xxkpopholic | 5 | Jiayi
BIRTH NAME / Hwang, Seondeok
NICKNAME(S) / Queen Seondeok (a playful nickname she was given, due to her being named after an actual queen.)
DOB & AGE / November 19th, 1990 | 23 
BIRTH PLACE / Gwangju, South Korea
HOME TOWN / Gwangju, South Korea
LANGUAGES / Korean (native fluency) English (learning, basic to conversational)
ULZZANG / Jin Jaeyoung
STYLE / Seondeok has a very adventurous sense of fashion, she does anything and everything, but one thing. And that one thing is doing, or being one thing. She never ties in just one aspect in an oufit, it's never girly girl, or tomboyish, or badass rebel, or y woman, it's one, plus a half. She'll wear jeans and a ripped shirt with a leather jacket, almost a badass boy look, but will throw in y heels or a bow in her hair to prevent defining the look. If it's anything, it's Seokdeok style.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT / 170.23 cm / 60.21 kg
OTHERS / Being the wild, bold girl she is, Seondeok has a tattoo, which she wanted to mark herself, but not cover herself, it's birds coming from a dandelion. She also has three ear piercings, two normal ones, one on each ear, and she has the upper cartilage pierced on her left ear, mainly used for wearing simple cuffs or she usually wears a stud.
SHORT BIO /  Seondeok comes from a comfortable background, middle child and first daughter of two martial arts instructors. She grew up in her family's dojo, learning taekwondo and hapkido. She's experienced in martial arts, but her main love is music. Her family's dojo is back home in Gwangju, and they have plenty of students which cause them to have a successful business. She has two siblings, an elder brother and a younger sister. She went to a normal middle school and high school before and during training. There is nothing much out of the ordinary in Seondeok's background. 
QUOTE / "es be cray." 
PERSONALITY / You can't describe Hwang Seondeok in just one way. It's difficult to classify her as is. She's a bunch of things mashed up, but splayed out in perfect harmony. She's a feminist, believing that women can do whatever they please, and that they should not hold back, but at the same time, she doesn't patronize or look down upon men, actually, to her, some of them look very appealing. Not that she'd ever settle on one. What's her type? Every kind of boy there is, except the kind she doesn't like. What kind of boy does she not like? Not the ones she likes. Get it? No? That's Seondeok for you. She's a bunch of this, but not this. She hates being defined as one thing, she's a spectrum of everything. She doesn't dress in strictly one style, she mixes and mashes, but never matches. She's always been popular, but not always likable. Having a quick tongue since she could speak, some people find Seondeok harshly blunt. She says it like it is, no sugar coating for the babies. She also has a bad habit of cursing, throwing "" or "" in her sentences often, with no notice of who is in front of her, be it an adult, or a little kid. Hey, the words exist for a reason. She is most definitely bold, and straightforward. She doesn't hesitate from telling someone what she thinks of them, or showing how she feels towards them, and is quick to make first impressions, simply from observing someone. You? Oh right, you're the who made up that rumor about her best friend cheating on her boyfriend, so you could get with the loser after they broke up? Expect her to bring it up when talking to your new boy toy. Speaking of which, Seondeok has a lot of those. A lot of fancies, but not one specific boy she likes in particular.

There's no one guy that Seondeok will ever set her eyes one, because none of them have everything she wants. One guy's eyes are nice, and and his smile makes her melt, but he's a little stupid. Okay, no, he's an idiot. Another will be smart, intelligent, able to carry a conversation, but his lips? Ugh, he just plants them in one place and that's that. The captain of the basketball team, good looking, smart, great kisser, and a complete . And that is one thing Seondeok cannot stand. She'll be with one guy one week, and another the next, but she's never really "with" them. God forbid she was ever anyone's girlfriend. And then the changers, the ones who start dressing up for her, flashing their abs at her, showing her their nice cars, or the idiots who try and act macho for her, she likes those the least of all. What she wants is, well, she doesn't exactly know, but she'll know when she sees him. She's very decisive, and particular, once she wants something, she wants that and that only. She'll do anything to get it, but if someone else, or a crew of girls are sporting the same jacket she loved in a shop yesterday, she'll get or make something 10 times cooler. She can be a bit of a hipster, not comforming, doing things her own way, and she hates group work. Not people, just people who don't listen to her. There's one way to do things, and that's Seondeok's way.

