leilani kawai ponyo
xxkpopholic; jiayi; 7.5
"oh em gee."
FULL NAME leilani kawai
 lani: lani is a shortening of her full name, and is what she is most commonly called by the people close to her
 barbie: her peppy nature plus her blonde hair led her to get this nickname from the people of donghwa who know her for being a fashionista 
BIRTHDATE june 09th
BIRTHPLCE oahu, hawaii, usa
ETHNICTY  korean-hawaiian
 native hawaiian: basic-conversational, it is not a dead language, but it is not so commonly spoken, and she only learned it to a basic level as a child
 english: fluently, she learned english in hawaii in school and can speak it fluently, often with some hawaiian words mixed in
replace with fc; dimensions are 215x150
replace with fc; dimensions are 100x100
replace with fc; dimensions are 100x100
FCE CLAIM kim hyorin from sistar
BACKUP FC kim hyuna from 4minute
APPEARNCE leilani is truly a beach babe, with her tanned skin and blonde hair. she has kept her hair blonde since she was 15, and now she is known for her long locks that are the color of sunshine. she loves having tanned skin, and will often lie in the sun to keep it that way. she also loves having a presentable face, and spends her money on waterproof makeup, and you will never see her without her nails done in fun colors.
FASHION   like said above, leilani is a beach babe. she loves showing skin, and she is often the talk of the town with her bright outfits that show off her skin. she prefers shorts and skirts over pants, and even though it hurts, she loves wearing heels. she's very much the girly girl and loves fun, bright fashion and expressing herself through her appearance. her overall style is beach ready, and she honestly hates covering up (and cold weather). she dresses very y, and loves to flaunt her body through fashion.

examples of outfits:
casual wear: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
surfing outfits: 1 2 3 4 
HGHT/WGHT 164 cm & 52 kg (i just took hyorin's actual height and weight and tweaked it a bit)

+ bubbly, easygoing, friendly, outgoing
- talkative, annoying at times, loud, superficial
 lani is a bubbly character, and your typical beach babe. sure she's blond, and maybe a little ditzy, but that doesn't mean she's stupid. lani understands emotions and is a good listener, most of the time. she also has a tendency to talk a looooot, in her slightly accented korean, but it's a part of her charm. leilani is definitely someone different and she revels in the fact that she is. she's also that girl in the women's bathroom that'll tell you how good you look in those shorts, and those are all part of her homoual tendencies and she also has a habit of developing a new girl crush every three days.

she can be a bit annoying, but she's honestly very well meaning. her sister raised her to be a caring person, and she can't help but be nosy if you look upset or unwell. she's definitely childish and a little immature, and probably will take a lot of explaining to really get that something is serious, but that will be a part of her growth as a character. she's definitely a friendly person, although she went through a rough depressive patch as a younger child when she first moved to donghwa. depression is something she struggles with, but her bubbly nature is her continuous attempt to bring happiness to others in order to be happy herself.

leilani is an extrovert, and feeds off being around people. she hates being alone, and she hates the dark. even texting someone late at night keeps her feeling okay, and she'll often be the one who falls asleep while talking to someone, but it's something she needs in order to prevent falling into a depressive episode. they say that the people that smile the most are hurting the most on the inside, but lani's smile is her stride towards happiness. like said before, she feeds off of making other people happy, and is a real people pleaser. 

this girl does not need a loudspeaker, her voice is loud enough and she can get a whole crowd's attention with one loud, "HEY GUYS!" it's not always a good thing, because she had trouble toning down her volume and constant enthusiasm, which again, can get annoying, but she means well...

one more thing. lani loves looking cute, and will never leave her home without some makeup on her face. she needs to look cute 24/7, and is superficial in that way. she always encourages how other people look, but is critical of how she looks herself, and in that way, she is superficial and also has a bad habit of being late to events, but hey, a girl's gotta look good!
 twenty years ago, a storm hit the coast of oahu. thunder, lightning hit the beaches for days, but bright sunshine came after the storm, and with it, a baby in a basket. in that basket was leilani. she was found by her adoptive sister, who was 19 at the time, her kaikua'ana, or kaikai for her. her sister was an orphan, who upon finding this gift from the sea goddess as the town called her, did not want the same fate for this little child, so she raised leilani (naming her so) as her own younger sister and worked hard as a hula girl and tour guide to raise her and send her to school. leilani's sister grew up on the island, so people knew her well, and by the time lani was 7, people knew her as well. they were family friends with a korean older man, mr. park, a man who had helped trace both sister's asian lineage to korean, but they were still islanders at heart and lived as so.

