediculously fluffy and generic romance plots, not because it's cute but because it's halarious! she loves making fun of the predicatableness of them, no matter how many times she's seen two heteroual characters fall in love in the most cheesiest of ways, it never gets old. because of watching so many, she's able to pinpoint the exact moment and episode will the two main characters have their first kiss and date just by watching the first 30 minutes of one. it's a complicated logic, but it hasn't failed her yet.
rihanna + western hiphop / her ultimate icon is the western r&b singer, rihanna. she loves anything and anything about her. the hiphop culture over there has also influenced her style a lot, even though she can't understand most of it. 
showering / as much as she loves getting dirty, she loves getting clean! nari is always holding up the line of campers to take their showers because she insists on getting in on all those nooks and cranies of her body until she is spotless, ironically only to get food and dirt stains on herself the very next day.

bras + tight clothing / she doesn't even have a large bust area, but bras and undergarments of the like have just never worked for her. she stands an uncomfortably awkward upper-body posture when wearing them, ultimately concluding that bras were made to suffocate and kill her. her alternative is wearing tank tops with a softer padding, and so far no one has been able to tell the difference. she also doesn't like anything tight as you can tell, which is why most of her clothing are big and loose.
➳ reading / of all the courses she's taken, language arts is her worst and hated subject. seeing just a short paragraph of instructions will tire her out, which explains her incabablity of following sheet music or following written rules very well.
the sun / she has a perfectly logical reasoning for her vampiricly pale complextion and dislike of the intense sun. she's allergic to sunscreen! there's no helping her even if she did want to go out on a toasty summer day, or else she'd break out in hives. nari resorts to staying inside almost 365 days a year anyways.
video games / with such a brusque and boyish personality, you'd expect nari to be a video-game nerd kind of person. nope- she hates them with a passion. she gets frustrated to a firey extent, even cute and normal games like animal crossing will make her mad because she can't figure out the buttons.

exaggerated coughing / you can never really tell if she's faking it or not. what sounds like an odinary allergy cough can turn into an intensive series of coughs that are comparable to the choking and gagging of an old man with a 2nd degree lung condition. this happens often, and you might concern her asking "is she ok" at first but after a rediculously long period of coughing you'll just get tired of it and say "shut up already! are you for real?".
➳ profanity / soon after meeting nari, you'll notice how she doesn't filter out anything she says or thinks. she has a habit of cursing in both korean and english when those words aren't even very nessicary in the context of her sentences. some common phrases are "just me up" or "i don't give a "
➳ wild assumptions / nari often likes to assume crazy things before people even finish their sentences, overexaggerating the dialouge to make it more entertaining for herself.
➳ biting her hair
 / everyone has hair and sleeping habits of some sort. for nari, her version is a gorgeous combonation of those, biting/chewing/ on the ends of her hair. she does it enough to find herself waking up with a wet piece of hair next to her because sleep-hair-chewing is a thing now. sounds disgusting but it's not like she finds hairballs in from it. when she gets bored she just takes a section and begins lightly biting or putting it in between her lips. sometimes it leads to her on that little part of it. "why is that part of your hair wet but everying else is not?"

➳ domino (dom) the snake / she owns a corn snake named domino, after her favorite pizza place. she loves this snake to death, they have an ... intresting relationship. she enjoys letting him slither around her neck and head. they also (aparently) telepathically talk and interact through back-and-forth hissing. weird, right? nari tried to sneak dom into the band camp last year but unfortunately her mom found dom inside a big mason jar with like two dead crickets as food inside her suitcase and put him back in his original tank before she could get away with it.
social networks / internet isn't allowed in musicamp, but that sure as heck isn't stopping her from updating! she owns a twitter - @banggirlriri, where she posts irrevelant thoughts and daily picture updates of domino at home. nari also has an instagram - @bang.riri, which consists of pretty much the same things, especially the snake. she loves that snake.
big queer up in here / you should be wondering, what does nari identify as? she's panual, meaning she'll like anyone without regard to what their gender or gender identity, which is boys and girls and anything in between. she'll love everyone! she is also agender, which means she feels as if she has no specific gender, just a floating genderless booty-and-y loving girl in space.
y times / if you really want to know more about nari's uality, she's lost her ity. yay? she doesn't believe is a sacred thing and the first time shouldn't really be as big of a deal as people make it to be. she lost it in sophmore year to a boy and the second time was with a girl about a few months ago. she's dating no one right now though.
butchering names / nari has a terrible memory, and names are the worst thing for her. she never remembers how to say anyone's name even if you scream it at her face every 10 seconds. even her closest friends get mixed up and wrongly pronounced by her once in awhile. this is why nari refers to anything and everyone using "yo" or "hey you" its safe to say her manners are not the best either.


