
nickname. jiayi
activity level. eight(ish)
name. lee yujin | 유진 | 柳眞
+ jin ・ a shortening of his given name, he is sometimes called this by accquaintances 
+ the drummer ・ in high school, no one really knew much about yujin, other than his name, due to his relative keeping to himself, and thus became known as "the drummer" of the band he belonged to in high school.
age. 22
birthday. 02/14
ethnicity. korean
nationality. korean
birthplace. busan, south korea
hometown. busan, south korea
+  korean  native language, and thus he is fluent.
korean sign language  learned it in order to properly communicate with his elder brother, is pretty much fluent in it. learned from his, researched online, and took a few classes on the side.
faceclaim. jang geun suk
picturesuno dos tres quatro that's all the spanish i know
backup. jungshin from cn blue
picturesone two three and four
height. 5'9'' + 180 cm

weight. about 62 kg (he has a tiny bit of belly fat, but it's not like a beer belly or anything, it's like the cute stuff you'd squish and stuff). he doesn't really work out, but he does walk a lot, hence keeps fairly fit, but isn't built or anything. he's a sort of mix between thin and lean, more on the thin side. 

style. yujin is more on the conservative side, for sure. he keeps his colors sober, dark blues, tannish, black, grays and stuff like that. he doesn't experiment or anything, but maintains a neat appearance. he can often be seen with a beanie. his style is a slight bit urban, but nothing edgy. he strays away from anything that shows his arms, as he's a bit self concious about his skinny arms. outfit examples? here you go and here's some more

extra. yujin has a scar right on his left eyebrow from the accident, as well as markings on his left shoulder (from the point of impact), hence him never really wearing sleeveless tops. he also wears spectacles, kinda of like these (they are prescription, so they're not just for fashion, not that yujin cares much for fashion).
key traits
+ quiet, good listener, open minded, obedient, respecting, hard working, humble
- can be a bit soft spoken, a little weak willed, abiding, pushover, lacks social skills, not so great with girls, people pleaser

personality. kwon yujin really is a good guy, the kind you can count on. he was the kid in high school that was always willing to let you copy his homework, or if you put the blame on him, the poor kid would stand outside the classroom, taking the punishment you deserved. it wasn't that he had it really in for being such a great guy, he was just too quiet, and unwilling to to start anything, so he went with the flow. eventually, the teaches figured out that yujin wasn't such a bad kid and stopped punishing him for the bad things that other people did. yujin's a go with the flow kind of guy, he'll go along with structure, but it doesn't have to be his own. he's good at following directions, and is definitely a team player. he'll do his best to fulfill his duties to the very best of his ability. he's very determined in his work, and enjoys being praised for doing a good job, but doesn't actively seek it. in fact, yujin doesn't actively seek anything. he doesn't need to be thanked, but it's always nice to be appreciated. even if you're exceptionally bitter, he won't turn you down (though he won't be as warm to you). he's a tad bit shy as well, very respectful to the opposite gender, in fact, he's so respectful, he can't even properly look a female in the eye (hence the lack of romance in his life).

yujin's the kind of guy that would bring the moon, stars, and whatever other planet the girl he loved wanted, but the thing is, he's stuck in this shell that he's been in for all of his life, his little world, and not many people have tried to break him out of it. it's not that yujin doesn't want to go out with people, have a good time and all that, yujin himself isn't willing to take the initiative to step out of his shell, and therefore remains as introverted as he's always been. he's a tad bit shy, but not so much as he won't go out in the open, it's more that yujin'd be the one sitting in a corner by himself when going out somewhere, rather than mixing in with people. if someone's not going up to him to talk, then yujin's not talking to anyone. it's not good, yujin not taking an initiative to break out of his shell, and because of this, he remains a pushover, even in college, caushing one of the biggest tragedies of his life. 

yujin is as humble as he is sweet, if working on a group project, despite having done most of the work, he'll let his group take all the credit (geez, how much of a pushover can one guy be? he's def not like zico). he's a good friend, this one, and puts his whole heart into his relationships, though silently. he'll take care of whatever chores his friends mention they don't have time to do, not expecting anything in turn. but, how much of this can one guy take? whatever frustration, anger, or negative feelings yujin has, he channels into his music, and thus not outwardly towards other people. 