one day, a woman approached lani's sister while she was working and seemed like she was searching for something. much to melika's horror, this woman was asking about a baby girl she had lost years ago, and her description of the baby's birthmark (a small mole right behind her left ear) was too coincidental to not be leilani. however, as melika did more research on the woman, she found out that lani's birth mother was a bad woman who only wanted her for the money the government would give her to take care of lani, and she did not want lani growing up like she did, with a deadbeat mother who would wither away by the time lani was 13.

thus, lani's sister turned to mr. park for help. he provided them a place to go in korea, a new start for the sisters to keep their family together. melika took lani when she was about 9 years old to south korea, to the small town of donghwa to resettle. her sister always made it a point to be honest, so lani was aware of everything that was happening, and because she had no personal connection to 

sure, lani was different. she spoke differently, had a hard time speaking korean, besides the conversational talk mr. park had taught her, and her skin was darker. her darker skin was a source of lani's insecurity until she met the squad, who helped her feel more confident and not so much as an outsider.

from then on, she was free to be as confident as she once was and she was no longer afraid to express herself as the hawaiian princess she always was. lani is very proud to be different and proud of her heritage, and though she used to hide it when she first came to donghwa, she no longer does. 

conscience: they say that the sea goddess herself delivered leilani to this world, and as a young girl, she often recalled a little pink merfairy when she went swimming, and it became her own little conscience, an angel of sorts to watch over her as the sea goddess did in those stormy days until her sister found her. this little fairy, ponyo, is the daughter of the sea goddess herself, a special friend for leilani as she truly is a child of the sea, to help lead her through her life as a savior
ADOPTIVE PARENT RELATION ▾ melika kawai (39); antique shop owner; calm, responsible, level headed; 10; lani and her kaikai are very close, they're in between mother daughter and sisters, maybe something cute with lani's kaikai singing her a hawaiian lullaby
THE #SQUAD lani was very depressed and subdued for the first couple of months that she was in donghwa, until a few kids from the squad caught her swimming laps like a mermaid in the school pool (??? idk if the school has a pool but they do now) and they were impressed and asked her lots of questions. the lani that had been hidden for so long finally came out, and after that, it was a quick road to friendship from there.
 lani is an aaaaamaaazing swimmer, as any hawaiian beach babe would be, and she can catch a mean wave
 lani also loves dancing, any kind, and anywhere
  one thing she is terrible at is school. lani hates math, is bad at science, and really did not do fantastically in school. she passed alright, but has a hard time academically.
  as a typical hawaiian musician would, leilani is absolutely amazing as a ukelele player, and she does have a sweet sounding voice
 she really borders annoying sometimes, but never knows when to shut up
 she dyes her hair blonde a lot, but her roots tend to grow out quickly
 in the winter time, when there is limited sunlight, she uses tanning oil, but don't tell nobody, it's a secret
 she loves cold beverages, as she is truly hawaiian at heart, and even in the winter time, she will drink iced coffee and bubble tea
  she is definitely a foodie, and because she swims, she trims off the fat from her honey thighs, but likes being a little thick
  lani really strays from traditional korean beauty standards (shows skin, is tan, and on the thicker side in terms of her thighs), something she really used to be concious of, but now flaunts being different
   loves, loves, loves romantic comedies, romantic sad movies, literally anything that's hearwarming and heartbreaking at the same time, she is a er for romance
replace with conscience or fc because if ur cs doesn't have many pics i can work with that; height is 80px;replace with conscience or fc because if ur cs doesn't have many pics i can work with that; height is 80pxreplace with conscience or fc because if ur cs doesn't have many pics i can work with that; height is 80px
BACKUP CS granmamare