mother / jin nahyun (changed surname after divorce) / 45 / reserved, submissive, languid, careful, emotional
it's hard to imagine nahyun is the person nari was birthed from, they're polar opposites. nari views her mom has this evil lady who constantly hold grudges against her. truth is, nahyun just wanted her daughter to grow up successfully and gracefully, but what came from her only child was a messy, improper, reckless little girl that claims to be an adult when she doesn't even know how to cook rice properly. since her husband left and no emotional support on her fragile self, she's just stopped putting hope into nari. they both have never openly had a talk about each other's feelings, and their mother-daughter connection is only being ripped apart more and more every day.


best friend / huang zitao / 17 / indifferent, manipulative, prankster, persuasive, dramatic
nari's first year up in the band camp buisness was for the most part a one-man show, since no upperclassmen really cared about nari's foolish antics, as they believed she'd just be here for one year and leave them to their peace. boy were they wrong. nari is back once again with twice the fire-power because nows she has a partner in (literal) crime! tao is new to this joint, but he has an impressive amount of tricks up his sleeve, enough to create a strong friendship with nari. this is not a duo you want to find yourself in a room with. this troublemaking pair is always causing chaos, with nari's talk and tao's walk, they're practically indestructable! they often fool around and do fun "duets"; playing their uncomfortably loud instruments with plenty of special bangs and booms.


"drum buddy" / wu kris / 20 / boastful, percise, serious, focused, irritable
nari would probably kris's worst nemesis, but he's nari's favorite person to torment. they sit right next to each other since there's really no chairs when you're a percussionist. it's just kris up there with his big and elite set of drums and just a few feet behind him is nari and her slightly rusty set of timpani, waiting to ruin every little move he makes. kris hates this girl more than anything, trying to ignore her dumb questions about his large drumset and teasing him for his ego that's just as large to the best of his ability. nari believes she's having fun with him for his own good, to teach him a lesson of 'chilling' more and being a little less uptight about his drumming skills since it is his last year here. "honestly, how far can you get in life with two woden sticks and some chunks of metal? relax, man!"

zhang yixing | kim minseok

SUMMARY ) one thing is for sure, directors love him. he's the finest definition of a studious little band nerd. kyungsoo is a simple, organized boy, he likes to keep to a schedule, practicing his clarinet which has whenever he has the time which has earned him a well deserved first-chair position and class favorite for his humble personality. he is highly observant and attentive to the things he takes intrest in. he doesn't talk much and no one really bothers with him unless they need some help reading music or some tips on your playing, in that case he's always up to give some advice in a friendly and sweet manner. the other band kids don't have a huge impression of him other than this reputation as the "very short and very good clarinet boy" because he's so secetive about his personal life. after practice he carefully packs up his intrument parts and disappears straight into his cabin to do whatever without much regard to the busy bodied band atmosphere.

kyungsoo has certainly fooled a huge majority of the band kids into believing him only to be a innocent boy. if you could plug in speakers into his brain, that image would just melt away. he's not one to let people know he's thirsty for something, or someone dirty. his alone-time in the cabins are spent .. taking care of himself. he would love romance, but his urges tend to think otherwise causing him to be left in a confused mess about his feelings.

➳ kyungsoo is a , which was a surprize to nari since he seems to have more knowledge in than she does. the boy does his research.
➳ he lives in jeju island with his dad and two dogs, living a pretty happy life. his mother died during his birth.
➳ he is biual and identifies as a male.
➳ he at using social networks, he has a twitter account that he hasn't updated for 3 years. he's pretty good at technology working around though.
➳ he's been playing clarinet for 10 years! he began private lessons at the age of 7 and was always at the top of his music classes throughout primary and secondary school. he's one of the top players in his high school concert band. a child prodigy, you could say.
➳ he likes milk, homemade foods, soothing classical music, kdramas (especially older, traditional ones), shopping for 'personal items', math, and playing his clarinet.

➳ he dislikes glitter, seafood, bugs, highly religious people, and people who talk trash about his intrument.

