5cm application!

AFF profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/51314

Username: XjennykimX

Name: Kim Jihyun

Age: 19 years

Birthday: 12/12/1992

Place of birth: Busan, South Korea
Hometown: Paris, France

Blood type: AB

ual orientation: Biual (Mostly straight)

Ethnicity: 100% South Korean

Nicknames: N/A

Looks: Bihyul Sealing










Simple and casual, but cool. Lots of black: in-between punk/classy.
Casual: A mix between rocker/prep. Open button-ups with tank tops underneath, or layered tees. Slightly baggy jeans with a belt. Sticks to black shoes. Wears bracelets/glasses. V-neck sweaters.
Dormlife: Tank tops and sweats, Wrist bands, Simple black jackets and hoodies.  
Formal: Pretty simple. Either form-fitting black button-up, or like a white tee, black cardigan, and slim black tie. Trench coats.


Arrogant, defensive, and independent. He doesn’t really concern himself with others at first; he tunes them out and just takes care of himself, regardless of what other people think. The fact that his family doubts his music ability has made him defensive and he tends to act arrogant due to this defensiveness. He acts like he just wants the whole world to leave him be, and always acts annoyed if anyone asks him for a little favor. However, he is incredibly passionate and intense about music. He always seems to be perfect (perfect pitch, always on time). He’s very hard on himself when it comes to being good at music, as he wants to prove to his family that he can be the best.
            For the few that know him, they realize that he has been hurt by his father’s rejection and therefore incredibly cautious to show his softer side to people. Really, he is extremely playful, humorous, with a lot of natural aegyo, quick to please, and adorable. He loves to please people, and although he’s the type that complains about the uselessness of days like anniversaries and birthdays, he then goes out and does everything he can to make it a special day.
            He is extremely honest towards people he wants to be close to, and this often results in awkward situations. He gets jealous easily, is overly sensitive, and is clumsy when it comes to love. His good points are that he never lies to himself, his confidence shows on stage, and he is never afraid of hard work.
                Also, he became an idol purely because of his love for music, and dislikes fame, especially annoying fangirls. So he always wears big jackets to disguise himself.  




  • Organization
  • Big fat headphones
  • Designer Label Clothes
  • Cup Ramen
  • Traveling
  • Mathematics
  • Cold Weather (Rain/Fog/Snow)
  • Countryside (More than Cityside)
  • Dogs
  • SECRETLY loves Korean dramas and stuffed animals XD
  • Adrenaline (Loves cliff-diving, sky-diving, etc.)  


  • Messiness
  • Sickness
  • Tardiness (Being late)
  • Roller coasters (Not afraid, actually dislikes)
  • Scarves (They’re for girls…)
  • Terrified of Bugs
  • Fake aegyo
  • Attention from Fans outside of performing
  • Cuddling/ Physical Touch (Very awkward…)/ Being taken care of  
  • Alcohol/ Smoking
  • Hot Weather/ Sunlight
  • Cooking


  • Piano
  • DJ-ing
  • Snowboarding & Swimming
  • Watching Korean Dramas… (He keeps a totally straight face the whole time so no one can tell…)
  • Practicing vocals/dance/rap
  • Secretly… Dance Dance Revolution Games :D
  • Going to classical concerts  
  • Shopping
  • Composing/ Choreographing
  • Cleaning 0.0


  • Started modeling at age 14
  • Was born with perfect pitch
  • Absolutely refuses to cross-dress, MC, or act, or dance girl dances, or do aegyo
  • Won Nationals Korean Math League at age 14
  • Won Seoul Vocal Competition at age 14
  • Never learned anything before trainee years
  • Loves classical (orchestra) music
  • Speaks fluent French (hometown)
  • Has no artistic talent (painting, drawing, can’t even focus the camera right)
  • Favorite colors are black and blue
  • Favorite comic strip is Calvin & Hobbes
  • Favorite dance style is break-dance and popping
  • Slow metabolism: doesn’t eat a lot, works out a lot
  • When nervous or angry, slips into Busan dialect (his parents have it)
  • Avid Soccer Fan
  • Fantastic at any Sport
  • Wear glasses to disguise himself in public
  • Deep sleeper
  • Has to hug something when sleeping
  • When it’s hot, falls asleep every two second
  • Was a sub-vocalist and sub-dancer for MBLAQ at one point





Father: Kim Sung Hyun: CEO of buisness: Divorced/ Lives in Seoul/ Bad terms with Jihyun, disapproves of both of his sons for not taking over the company

Mother: Kim Ji-Eun: Artist: Divorced/ Lives in Busan/ Good terms with Jihyun

Older Brother: Kim Suk Hyun: Professional Soccer Player/Always traveling/ Good terms with Jihyun (Contact often)



Bi Rain: His closest “hyung”, who helps him deal with both emotional and musical problems. Often work out together.
Kim Hyung Joon:His sunbaenim, who is his musical mentor as well as Rain. Both of them secretly love korean dramas and ramen.

(Doesn’t really have friends his age or from high school)


Mir of MBLAQ: Mir is jealous of Jihyun and Rain’s relationship, and suspects Joon of still having feelings for Jihyun.

Stage Name: Shin

Persona: Charismatic Silence

Years of Training: 4 years

Personal Fanclub + Fanclub Color: Shinkas (Shin + Kingkas & Queenkas) + Blue

Position: (In order of preference, but any of them is fine) Lead Vocal/ Sub-Rapper, Main Rapper/ Sub-Dancer, Visual/Sub-Vocal

Relationship Information:

Partner + How you Met:

1. Lee Joon from MBLAQ: They met when Jihyun was the sub-vocalist and sub-dancer for MBLAQ’s debut. Jihyun’s first impression of Joon was that he was an obnoxious, annoying, idiot. They started off as rivals, since Joon thought Jihyun’s voice was better than his, and so Joon tried to get Jihyun fired. Jihyun worked even harder and made his voice better. Joon admired his determination and slowly, they became respectful of each other, and then they eventually became friends. They would run together, work out, and practice dance together. One day, they went swimming together, and Jihun was shocked by his feelings for Joon when he saw his physical physique. Joon felt the same. Both men thought themselves totally straight, and were shocked. Jihyun thought the stress was making him crazy and he gave up being a backup for MBLAQ to get his sanity back. Joon was equally confused, and the two of them avoid each other… They’ll see more of each other when Jihyun debuts? ;)

2. Nam Jihyun from 4min: Modeled with her several times, was surprisingly attracted by her natural aegyo, liked how gentle and kind she was without being childish or clingy, likes how skinship comes naturally to her, she always surprises him by grabbing his hand or hugging him.  

3. Yuri from SNSD: Grabbed her when she fell at a shopping mall. (Cliché, I know, but it’s cute :3) Later, they met each other at the arcade place playing Dance Dance… they happened to recognize each other. Her maturity and inner confidence is attractive to him.    

Past Relationships:

Yoona from SNSD: Yoona asked for his autograph when they bumped into each other backstage (Jihyun was a backup dancer/vocalist for MBLAQ) because Yoona loved his modeling work. They exchanged numbers, and started to go out for coffee and movies, as friends. Her gentleness and sense of humor is attractive; there is never an awkward moment with her. Although they dated at one point, they stopped because Yoona didn’t want a scandal to erupt when she was the face of SNSD, so they decided to just remain friends.  


(Or what about romance between the boys in the group since so far everyone is bi/gay?)  

Feel free to change, but please let me know! Thank you so much for your time and consideration.


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