❝ the basketball which shin rayun plays





❝ キセキの世代
❝ キセキ世代
❝ キセキの世代


username. xxkpopholic
nickname. Jiayi
activity. 8



◜ 本気です ◞

i am serious

character name. Shin, Rayun 
nicknamesShin Ramyun (a nickname she quickly took on in elementary and middle school, due to the similarity between the name of the instant noodles, and her deep liking for them), Shinchan (the nickname she drew in early middle school, when a Japanese international student addressed her with the honorific, people found it funny because of the cartoon character Crayon Shinchan and her likliness to the character), Yun (the nickname her father calls her by)
age. 16
date of birth. 12/31/1997
birthplace. Seocho District, Seoul, South Korea
hometown. Gangnam Distric, Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity. Korean
languages. Korean + Fluent Engrish 


◜ すごいもん見れるわよ ◞

you'll see something amazing

ulzzang. may
  links. x 
backup ulzzang. jang haebyeol
  links. x 
style. x x x x - Rayun's style is very simple, jeans, t-shirts, long sleeved shirts, shorts. She keeps it clean, often wearing cartoon t-shirts, and doesn't bother with makeup, or fancy shoes, her sneakers or flats are just fine for her, and besides the one expensive dress her mother gifted her for her 16th birthday, she doesn't bother with fancy clothes.
appearence. rayun barely hits the 4'11'' ish mark, and is considered just under 5 feet, making her incredibly short and a very unlikely basketball player. she is also light weight and weighs about 102 lbs, she is thin from her running, but toned.


◜ 勝つために ◞

in order to win...

personality traits. + positive + determined + crafty     - stubborn - naive - easily won over 

personality. The first word that comes to mind when describing Shin Rayun is firecracker. That girl is a character alright. She's insanely ridiculous and blindly optimistic, so much that you'd think she was some sort of anime character. Speaking of which, anime is an important part of her life and her manga collection is one to envy. She's very determined and crafty, so much as to always find a way to get what she wants, be it any way possible. She's not one to give up. Shin Rayun's motto is never give up, and besides on the relationship between her and her mother, she's never given up on anything. Rayun can be a bit childish, but she means well, and is very easy to get along with. It doesn't take a lot for her to like a person, you just don't give her a reason to dislike you. Rayun is a bit stubborn, but she's just as easily won over. Don't worry if you get her angry, just gauge the amount of anger she has with chocolate and you should be just fine.

Rayun, part of the reason that made her such a great captain was that she's a good listener and always takes into what other people need and say. She's open to advice, and is pretty good at giving it, though, bear in mind, that most of her wisdom comes from anime and manga. She likes her childish things and carries a lunchbox, but don't make the mistake of not taking her seriously, because you will end up very wrong. Rayun is good at things, she just doesn't look like it. After all, who would think that a Doraemon lunchbox carrying little girl would be able to spout out calming advice like the Dalai Lama? Who would think that a shorts and Pokemon  t-shirt wearing, pigtails clad kid would be such a great basketball player? No one. And that's what gives Rayun the advantage, no one really thinks she'll be too much to handle, and by the time they figure it out, it's far too late for them. Shin Rayun is also fiercely loyal and just as much so protective of all the people she considers close to her, her family, her friends, and most of all, her teammates, which are no less family to them. But, then again, that doesn't mean she'll share her candy with them. But she will wholeheartedly run whatever extra laps with any teammate that gets into trouble with them for encouragement. 

Rayun is most definitely a good person, and a very excellent captain, and her simpleness is what makes her that way. She's definitely one to watch out for. 

background. Rayun was born a sickly child, with a weak heart, into a wealthy home. Her mother didn't pay much attention to her, so for the most part, Rayun was busy with doctor's checkups and watching television, sprouting her interest in cartoons. She fell very ill when she was about four, and needed blood transfusions for her heart, which is around the time her father found out about her birth (all of that is explained much more in the family part). After that whole fiasco, her father took custody of her, and she began life anew. For a while, she stayed at her father's video game store, playing games and garnering attention from the customers because of her cuteness. Her health grew better with those daily walks, and the affections of her father, and by the time she entered elementary school, Rayun loved running, the rush she'd get that would make her feel like her heart was going to burst out of her chest, that is what Rayun loved feeling. She also took a liking to basketball, as she loved playing it on a Gameboy, she figured it'd be much more fun playing it in real life. 

