40 Questions About Me.

I'm doing this because I'm bored, hahaha...


1. What's your full name?

Jisoo (Phan) Song. 'Phan' is my foster parents' surname and 'Song' is my birth father's surname.


2. How tall are you?

174cm. Yeah, I'm short here in Australia; aka, land of super tall caucasian teenagers on whom I only reach their shoulders. But, I'm about average in Korea.


3. How much do you weigh?

53kg. I know, I know. I'm too skinny for my height. I'm trying to eat more but I'm not really sure where it all goes to be honest…


4. What's your favourite food and drink?

Spaghetti bolognese and boba milk tea


5. What's your least favourite food and drink?

I like all foods but there's this drink that the women at my orphanage in Korea gave us when we're sick… and 'sick' includes diarrhoea, broken bones, colds/flus, splinters, muscle sprains etc. It's this black-brown herbal drink called 'han-yak' which smells and tastes disgusting.


6. How many hours of sleep do you get every night? (Or day if you're a vampire…)

Hahaha, what? I probably sleep 5-6 hours though it varies sometimes.


7. Who was the last person that grabbed your ?

Jae… Or maybe it was that old woman down the road… can't remember.


8. Tell me your skills in art! (Both performing and creative)

I can play the piano quite well (reached AMUS on the AMEB course at 16). I used to do ballet (that sounds really girly, but it really wasn't…) and was quite proficient, but then I hurt myself and couldn't continue. All the hardcore muscles I gained from it have almost completely faded… I can sing somewhat considerably (as in, I'm not ashamed of it). Recording and composing songs are things I'm rather passionate about. I'm a pretty okay photographer too.


9. Do you have any hidden talents and what are they?

Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be hidden anymore, would it? ;)


10. Can you sing or rap?

As I said before, my singing is okay. I'd like to think it's good though (kinda…) I included my cover of a song in my previous blog post if you're interested… As for rapping, I can do it, but am not great. Only plus is probably that I can rap in both English and Korean.


11. What other skills do you have?

Uhh… I can hold my alcohol well? That basically means that I feel like and can stay coherent instead of that fuzzy lightheadedness when Koreans take me out for soju bombs back in the Motherland. It's not necessarily a good thing though…


12. Did you copy and paste this questionnaire?

What? You think I'd actually bother to type this up? CTRL-C + CTRL-V is my life.


13. Do you eat raw cookie dough?

No, and I suggest you don't either. It causes constipation.


14. Are you cocky?

Am I? You tell me.


15. Do you wear shoes indoors?

I would if I wanted Jae to fling me out the window… The whole point of shoes is to protect your feet from the filth of the outside world. Why would you bring it into your already Jae-cleaned home? That's backwards logic.


16. Who or what do you sleep with?

Two pillows, two bolsters, a stuffed potato plush, a big poofy blanket… and that thing that looks like an Asian boy over there on the other side of the bed.


17. What kind of phone do you have?

An iPhone 5.


18. What do you do when you're sad?

Eat, cry or cuddle. Or all three.


19. When was the last time you saw your friend?

Why, hello there. *smacks him awake beside me*


20. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?

Why? Is JT dying?


21. How do most people spell your name?

When they first hear it? 'Gee, Sue',  'Jeesoo' or 'Cheese, ooh'. It's usually a variation of the three.


22. Who are you with right now?

There's a cotton potato and this dude…


23. Do you return your cart?

Of course. It's rude not to.


24. Do you have a dishwasher?

Yes, but I use it to store my hoard of plastic shopping bags (organised in terms of size, colour and durability). Gosh I'm so Asian.


25. What noise do you hear?

Jae's sniffling (he's a little sick), Jimin's music from next door, my typing, the heater's crackling.


26. If you were going on a road trip with your friends, what would you most likely pack?

Oh no, I don't like road trips. Driving for insanely long hours is not my style (since no one else in my family can drive -.-). That, and the fact that when I drive, the other two kids sit in the back together like I'm some kind of chauffeur. What's wrong with riding shotgun for goodness' sakes!?