background. there's not much to yujin. his parents both passed away when he was young, due to a car accident that he was also in. his elder brother was not there at the time, and due to his being older, significantly so, he took yujin under his wing. after a few years of living with their grandparents, yujin's brother took it upon himself to raise his brother and send him to school. since then, yujin being nine years old, he's lived with his brother in busan in the house that they grew up in, only to come to school in seoul a few years ago at age 19.he never really dwelled on his parents' accident, it wasn't the defining event of his life, and he did recieve therapy for it, and he occasionally misses his mother, but it's not the biggest deal, not to yujin, as his brother gave him everything he needed growing up.

high school was an important time in yujin's life, as being in the band he was in in high school was one of the key components that shaped yujin's life and affected his decisions. yujin's best friend, a great vocalist, decided to create a band the summer before their first year in high school, in yujin's storage garage. his best friend was the main vocalist and guitarist, with two other boys as the keyboardist and the bassist, and finally with yujin on the drums, and as a song writer. they performing at the school's spring festival, and their band, b-unit (busan unit) became a hit. the four boys were well known for their music, and his best friend, the social butterfly, soaked up the attention, and eventually he became the face, and everything of the band.

when high school graduation came about, yujin's best friend was offered the chance to go to seoul to go into training for an entertainment company. the other two boys dropped out of the band to pursue their own career aspirations, whereas yujin went to seoul, to study at snu and to keep his best friend company. the problem came about when yujin kept auditioning for the same entertainment company, entering his written songs, only to find out that his best friend had submit them to the entertainment company under his own name. this let yujin to realize that the idol industry wasn't what he wanted to go into, and that his best friend was only chasing fame, not his desire to be a musician.

as high school went on, everyone knew yujin's best friend by name, and only yujin as "the drummer." but did yujin mind? nope, he never complained about the lack of attention or appreciation he got, because that's the kinda of guy yujin is. you could easily beat him up and he's take it. he doesn't ask for reasons, he simply does.
+ music (pls don't laugh at me). music has always been yujin's thing, what he was good at. not spectacular at, not like his best friend, but it was something that was wholey his own. 
+ cadbury chocolate, he finds it less sweet than any other brand. it's the only brand from which he'll eat milk chocolate from.
+ melons, his favorite kind of fruit and his favorite flavor for anything and everything. he loves melona and melon ramune. 
+ beanies. the only sort of fashionable choice he really chooses in his wardrobe. he likes the way they look, and plus, they keep you warm.
+ tea, specifically milk tea. yujin really likes his milk tea, he's perfected the perfect chai brew with darjeeling tea. the only thing he really spents a lot of money on is imported tea.
+ children. that's not to say that yujin's great with kids. he gets really awkward with kids, and they can sense it. his brother works with kids, therefore yujin has seen a lot and interacted with a fair amount and he likes children in general, especially babies. but. the thing is. babies don't like him. even if he casts a smile at a baby, the poor thing will scrunch its face up and cry (not talking about yujin here lol).
+ conflict. yujin hates and avoids conflict like it's the plague. he's very much rather compromise and does so quite easily, in order to avoid any kind of conflict. 
+ doesn't like overly sweet food, well, sweet sweets. he prefers dark chocolate over regular milk chocolate. 
+ fruity chocolates. wow this guy is particular about his sweets. he very much so dislikes any kind of chocolate with fruits in it, and also biscuits with jelly in them. (like wtf cookies and chocolate don't need fruit ok)
+ alcohol. he's never really liked the taste of it (first time having it was at a party thrown for his high school band) and just avoids it in general.
+ sitting in the front of a class. it gives him anxiety, with the professor constantly looking at you, and he avoids it as much as possible.
+ being yelled at. his grandfather yelled a lot when he was little, especially at his grandmother and his brother, but not directly at yujin himself. he doesn't like loud noises (besides music, but even then, not blaring music like at parties) in general, and being yelled at is definitely something he hates. this also includes overall yelling (suppose the band were to yell at each other for some reason or another, yujin would get really anxious and probably cry).
+ breaking the rules. yujin's not a rule breaker, nope, not at all. he returns his library books on time, he always goes back to a store if they give him too much change, he legally downloads all of his music. yeah. that's the kind of guy lee yujin is.
+ film watcher. yujin really likes movies, but not particularly action/horror/thriller flicks. he likes drama, serious, with some thought and emotion behind it. he really likes seeing indie films made by fellow students, and often attends the film showings on campus, but never stays behind to mingle.
+ reading. of the quiet activities that yujin likes, reading is probably his favorite. he likes novels, but not much of the old stuff. he likes reading the newer stuff, popular or unpopular, and he especially appreciates new and interesting concepts, especially in science fiction writing. with his job, he gets his hands on tons of new titles fairly often.
+ sleeps while holding something. usually a pillow, sometimes the blanket. when he was little, yujin would crawl into his elder brother's bed to help him sleep. this is also why yujin would never share a bed with anyone, he knows he'd cling and he's afraid of whatever unholy events that'd greet him in his pants in the morning (regardless of the gender of the other person). 
+ when speaking, especially to a girl, yujin's voice tends to be very soft and quiet. when asked to speak up, he gets very nervous and will fumble with his words, often talking too quickly and mashing up words and mixing up sentences.
+ yujin's got a soft heart, and he's a crier. he tears fairly easily, but he's not a crybaby. he'll sometimes sniffle at night when he misses his brother or his mother, and will definitely tear up while watching a sad movie or while hearing a sad song.
+ he likes his tea in the mornings and when he wakes up. yujin doesn't need a coffee shot or anything, but his tea is a must. he wakes up and it's the first thing he tends to, making his tea, and he usually has a cup in the late afternoon or evening. 
+ he often works on music late at night, only on the piano during the night time though, and that's what he does when he can't get to sleep. his choice of drink while working on music is hot cocoa, speficially with cadbury cocoa powder made with milk (never water!)
+ cars, more specifically getting into another car accident. for this reason, he gets a bit anxious while crossing streets and never learned to drive. (he'll probably always need a ride somehwere, but will never ask and instead will take the damn bus for two hours to get someplace that's half an hour away). he also refuses to sit on the left side of any car, or bus. he'll stand on the right side of the bus, or just plain won't get into a car after politely asking whomever is sitting on the right to adjust.