It wasn't until middle school that she thought to try out for the school team. She was laughed at, because of her small size, and put in as a sub, taken in only because of her speed in running and her willingness to run for water for her teammates. Rayun's time to shine came when the point guard injured herself, and she quickly ensured her team's victory with her quick speed and well fit with the team. Rayun was a favorite with the team, her likeable personality and willingness to listen making her gel well with the other girls. The captain of the team, a senior, took a liking to her, and they became quick friends. Until she was in her junior year, Rayun played as point guard on the team, until everyone else, including the coach decided it was a good idea to make her captain. Rayun's shooting skills and aggression were not her strong suit, but Rayun had a good way to thinking quick and directing the team, all good points a captain should have. 

Under her lead, their basketball team worked exceptionally well, which is the underlying cause of their team's success besides their own talent as individuals, until they seperated in high school. Rayun is decent enough in studies, bringing in good marks under the guidance of her best friend and her tutoring, and entered Hanyoon High, due to the sponsorship from Rayun's grandmother. 

✰ sports movies

✰ ramen
✰ sweets
✰ doraemon
✰ pokemon

✰ running

✰ math
✰ being told when to go to bed
✰ taking medicine
✰ being yelled at 
✰ not having had anything sweet for a while

✰ will, without, hesitating use fake tears to get her out of a situation
✰ is always on some kind of candy, she needs sweets to function
✰ always on a sour lemon candy right before a game

✰ tends to fall asleep when she gets tired, in class, while hanging out with her friends, whenever basically
✰ will give a deep quote as a sort of advice, she'll end up sounding like a fortune cookie and often times it helps, but most of the time it's just a quote from an anime

         - the time hyunsu didn't do as well on a math exam, he claimed that his efforts were absolutely useless, rayun quoted kuroko no basket and said, "there is not such thing as useless effort," and hyunsu immediately felt better. 
            - one of the most important moments of rayun's life was when the captain of her middle school, a senior when rayun was a freshman, hurt her ankle so bad after a game that she was not to play basketball again, rayun said to her, "what took a very long time to build up takes mere moments to destory. but you can always start over. next time around, you'll do a better job." the quote is from uchuu kyoudai, but that conversation inspired the captain to start over, even if she couldn't play basketball, she could do something else, and she put in a good word with the coach, which is what made rayun a candidate for captain when she was only a junior. 

✰ running; though it may not seem like it, rayun loves waking up early morning and going running
✰ watching cartoons; rayun loves her kiddie shows and instead of those awful dramas everyone is watching, rayun would much rather watch pokem on or doraemon, or even better, shinchan

✰ she has a doraemon lunch box, which she keeps chock full of sweets and candy
✰ she has a small kitten, the runt of the litter, named mary kom, after the boxer
✰ she has one thing of her mother, an expensive hairpiece that she keeps in a box under her bed
✰ she has tries every single flavor of ramune there is (but her favorite is still melon)

✰ idolizes the boxer mary kom because she believes that they are similar, in that mary kom was very light weight and rayun herself is short, which is very unlike a traditional good basketball player


◜ 出会えてよかった ◞

i'm glad i met you

✰ Father | Shin Gongchan |39 | Store owner (of a video game store, and a karaoke place) | Fun loving, attentative, spontaneous, loving | Rayun and her father get along very well. He's always encouraged his daughter to follow her heart, and she is her father's heart and soul. She loves her father deeply, and they've all that they got, besides Mary Kom, of course. Rayun was very sickly when she was a young child, and she never got the attention she should've from her mother's family then, besides from her grandmother, so he fought to take custody of her when she was about 4 years old. They hang out often as Rayun's father loves hosting her friends at his karaoke place, and though they live a comfortable enough life, with nothing lavish in their apartment that's above his video game store, he'll never hesitate in his hospitality to anyone his daughter likes. They joke around a lot, and play pranks on each other and whatnot all the time, and the two are good friends. Rayun's father is a very good cook and loves feeding people, often making dumplings for Rayun's friends, and of course his own gluttonious daughter.

✰ Mother | Kim Minhee | 38 | Heiress | Small minded, judgemental, People pleasing, and Moody | Rayun's mother, who never married her father, simply dated him for a good time and then got pregnant, is a rather unmotherly character. She likes having a good time, and taking care of a sick young child was not on her agenda with kitty parties and going out and such. She often left her young girl at home to be taken care of by her own mother, and didn't even let Rayun's father know that he even had a daughter until he got a call that she had fallen very ill at school and was taken to the hospital. Rayun doesn't like her mother very much, and in fact, doesn't even know her all that well. When Rayun stopped visiting her, finding her mother always too busy, her mother didn't even bother making the connection back. Only in middle school, when Rayun made name in basketball did her mother try and make it seem like it was "her amazing daughter" that was doing these great things. Rayun doesn't talk to or of her mother very much at all. 