FIRST MEETING ) he was a perfect little first chair clairenet and she was a careless timpani player at the very back of the band room. could i make it anymore obvious?  kyungsoo heard all of her useless outbursts from the back of the practice room, i mean who doesn't? but he never turned back to see what was her commotion. back straight with perfect finger placement still intact, he always diligently faced forward during rehersal schedule. nari only knew what his face looked like only when he turned around while putting his intrument back in it's case, right when practice was over. for a split second he'd make eye contact with nari and give her a friendly, yet a sly kind of smile. this happened everyday for the first few weeks of camp. at this point nari and kyungsoo still never formally met, but from what she could tell, nari always had this fishy kind of vibe from him. not the bad raw tuna fish kind of fishy but like the steamed and freshly cooked kind of fishy. he was nice, a little too nice; but other than that he seemed like harmless and quiet new kid. she never had much liking towards first-chairers, believing that they are all pretentious and dull ... expect for kyungsoo. nari felt a mixture of suspicion, curiosity, and appreciation whenever kyungsoo looked back and smiled at her when all the other kids at the front would ignore her. it wasn't until one day that kyungsoo decided to confront her, hearing his voice for the first time with words that truly made it an unique first encounter: 
"i think jinki has a nice too."
startled and a little bit amused by how quietly he has said it towards her out of the blue, but promptly agreed and gave him a high five. this was the start of a very unique friendship, and possible romance.

RELATIONSHIP ) nari and kyungsoo seem like a far out, unlikely pair, but there is one thing that truly connects them together: the love for and other naughty things, which was made apparent right at the moment they met. kyungsoo engaged in short and simple conversation with her after practice, telling her random tidbits of his thoughts like when he first spoke to her. their very strange interactions would raise some eyebrows if others heard, but usually kyungsoo would speak so quietly and directly that they just had lowkey enjoyable one-on-one convos, giving nari a special liking towards her new biual booty-loving buddy, she still only thought of him as a cool friend though, but truth is kyungsoo wouldn't open up with things like these to anyone else:
"do you think they do squats, or perhaps its natural?"
" is so difficult to get these days."
have you ever seen a boy in lingere? i have." 
he soon began warming up to her, and so was nari. they began spending time with each other during lunch, having longer conversations and sharing of intrests. their relationship only began going uphill from there. soon kyungsoo decided to take an initiative on her drumming and 'interpretive musicality'. everyone knew kyungsoo was a tiptop band student that was always there to solve problems the other kids had within their music, even directors believed he has band director material. but why would his first muse be nari? who would have thought he'd spend time so much time in finding potential inside a inattentive, unserious student that is nari??? kyungsoo genuinely believed her drumming was good, while to all others it was just a bunch of spazztic banging. nari even thought her playing was bull from the start. during solo practice hours, kyungsoo would hop over to nari's timpani station and help her out, teaching her (super) slowly how to play and follow along to the music. at this point they are very close, nari trusted kyungsoo because he'd never done anything wrong to her, he repected her, and its only ethical for her to do the same. she is highly doubtful of anthing he says about her skills still, and just because they're friends doesn't mean she will stop joking around and zoning out to his information.

they are suspected as a couple now, with some gossip buzzing around about their relationship (most likely started by kibum), because kyungsoo usually never even thinks about interacting with anyone else, being social to anyone was good enough for them to confirm an affair. they were happy for him, finding a 'sweet summer love', but he was still more or less ignored as a person, not that it mattered since he had nari to talk to. after awhile he was even comfortable enough to let her (carefully!) try out his clarinet, which was a huge shocker to skeptical higher-chair students. kyungsoo stole some one tao's collection of auxiliary intruements (not that he cared) and let her at some of those. it's really a matter of personal opinion, but kyungsoo and some (emphasis on the some) of the band directors has perhaps found a hint of better attentiveness and musicality since he started helping her.

even after denying all rumors, kyungsoo actually begins developing a crush on nari. he only gravitated toward her presence, and he was surprized himself when he found happiness and pleasure in more ways than ... 'being by himself', but being with nari and having a genuine friendship, but it soon came to thought that he wanted something more. but what's weird to him is: he's not ually attracted to her. not even from the start. since they are close, nari is very touchy-feely with him, but in a friendly-skinship type of way. even so, he doesn't think of her as a ual person of intrest. it's hard to do so anyways when you see her sitting on the floor with dorito-stains on her fingers and shirt all the time. anyways, what kyungsoo is feeling is a platonic love. which is new for him, but he likes it. he wants to engage in a real relationship with this free-spirited and (in his eyes) beautiful girl named nari. but how will he decide to approach her with his feelings? he's not the most expressive or outgoing person, he finds himself in a fumble of emotions. he does his best hinting on his first crush in a subtle, caring way but still being wary of their friendship. alas, nari still only thinks of him as a good friend, brushing off his kind acts as just a sign of friendship, not even suspecting his small advances towards being in a true relationship.