+ embarrassing himself in front of a crowd. he's a bit shy, and has performance anxiety. it'll be a bit difficult for him to get onto stage, but because, as the drummer, he'd be towards the back, it won't take much to convince him to perform in front of a large crowd.

+ getting caught. not that yujin does anything wrong, but if he were ever to (okay, he's snuck out a few times after being coerced by his best friend), he's terrified of getting caught by any sort of authority figure. he's the type to help you sneak into your house, but worry more about you getting caught than you yourself would.
+ yujin enjoys reading manga, and his favorite series, besides cardcaptor sakura, is shugo chara! because he likes the idea of having a little someone that would represent your true self.
+ yujin's not heteronormative, but he's never really explored his uality. he's a little attracted to men, mostly feminine men, but he never thought much of it. he's always found himself to be a little flustered around attractive men as well.
+ he doesn't like getting his hair cut, and usually keeps it long, but does take good care of it (washing and conditioning and the like).
+ that being said, yujin's hair is unbelievebly soft.
+ yujin works at the campus library, and is a bit (only on the normal level, nothing too fancy) tech savvy, so he handles cataloging books and has a fairly good idea of where everything is, and often doesn't need to look up a book. he's good at his job, with handling the books, not so much interacting the people he's helping.
+ yujin stayed with a friend of his father's originally when first arriving in seoul, but now lives in a decent apartment by himself.
+ yujin's brother has never lived a lavish life, they both lived comfortably in their old house, a cozy three bedroom in busan, but yujin has a lot of money, won in the court case after the accident (drunk teen driver, only scratched up by the accident) and his school is paid for by insurance. therefore, he doesn't really have to worry about money, but hasn't touched his large sum of money in the bank. maybe could be used to get the band out of a tizzy?
+ yujin is a really great cook, and puts a lot of love into his food. people generally like his cooking, because they say it reminds them of home.

+ elder brother 
 lee jaejin (sechs kies)  32  teacher for the deaf  messy, friendly, warm hearted,  funny, people person  yujin and his brother are very close, as yujin's brother has basically been a parent to him. though he's more social than yujin, the two are like yin and yang. his brother's a bit messy, and yujin cleans up well, and quietly. the two lived together in harmony, and his brother was the one that encouraged yujin to go to seoul to pursue music as a career.

the shell breaker  hwang tiffany (snsd)  20  student/assistant at music store  bubbly, naive, stubborn, friendly, a little overdramatic  tiffany and yujin first met in a music theory class, where they were paired up to compose a small piece together. since then, yujin not being able to look tiffany in the eye whenever she was going on and on about some rude customer at the store, she took it upon herself to break yujin out of his shell. yujin tries to avoid her, often not picking up her calls, or running when seeing her on campus. it's a bit humourous, actually. the two are sort of friends, and yujin may have had a slight crush on her, but never did anything about it, and thus the small infatuation he had died down and now he's stuck with this girl trying to make yujin "blossom." she's always carrying her camera, as she's a film student, and trying to film him.