She doesn't crave for attention, she's the center of it. It comes to her automatically. The mathletes club doubles as the Queen Seondeok fan club. Growing up under her mother, she's developed a quick tongue, and a sharp wit, coming up with several good comebacks at the blink of an eye. And the signature scoff and then smile that comes after it has aggravated a lot of girls. You may think that Seondeok has this secret sensitive side, but false, don't get too ahead of yourself. This girl is as true blue as they come, what you see is what you get. And that you get is a tough, sassy, sometimes y, but loyal girl. Take it or leave it. Seondeok's not about to conform to meet your standards, but she certainly doesn't give a whether you meet hers. If you want to do one good thing for yourself, don't change. Don't change who you are, make yourself into a fake plastic doll, because that's something that will make Seondeok dislike you, even more if possible. She's very specific about the things she doesn't like, and when she doesn't like something, nothing's about to change her mind. But she's not completely heartless, just a bit. She does admire people, a bit grudgingly if you will, but she knows when someone deserves her respect, and she gives it when it's due. See what I mean? Seondeok is a girl of many colors, some which may be a bit ugly, but it is what it is.

BACKGROUND / Seondeok comes from a fairly normal family, mother, father, an elder brother and a younger sister. Her family owns a martial arts dojo, named the Yongki Dojo (勇气) meaning "strong spirited," which is run by her parents and her elder brother, who will take over after her parents retire. They're not particularly wealthy, but they do have a lot of students, so they're doing well, but with three children, and the dojo to upkeep, any extra money they can get is beneficial as one daughter is about to go into college. Seondeok's mother was initially against her going into training, but after Seondeok did it anyways, she couldn't really do much.
Seondeok's mother and her are now on bad terms, even after Seondeok made a successful debut, which is why she doesn't go home or talk of her family much, it's a touchy subject.


Food; like said above/below, Seondeok is an athlete, and she needs food to keep herself sustained. She loves it, and she can't even imagine how girls are able to starve themselves.
Bruce Lee movies; as corny as they are, she's a er for martial arts movies, she blames it on her father's vast collection. 

Debating; she can argue FOREVER. Seondeok loves making a point, or an argument, but she loves winning over others most of all. 


Sleeping; another activity she loves. She's an active person, but getting her out of bed is a pain in the . Don't try unless you want to get kicked in the face.
Typical Korean dramas; she hates the innocent little main girl, stuck between two guys, and the whiny little ending up with the jerk, she despises these types of shows and movies.
Slow moving people; ugh, these aggravate her so much! Seondeok is a fast paced person, and she absolutely hates walking behind or working with slow people.
Autobiographies; honestly, do these people have nothing better to do than write about themselves? Maybe she should write one, but wait, it'd be filled with too much awesome.
Getting yelled at by her mother; unlike getting yelled at by Old Man Jang, getting yelled at by her mom is not fun. At all.
Fake people; ANNOYING. ING MESSED UP. She can see right through them, so why do they bother?
Cigarettes; contrary to what you may believe about this bad girl, Seondeok stays away from cigarettes, and actually chides people on the bad effects of the drug.