WEAPON    water manipulation (physical/magical) + mystic water (magical): lani can manipulate water in ways to part lakes, hold rain off, make water bubbles to travel through water, to even walk on it. the water, the sea, the ocean, all her friends since birth are her companions in her powers + she can manipulate water to have healing properties to heal people, so long as her intentions are pure, she can purify water to use to heal, and to use it as a reflection to tell an individual's true feelings and intentions
BACKUP WP poseidon's trident (physical) + mystic water (magical): a trident used as a weapon, said to belong to the sea god himself + mystic water that reflects a person's true intentions
TOKEN     a seashell pendant: this serves as a reminder of where she came from, a gift from the sea, and also a gift from her conscience who is also from the sea
BACKUP TK a chain of glass beads: the beads represent the same thing, where she and her conscience come from
 /nods to herself, smiling. "I knew Ponyo was special. She was my own little guardian sea nymph... fairy?" /giggles. "Being special is just, it's something you are and I always knew my little Ponyo was." "I am special. I also am hungry." /laughs "Ah, look, my little sea nymph is hungry, she's so like me! She's different alright, but she's all mine." /snuggles up to Leilani 
 "Sav-what?" /clears . /clears again. "Well. Yes. Of course. Savior. Of the realm. Of the whole realm." "Do you know what a savior is?" "Hush, Ponyo, I know what savior means."Well, tell me then, tell me, tell me, tell me!." /playfully tousles Ponyo's hair "A savior is a hero."/slowly grins to herself while nodding. "Yeeeeeeep. That's what I am. SAVIOR OF THE REAAAAAALM!" 
 "Ponyo? My baby? She's so sweet." /coos while tickling Ponyo's chin. "She tells me I'm gorgeous, first of all..." "Mmmm, that you are. Leilani is so pretty." /flips her hair and smiles knowingly. "Well, duh." /widens eyes. "Oh, not like that? Well, she's kind of like my guiding light when I'm swimming. She shows me where to go, where home is. She is my compass, and my way home, my Ponyo." /snuggles up into her neck
 "Of course, of course I do. I trust my friends. I trust my sister. I trust the mirror. Why should I not trust the being that has been with me from the start? I think everybody is meant to be trusted, everyone is allowed as many chances as they need to be trusted." /protectively holds Ponyo in her hands, nuzzling into her hair
 "Very." /nods in seriousness. "I truly feel that I must have been a mermaid in another life. The water is practically my second home, and I harness it like I have been my whole life, even before all of this." /swims around in the air "Like this! Lani swims like this!" /points, smiling as she wiggles her eyebrows 
 /looks super serious at Ponyo before bursting into giggles. "Of course I am! Lani Fighting!" "Lani, Lani, Lani, Lani!"
replace with ideal person; dimensions are 200x150
IDL PERSON lani is actually fairly fluid with her uality, so really, anyone but yixing is baeeee
IDEAL TYPE someone more mature maybe?? someone to ground her, make her be a little more responsible and someone to talk about the sad and dark side of her emotions. someone who isn't super cheery like her, even someone who is kind of mean, she'd want to sweeten them up a bit
CLOSENESS  lani makes sure to give them extra attention, to the point where she rambles to them all the time, so they're pretty close in her opinion, but that other person might not think so
LOVE STORY they're not close in the beginning, not emotionally close, but they start opening up to each other, like, really opening up and it's super real for them and please make it break my heart
CONCLUSION even if they don't end up together together, i'm fine with that, so long as they're okay with it?? like they can be together and break up but just make it beautiful and tragic pls ++++++ omg you should have her use her mystic water abilities to see this person's true feelings, and she'll see love and understanding /cries can this person write her a love song while they're saving the world???
♥♥ REPORT "people fall in love in mysterious ways..."
COMMENTS  jFC the economy is in shAMBLES
** i added in ponyo's parts into the interview! they're so cute :)))))
QUESTIONS will i pass all my classes this semester???
CONCERNS  i am, i am, pls be well!!!
BUTTERFLY fly away


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Omg Lani is such an awesome character I love her so much! And Ponyo is adorable! What a total babe!
o my god i love ponyo
also when you write lani i keep thinking of myself bc i go by lani here L O L