27. Do you know any people with the same name as you?

Not in real life, but there's Seventeen's Hong Jisoo, Tahiti's Shin Jisoo, the actress Kim Jisoo and the male singer Kim Jisoo. There's a running joke between our Korean friends about Jae and I since there's both a 'Minjae' and 'Jisoo' in Tahiti… but Tahiti is a girl group.


28. What's the last thing you purchased?

Pork fillets.


29. Do your siblings ever pay for you?

Yeah. Just because she's younger doesn't mean that she doesn't shout me dinner on my birthday.


30. What brand are your pants now?

I think the question should be 'where are your pants now?'


31. What irritates you most on the internet?

Prejudiced people, haters, insensitive people, bad (meaning terrible) grammar and hashtags.


32. What song best describes your life right now?

BAP's 'One Shot'. It's not the lyrics, but the sentiment and message behind the song.


33. Do you use perfume / cologne?

Do you want a whiff? ;)


34. do you like sushi?

Yes, but why are you suddenly starting all your questions with lowercase letters now? It irks me.


35. do you cut your hair every month?

It depends on how I plan to style it.


36. what's your ideal boyfriend type?

Listen, I've got a whole other blog post on this (my first one, actually), and am really not bothered atm, so if you're that curious, just go hit it up. So, in a nutshell: I don't mind what he looks like as long as he's not hobo material and will charm the socks off me. In other words, somewhere along the lines of Taeyang Minjae.


37. what's your ideal friend type?

Someone I can trust and who trusts me. I am personally loyal to the bone and will give everything up for my friends (as long as it doesn't involve hurting my other friends) including my own life if the repercussions are drastic enough. What I cannot stand are people who judge others without any knowledge of their background or situation. It's not ignorance; it's called being prejudiced. That, and also people who are too suspicious of others. If you can't trust others, how could you expect them to trust you?


38. what's your ideal teacher type?

Anyone who actually knows and understands the study material, is able to teach outside the syllabus at times, is not too strict or lenient, preferably has a voice I will not sleep to (but is not overly grating) and is able to engage a class or individual.


39. what's your ideal self?

I'd like to think of myself as a pretty 'good' person. I mean, I try to help if I can, but sometimes I feel like what I'm doing is not enough. I also need to learn to be able to say 'no' if the circumstances will eventually hurt me or detract me from my studies or life goals in an excessive way. I'm proud of being homoual (kinda, not really, but I'm not going to hide it) but I'd like to be able to stand up for myself a little more when faced with unjust criticism instead of just taking it in. I also feel like I could do a lot better in raising Jimin and I should have worked harder so that she could go to tutoring like all the other kids in her grade. My ideal self would probably just be a stronger and more capable version of myself.


40. what were you thinking when filling this out?

My life is so boring... People's reactions will probably be tldr hahaha.


Anyways, peace out guys. Fighting! I love you.


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Wow so interesting oppa~ Imma steal this ^^

Btw tell boyfriend-ssi I say hi~ And to get better because...he should (lol what?!)

#ISAYHI!!!!! Lol sorry I did that to irritate you...I hate hashtags too~~
Are your foster parents Vietnamese oppa?

Ughhh I really really want to learn Korean now.

Tell Jae to get better and maybe send him a greeting from me for me oppa :D it's ok if you don't like it.. Idk him but I kind of know you after this blog and many conversations before this so ;-;... Yeah just send him or not, it depends on you oppa
Very honestly dude u r quite strong person urself. So stop thinking otherwise. B/w hope Jae gets better soon or just come here as weather here is far better and u guys can get good rest. Just suggesting. TC.
Coiste #4
LOL I died when you said "Why? Is JT dying" :')
You're really one of the most open people I've met on aff, so I hope we get to know each other better :)