- She had once tried smoking when she was 16 and her father caught her. He said nothing, and instead left a book with the problems that smokers have, whichincluded an array of horrifying photos, so she never picked up a cigarette again.
- When someone who Seondeok doesn't agree with is talking, she tends to be rude and do things like sigh and roll her eyes. She doesn't exactly mean to be rude (yes, she does) but she gets exasperated when she can't make her point.
-When debating a point, she tends to get very excited and speaks more loudly.
- She can get angry or annoyed very quickly, and her when her temper flares, she has a tendency to get violent, often pushing or shoving things. Or people.
- Her stomach is like a pit, and she's constantly munching on something, she has a need to always have something in , and if it's not food, it's a toothpick, or a piece of candy.
- She tends to steal some of her brother's clothes to make a cool outfit, like a shirt or jacket of his.
- When around someone smoking, she wrinkles her nose, frowns, and even sometimes coughs until they walk away. 
- She and the rest of her siblings are named after royalty, three rulers of Silla. Her elder brother is named for King Jinpyeong, and her younger sister is named for Queen Jindeok, and Seondeok herself is named for the mighty, first Queen of Silla, Queen Seondeok.
Hwang Jinshik / 51 / Martial Arts Instructor / Father / Calm+Rational+Peaceful+Smart / Although Seondeok isn't particularly close to her father, she respects him and often goes to him for advice, or to talk in general, especially after an argument with her mother.

Hwang Mideok / 49 / Martial Arts Instructor / Mother / Bold+Responsible+Intimidating+Dominant / Seondeok and her mother have bit of a shaky relationship, they care for each other, but because of their similar personalities, they tend to clash a lot of the time. They get into arguments often, and Seondeok gets very frustrated and usually tends to avoid her mother if possible. 

Hwang Jinpyeong / 25 / Martial Arts Instructor / Brother /Relaxed+Understanding+Caring+Funny / Although all members of the family have a good relationship, Seondeok is closest to her elder brother, and they get along splendidly. He pokes fun at her at times, but he's the one letting her in when she sneaks out at night, so they've developed a close bond, with their small age difference and all. Her brother knows her best. Her brother also did not go to college, instead finished high school (towards the upper middle of his class) and began working at the dojo full time afterwards.

Hwang Jindeok / 18 / Student (Graduating High School) / Sister / Worrisome+Meticulous+Careful+Abiding / They have a very good relationship, they often tease and poke fun at each other, but it's all in sisterly love. Jindeok often worries for her elder sister, while Seondeok tells her to ease up. They get along fine, with occasional spats, and are just like normal sisters. Her sister's a bit of a brain, at the top of her class, and is planning to go to S University.


Kim Seonmi & Kim Seonri / 21 / Students / Bubbly+Loyal+Chipper+Talkative / These two twin girls have known Seondeok since middle school, and ever since then, they've been the co-presidents of the Hwang Seondeok fanclub, and although they're not particularly close, they both practically worship the ground Seondeok walk on. Hell, they've even cut their hair like Seondeok, and this is the one case Seondeok didn't mind them copying her, she thought it suited them.

Old Man Jang / 67 / Works at the dojo / Nagging+Strict+Jaded+Complaining / They have a rather interesting relationship. Old Man Jang, as pretty much everyone knows him, has worked at the dojo for about 25 years, ever since Seondeok was a little girl, she's been a troublemaker ever since then, and Old Man Jang was always the one to ground her, he was the middle between her father, who let her off easy, and her mother, who would harshly punish her, he taught her dicipline. Although he nags her, yells at her, scolds her, and often disapproves of her actions, he serves as a coach and someone to inspire her. Seondeok often calls him "Old Man" and she teases him a lot, and on the outside, it may look like disrespect and a bad relationship, but on the inside, she's grateful to him.  

RIVAL / CL/Lee Chaerin | These two compete for the title of the baddest female, when Seondeok clearly believes she deserves it more. These two have a lot of rap battles on variety shows and such. 


LOVE INTEREST / Jung Soryong
HISTORY / Soryong with to his quirky appearance, is a strange kind of guy. Sometimes even frighteningly so. He seldom cracks a smile, and although he is considered a funny person, the jokes he cracks are made with a straight face. His small quirks and movements are what make him so funny, a slight eyebrow raise on his otherwise perfectly stoic expression, or that flash of a grin that comes and goes in a matter of miliseconds. He takes everything he does quite seriously, and is an exceptionally hard working person, as well as an open minded person. He takes everything in stride, as he's a range of several different colors. He doesn't let his unique sense of style interfere with his cool as a cucumber persona. He's also pretty much fearless, doing as he pleases, but like said before, is open minded and willing to try new things, but he's best at doing what he does.