kim junmyun (suho of exo)  22  trainee (near debut)  charismatic, attention seeking, a little bit arrogant, independent, free spirited   yujin and his best friend don't interact too much now, given his busy schedule, but yujin's his connection home and keeps his parents updated on their son, through meeting up with his best friend. yujin never confronted him properly about the song, so the best friend thinks that everything is okay, and will, hopefully at some point if yujin gets chosen, take another one of yujin's piano compositions. ・ yujin doesn't really see his best friend as rivals, but his best friend has envied him for his talent, and has definitely taken advantage of him, and therefore, they are rivals (because his best friend sees it that way).

coworker  seo joohyun (seohyun of snsd)  22  librarian's assistant  neat (freak), anti-social, bitter, a little hostile, demeaning, intelligent   yujin and joohyun never got along, even when yujin started working there about two years ago. she had already been working there, and joohyun, a literature major, doesn't take yujin seriously at all. she often calls him out on not doing a good job, though she, herself, is not so friendly to the people that come to the help desk for help. they work together because yujin never argues with her or anything, but it's not always yujin's fault as joohyun always says it is. let's just say, the atmosphere of the library isn't so cold because of the air conditioner.

love interest. lee minki
age. 24
ethnicity. korean
nationality. korean
+ korean ・ absolutely fluent, grew up speaking it
+ english learned it throughout high school, made himself fluent and accent-less through a year of study at nyu
occupation. student teacher at seoul national university/in grad school
+ intelligent, matter-of-fact, honest, realistic, exceptional tea maker, punctual
- blunt, emotionally cut off, doesn' indulge, non-compromising, not exactly humble, the slightest bit judgemental

personality. lee minki is a very neat person. he likes everything to be neat around him and about him. he likes to keep his appearance neat, and he does, with his impeccable taste in fashion. he usually, emotionally and personally, keeps to himself and you don't see many people getting close to him. he's intelligent and he knows it, and isn't all that humble about him. he'll use big fancy words around you, mostly so that you'll feel stupid and he'll look really smarter. most of the time, he comes off as a pompous big headed , but the truth is, he's really a bit naive about social stuff because, as an only child, he never really interacted with a lot of people. he's also closed off about his uality, though he knows he's gay, but has never really explored it. he's a bit closed off to exploring it, as he never really lets anyone explore it, as his parents have always taught him to be self sufficient, and their bitter marriage has made minki lose faith in what people call love. he's a bit of a cynic, and reads and watches romantic books and films just to make fun of them. what a , right?
trivia. minki likes to keep a feminine appearance, because he feels like he looks better that way. he also watches his figure, as he's a bit self conscious about it. he eats a rigid diet, and doesn't indulge out of his alloted meal times and meal sizes. He's a very meticulous person and likes being in control of things, and can be a little bossy. he looks and can pass off as a girl if he wishes, and the reason he looks so young is because he takes VERY good care of himself.
status. they're at an interesting point in their relationship. they're sort of attracted to each other, and see each other at least twice a week. due to the misunderstanding between him and yujin with tiffany, minki believes that yujin is straight and that tiffany is his girlfriend. it's... awkward. 

first meeting. their first meeting was at a film showing in the library one night, about two months ago. it was late, and yujin was assigned to close down the library. the film was a romantic one, made by tiffany. unable to avoid the job, and avoid tiffany, he did his best to hide from her after the film was over and ended up bumping into minki (hOW cliche is this ), and as minki was grumbling over the ty clicheness of the film, yujin defended tiffany's work, apologizing to minki, mistaking him for a girl and going, "i'm sorry you didn't like the film, m'am, but you see... my friend... she made the film, and s-s-he worked really hard on it...", drawing her attention to him, to which he ran from. this was towards the beginning of the semester, and as luck would have it, yujin's greek literature class (taken for fun) was being taught by none other than minki, and a professor of course, but professors leave all the work to student teachers.