 Grandmother | Kim Dayun | 64 | Business manager | Sharp witted, Blunt, Wordly, and Intelligent | Kim Dayun is the far opposite of her daughter, who was spoiled silly by her husband since birth. When her daughter was dating a self made man, Rayun's father, Kim Dayun liked him very much. The two broke up during an overseas trip that had Rayun's grandmother staying over in America for 4 years. When she came back, she found herself a granddaughter that no one had told her about. Dayun herself brought this to the attention of Rayun's father, she found the resemblance between the two's smile, and took her own daughter to court, deeming her an unfit mother, and therefore granting custody to Rayun's father of Rayun. Rayun's grandmother made sure that Rayun was well taken care of and pays for her education, much to the dislike of Rayun's father, but he lets her out of respect for the woman. Rayun and her grandmother spend Kim Dayun's birthday together, but other than that, they don't talk much at all. Rayun, doesn, however, think her grandmother is very cool.

best friend
Kim Jibin | 16 | works at family's bakery | When Rayun was in elementary school, the primary child that got teased was Jibin, who at that time was chubby, but pleasantly so. One day, maybe when the two were around 7 or 8 years old (so about in first grade), Rayun stood up for Jibin against the girls that were teasing her for being chubby. Jibin tearfully thanked Rayun while the little rascal herself scooted over to Jibin's seat and dove her hands into the bakery bag that Jibin always brought with her, filled with homemade sweets. The two stuck together like honey in a bun ever since. | + Sweet + Soft spoken + Timid + Understanding | Jibin herself is an excellent student, at the very top of her class, and attends Kangyon High, dreams of entering the world of politics and one day becoming president or some such. She wanted to attend the same school as Rayun, but the girl discouraged her because she knew she'd be holding her best friend back and also the fact that the school that Rayun attends is very financially demanding. The two get together mainly at Jibin's family's bakery, for Rayun to satisfy her raging sweet tooth and for Jibin to help Rayun with her studies.

Gong Hyunsu | 16 | student | The two met in middle school when Rayun slipped past Hyunsu, the hall moniter to sneak out to buy Jibin pads when she got her first period. It was a rather comical encounter as Rayun snuck back in, got to the bathroom, and got pulled by the collar by Hyunsu, who got starryeyed when he saw Jibin, embarrassed, come out. The three hung out together ever since, the crush that Jibin and Hyunsu have on each other very obvious to Rayun, but not to the two. | + Intelligent + Observant + Socially awkward + Responsible | The two don't meet as much now, but Hyunsu will occasionally tag along on Rayun's convenience store raids for ramen.

Kang Junki | 16 | Student | Because Junki, a towering 6'2'' thinks it's fun to pick on someone that's not even close to his own size | A bit stupid, sneering, spoiled, very mean and insensitive | Junki is the son of one of Rayun's mother's "friends," and due to this, has knowledge of Rayun's childhood situation. The two met through him recognizing her in middle school, when she opposed, and together with her team, anihalated their school's basketball team, and uses this knowledge to hurt Rayun. He also will bully her physically, but Rayun doesn't take it. They're rivals because Junki thinks of Rayun as a threat, whereas Rayun doesn't really care for him, and sure, Junki may actually make fun of her because he likes her, but where's the fun in just getting a girl some flowers?


◜ カン違いしてんじゃねーよ ◞

don't get the wrong idea

love interest. Chanyeol
  backup. Kyungsoo -> Jongdae
personality traits. + Observant + Soft spoken + A bit goofy  - Sensitive - Overthinker - Obedient
personalityChanyeol is someone who's heart is as large in stature as his height. He is definitely very good at what he does, play basketball like it's no one's business, but he never lets it go to his head. One may say that he's very down to earth, though the top of his head is far from it. This goofy giant is a bit naive, a bit innocent, and his boyish charm has shot the Cupid's arrow at many hearts of the male and female population alike. Despite the attention he gains, Chanyeol remains a bit oblivious to the effects of his good looks, and always overanalyzes things and convinces himself that he's not all that. Due to this, he feels a little bad about himself and it's a bit hurtful to his self esteem. Chanyeol is also one to never turn down a friend, or anyone for that matter who is in need. He's the one that'd stop in the hallway to help someone he doesn't even know pick up their papers. That being said, Chanyeol is also a bit gullible and is definitely obedient, he'll listen to his friends without questioning and often falls for pranks and ends up doing much more work that he should be, but that's because he's all too trusting. 