He's an exceptional dancer, he can move parts of his body that you might not know could even move like that. Music is his life, and he aspires to become an entertainer, not just a singer or dancer. He has high dreams, and the ambition, talent, and dedication to match them. Coming from a humble family, the only son of a pair of restuarant owners, who support his dream all the way, he's a fairly humble person himself. He never dresses above himself, nor acts above himself. He's not the type to over showcase himself, but when called out to dance, or if his skills are questioned, he's not about to back down and just take it. He's definitely quirky in the midst of all that normal, filial son business. Tall, and wiry would be the best way to describe the way he looks, clad in skinny jeans and colorful pullovers with cartoons on them, contrasting with his personality. He's the same to everyone, and doesn't see why he should act different to anyone, but does keep his tongue in check and doesn't outright show his feelings. He's composed, and rational, but quick to his feet when something needs to be done, but don't act without thinking. He's a good problem solver. That's Jung Soryong for you, cool as a cucumber.

Their first meeting? It was literally the coolest thing ever for Seondeok. There she was, walking down the open street market, looking for some cool, cheap article of clothing she could personalize, when all of a sudden, this guy comes into the street with a headphones/boom box and just starts krunking it and jamming like nobody's business. He barely even made eye contact with anybody, and just kept dancing, and damn, he was fine. Later, she realized that the boy went to her school, she just hadn't noticed him.

RELATIONSHIP / Seondeok was awed by Soryong's impromptu street performance, but of course, she played it off cool, and was actually very glad Soryong didn't fall head over heels for her, although she was expecting him to. She was sort of hoping he'd fall for her, and she'd have a fling with him, but he turned out to make her fall for him in the strangest way possible. It suddenly didn't matter he was skinny and wiry, or that his body seemed to make ripples when he dances, or his emotionless faces weren't nessecarily conventionally attractive, he was dorky, he was funny, and he was going to be hers. Soryongacts very coolly around Seondeok, sure he thinks she's cool, but it's kind of like whateves. He gets to know her a bit better when they start hanging out after the martial arts class, and becomes a tad more open with her, but he's very comfortable around Seondeok, which actually unnerves her, as no other guy has quite been like this. He's such a different picture from what Seondeok had in her head for her Mr. Perfect, which wasn't much of a picture at all. She gets a bit flustered at his serious and direct nature, but appreciates his honesty and his quirks and grows comfortable with him as well.

She likes him, and maybe he likes her, but he's still a rookie idol while Seondeok has already debuted and is successful. Time is their main concern, as well as not having their relationship, whatever it is, discovered.
STAGE NAME / Seondeok
TRAINEE HISTORY / Seondeok was a trainee for approximately 4 years, since she was 19 years old. She did have a bit of a hard time since she was old compared to the other trainees who had been there since they were practically in elementary school. She was teased a bit, because of her age, but that died down real fast. Sure, she made friends, but she was mostly known as the "noona/eonni" with the younger kids. She treated a lot of the younger kids to food, and was well liked, admired, but mostly intimidating. She trained hard, keeping up in her university studies, before taking a break a couple of months before she made her debut. 
PERSONA / Female Rap Monster/The Real Baddest Female
COUNTERPART / Chanyeol/Chanwhore
POWER & BADGE /Ice Manipulation
SPECIALTY / Rapping (She has a fairly big vocal range, and though she specializes in rapping, it's cool because she can go from smooth to rough easily.)
RAPPING /  (She has two different style of rapping, one is smooth and slow, but she can also go fast and put up some hype)
REQUESTS / Not scene requests, but I'd like Seondeok to go through some hair style changes. First from what she is, with the orangish with the streaks to normal orangeish brown, maybe from the album to the repackage, and then shorter shoulder length hair ( and then to boy cut ().
SUGGESTIONS / Reply songs, definitely would be much cooler. Maybe they could have like, a vampire concept for this era instead of werewolves, to shake it up a bit.  And if you need any help with visuals and PS, I can make, like, teaser photos and album covers.
PASSWORD / (✿ ⌒‿⌒)



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