CONCLUSION ) one day, kyungsoo brings up the topic of family, just wanting to know a little more about his best friend, having no clue about her senstivity towards that topic. she changes the the subject as quick as possible, and for the rest of the day they're a little awkward around each other. that night, kyungsoo couldn't stop haunting himself about what exactly he did wrong. he didn't want his friend to feel angry at him about it. what if she was? nari couldn't stop thinking either, telling herself that it was wrong to divert his innocent question like that, just because of her insecurities. a girl like nari couldn't have insecurites, especially around such an amazing friend! the very next day she invited him over to her cabin to apologise. it wasn't intentional, but her apology turned into her emotionally pouring out everything to him. she tells him about her hatred toward mother, her confusion about her father, she told him her entire past. she'd never opened up to anyone like this before but she felt a relief to get it all off her chest. kyungsoo was highly accepting and comforted her unlike any other person could have. when nari's crying finally died down (even though she denied doing so the entire time), they came in to an intimate hug, and that's when kyungsoo said something nari would never forget:
"even when you feel like no one loves you, i'll still be here.
i like you, bang nari. i love you.
and then they kiss and do the nasty for the rest of the night happlily ever after theENd im cr iying
but the problem was, this all happend a week before camp was over. yes, they bagan dating that very week, but unfortunatly they had to take their seperate roads once camp was over, and wouldn't be able to see each other again for another year. they had to break up as it was simply the best and healthiest option. heartbreaking it was, but with two rough copies of a funky selca he photocopied from nari's instagram that they took at the beginning of her friendship, kyungsoo gave her one to keep his memory, while he had the other. they still text and talk to each other through video chats, counting down the days until summer camp starts again. maybe with kyungsoo by her side, band camp might just be worth these next few teenage years. when nari got back home she notices a note on the back of his picture:
hey nari!! you may forget my name next year but don't you dare forget me! i love you! ♥
BANG NARI | timpani
HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED YOUR INSTRUEMNT? ) maybe for like ... 5 rough years. i'm only in band because electives were last minute at the time i entered middle school and so they put me put in there in 6th grade. i started with a flute but i guess i got down-graded to timpani the next year because i got gum or something on the flute all the time. a girl's gotta chew when she's gotta chew! but my point is i never even wanted to start yo. and look where this got me into.

HOW MUCH DOES MUSIC TAKE UP YOUR DAILY LIFE? ) uhh, not much. i mean how much dedication do you want me to put into playing that?

WHO SUPPORTS YOU THE MOST? ) no one, really. i don't even want to be here. i guess it'd have to be that kungfu- i mean dojo- or was it joo? soo? whatever, that short kid. he always wants me to try out other instruments. nah im good but i like his enthusiasim.

WHY DID YOU COME TO CAMP? ) my mom made me. she said i spent too much time in my room or something. and that i was getting fat. like honestly how do you get fat when you don't do anything all day? i thought i was actually loosing weight. anyways, she said to either come here or summer school, and obviously i don't need anymore time inside that stinky place than i already do. so i chose to come here every summer break, up 'til i graduate then i'm outta here!!


hey, ma.

you never reply to me or anything and you'll probably throw this in letter in the trash but its like tradition or something that i write all the time so yea. so this place is still the same dump it was last year. same schedule, same teachers, same pretentious kids. its really funny watching kids at the front mess up and pretend to cover it up. its a damn band camp not a neverending 
carnegie hall performance like chill. theres a new kid named toe or something and he's metal as hell and i love it. theres also boy named kongsoup, hes pretty chill too.
damn this letter is getting longer than usual. bye

QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? ) omg im sorry if nari's background is too boderline angsty i just wanted to create a complicated relationship between her and her mom to kinda shape her personality if u know what i mean?? im v sorry but i hope you like nari!!! i always make my characters so dislikable holy crap
SCENE SUGGESTIONS ) shoot i think im usually good at this part but i have nothing for now?? im sorry i've run out of steam??? nari bugging the trumpets to play jason derulo is the only highlight of this app i really care about to have turn into a scene lol oh yes and super cute interactions between kyungsoo + nari (nasoo?) please and thank you!!
PASSWORD ) this one time at band camp, i got locked inside my cabin by my dumb cabinmates and missed an entire mornings worth of activities until someone noticed i was missing for rehersals. that sounds like it , right? nah, tricks on them because i got to watch 2 full hours of dramas from the ipod i sneaked in last year! don't tell sekyung i got away with that though!!


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