Chanyeol is really a sweetheart at heart, he loves baking, his hands creating magic not only on the court, but also in the kitchen. He's a smart boy and gets good marks, but his one true love is baking and he dreams of being a master pastry chef, which isn't supported by his father, a manufacturer of basketballs and other sports equipment who thinks that Chanyeol should hit it in the big leagues after high school. Chanyeol, not wanting to upset his father, whom he respects very much, doesn't argue against it. His mother often speaks up for her son's career wishes, but Chanyeol urges her to not argue. 

how you met/meet. Everyone knows that the sweetest pears and peaches bloom in the gardens of the old woman that lives just by Kangyon High, and the sweets monster, Shin Rayun isn't one to leave such sweet fruit untouched. Everyone calls it the forbidden fruit, because if you're caught, it's said that the old woman will take you and cook you and eat you. Still, that didn't stop Rayun. Towards the very beginning of high school, Chanyeol while walking home by himself, passing through the trees of the garden heard small sounds, like an animal that was hurt. Unwilling to let a hurt little animal suffer, he went to go investigate. Turns out, it was not small animal, it was Rayun trying to climb a peach tree. Chanyeol, not knowing what this small girl was thinking urged her to get out of there, for it'd be bad if she was caught, but she coolly declined. Not wanting for her to get into trouble, or heaven's forbid *gulp*, get eaten or something, he quickly lifts her on his shoulders, enabling her to climb onto a branch and let her fill her Doraemon lunch box with sweet, sweet peaches. As she, much like a monkey, climbs down, she runs off without so much as a thank you to Chanyeol.

relationship . The relationship between the two sprouts with their second meeting, in which, after Jibin's urging after Rayun's interesting story was told over a bowl of ramen, Rayun sneaks off to Kangyon High, and up to the first story window, which is still pretty high for our little heroine, into Chanyeol's cooking class after school. She spies through the window and finds his work station, leaving a peach and a messily drawn Doraemon on a thank you note, but gets distracted by the cupcakes resting, and instead of leaving as she should, she grabs one, which catches the attention of a classmate, and a hulabaloo occurs as everyone watches this small little girl with a cupcake in as she scampers out the window. Rayun caught Chanyeol's eye and cast him a pink frosting lipped smile as she disappeared, again, without another word. To his surprise, from then on, Rayun would wait outside the school gates for him every afternoon he had his cooking class, expecting some kind of sweets. So, from then on, two times a weeks, Chanyeol would be bringing this strange girl cupcakes or cookies of some sort. 

Their relationship took off when, after a few weeks of their two times a week meetings turned into hangouts over ramen, Chanyeol not realizing that this small firecracker was a stellar basketball player, much to the surprise of him because of her small stature, which he sometimes, a bit insensitively, mentions which draws a Look from Rayun.

The two have a very cute relationship, as Rayun finds herself liking Chanyeol, but it doesn't show because that's just how Rayun is, which Chanyeol figures she only sees them as friends. The two have an bit of an odd understanding, as Rayun was always taught to live with what you had, and to always follow your heart, so she doesn't quite understand why Chanyeol doesn't just set off to become a professional pastry maker. Through Chanyeol, Rayun also learns what it's like to live in a full, bustling family. It's not so much Chanyeol's wealth that draws Rayun to visit his home, it's his overbearing father, and his sweet mother and his fun sister. The two fit together quite well, and their relationship settles into a comfortable friendship, because good friends make good lovers, but good lovers don't nessecarily make good friends.


◜ ナメんじゃねぇ!! ◞

don't underestimate us!!

school. Hanyoon High
position. Point Guard
what were you in gom. Captain
jersey number. 3
strengths . + extremely agile + very adept at moving around + ambitexterous + attentative

Rayun is very quick, a very fast runner, because she is small, and is also very good at manuvering around because of her smal stature and light weight. She cal also use both hands, and therefore sometimes plays mind games with whomever is defending her by switching hands, and because she rarely does this, and it's so subtle, not too many people know this, besides her own team. She's a quick thinker and is very up on her feet. She will, however, listen to her teammates and will respect their decisions, and will calm down if they calm her down.

weaknesses . - short - light weight - rash

Also, because of her light weight, Rayun cannot handle hits and bumps, so if another player hits her, even while running by, Rayun takes the hit hard, and can get injured easily, especially if she's tripped or anything. She also has a hard time shooting close up, because it's hard to reach the high net and it's hard to avoid being blocked at such a close range. She's also rash, and will get angered quickly if someone says something demeaning to her, and that is a problem unless one of her teammates settles her.


◜ これが実力だ!! ◞

that's talent for ya

questions/comments. Not that I can think of?
suggestions. Again, I can't think of anything at the moment.
scene requests. Oh gosh, I really think my brain is fried after working on all of that. Nothing for now.

↺ the generation of miracles


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