interactions. wELL. the two interact when yujin asks for reviews of his papers, which of course is handled by minki. and, unfortunately for yujin, tiffany also decided to take that class and she clings to him, making minki think that yujin has a thing for tiffany (due to yujin's inability to properly look girls in the eye or talk to them). minki also has begun to frequent the campus library and usually doesn't leave until the library closes, as he's a literature student at the snu grad center. yujin's just begun to bring him tea and heat it up in the staff room for him. they talk a little as yujin closes up, and have gotten to know each other a bit, but not enough for yujin to clear up the misunderstanding minki has about him dating tiffany.
*love story. basically, i'm thinking that yujin's birthday could come up, and tiffany would throw him this big surprise party (with the band and everything) and alcohol would be involved and minki would blurb to him, as minki would be one, if not the last one to leave about his feelings for yujin after a long monologue about him being the way he is (due to pressure from his parents to be perfect) and yujin would all quitely go, "i like you, too." and then a kiss and idk? on the first date? kidding, yujin's too innocent for that, but from there, they could get awkward and flustered around each other and yeah you take this from here this is getting too disgustingly cute for me i'm going to gag.
"what instrument(s) do you play? for how long have you played it/them?"
+ "i play the drums, and i think i've been playing them since near the end of middle school. i started playing the piano when i was in early middle school, because i didn't really want to sing in the choir with the other kids."
"how did you start playing the/those instrument(s)?"
+ "i remember one day coming home from school with loud music blasting from our windows and i wondered who was playing it. when i got inside, i saw that my hyung-nim was beating sticks on some kind of drum set... it was the oddest sight for me. i think i was maybe eight years old, and it was back when we were living with our grandparents. halaboji got very angry at hyung-nim and he yelled all kinds of stuff at him. the old drum set was our father's and halaboji asked him how he could even hear what he was playing and i remember hyung-nim later that night, as i was crying because he got hit telling me that music had no language and it was for everyone. that's when i started playing with our father's drum set, but i really picked it up my second year of middle school. for the piano, i started because i never liked being up on stage with the other choir kids. i also took to spending my free hour in the music classroom, working on the piano."
"what level do you play at on a scale of 1 to 5 - 1 being a beginner, 5 being a guru on everything about your instrument."
+ "ah, you're asking me to scale myself? i think i'm at about a three? and on the piano? maybe a three as well." (LIES yujin is really good and has an amaaaaazing sense of rhythm, if he tried dancing, he'd probably be a great one and move along really well to the beat but lol @ yujin dancing and at the piano, he's very good as well bc he's good with his hands and wow that's great news for minki if you know what i mean)
"do you have any special talents?"
+ "special? me? not at all." (what a humble little er. when he really gets into the music, he can throw and spin his drumsticks and catch them and get right back to playing, which is pretty fancy if you ask me. and his piano slides are magnificent.)
"what kind of music do you like?"
+ (/blushes forever) "i like love songs and happy songs. i especially like songs about never losing hope."
"do you/can you sing?"
+ "i suppose i can sing alright." (okay he needs to stop being humble before i punch his face. think of jang geun suk's voice, yujin's is the same, deepish but still light and very soothing.)
“how has music influenced your life, if at all?”
+ "music is very important to me. it's what i know, and my hyung-nim has taught me that everyone understands the language of music, and it helps spread love and peaceful feelings. listening to music you like is like reading a really good book or drinking good tea."
"do you hope to become famous with your musical talent?"
+ "i thought, before, that being famous with my best friend was what i wanted to do, but all i want to be is happy. my music makes me happy, regardless of the attention i get for it." (oKAY shut up yuJIN he really wanted to get into music to promote himself, like his best friend and tbh that whole ordeal with his best friend crushed his spirit.)
"what are your dreams for the future? do you want a family? do you want a certain job? tell me all of it!"
+ "like i said, i just really want to be happy. i want to be content with my life and i want to be able to repay my hyung-nim for all that he's provided for me. i would like to have a happy family, like eomma, appa and hyung-nim and i were like."
questions. i'm friends with expiration_date, you see, and my big brother likes stealing her clothes and wearing them and now she won't come over when she gets back from her trip how do i make my gege stop being a little ?
comments. my mom says that i'll never get a husband and that i'm a disgrace to my family help and also this is a really cool idea and i really like it! I FORGOT ABOUT THE PIANO PART HORREH SHIET SORRY! 
suggestions. CN BLUE STUFF it's four people, but i'm sure you could seperate it into two parts, divide it evenly? maybe even a little 2AM stuff?
scene requests. PLEASE have at least one scene with the band meeting up and tiffany calling after yujin and him running away from tiffany pls. idk about any other scene request waiT i have a serious one. maybe the band arguing and yelling over something and then yujin bursts into tears and asks them not to fight because he's a   person that doesn't like people fighting and yelling
passwordseoul hero + drummer/bassist maybe



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