♕ [ angelic layer ] : kim, yujin

» use the source code to make your application
» remember to make your blog post on "public", not "private"
» title your blog post ♕ [ angelic layer ] : last, first
» replace the main picture with one of your character's face (width: 500px) and the smaller picture with one of your doll (width: 125px)
» follow all the (hints) and delete them afterwards
» turn in your application in the correct place
» delete this afterwards
» have fun making and writing your character!
Kim YuJin 181rst defenseMaleLilith
It's an egg filled with a dream. That dream's name is Angelic. You fill each egg with knowledge, love, and courage to create an angel.
The angel descends...
NAME ¦ Kim, Yujin
BIRTHDATE ¦ 10/20/1994
AGE ¦ 18
HEIGHT/WEIGHT ¦ 177 cm + 52 kg
VISUAL ¦ Kim Gun/K
BACK-UP ¦ Nam Woong
LINKS ¦ ☁ ☁  ☼ 
DESCRIPTION ¦ (anything about your character's look that you want us to know - can include anything that your face doesn't show about your character, style, piercings, tattoos, etc.)
KEY TRAITS ¦ (at least 5+ words to sum up your character's personality)
IN-DEPTH PERSONALITY ¦ (at least 3+ paragraphs, explain and elaborate on the key traits listed above)
STRENGTHS ¦ (at least 3+ and include a small explanation as to why and/or how)
WEAKNESSES ¦ (at least 3+ and include a small explanation as to why and/or how)
TRIVIA ¦ (anything else you would like us to know - likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, anything can go here)
BACKSTORY ¦ (at least 2+ paragraphs, all the important details about their life goes here - don't make it too much of a sob-story unless it ties into your character's personality)
PRESENT ¦ (at least 1+ paragraphs, how your character is nowadays, living relations, what they're doing, where they're working/studying, etc)
FATHER » Kim Yukyung | 45 | Cashier at a local store | Quiet, hardworking, adjustive,  | few sentences on how your character acts around them
MOTHER » Kim Eunjin | 43 | Nurse | Softhearted, caring, homely, easily moved, motherly | few sentences on how your character acts around them
ELDER BROTHER » Kim Yujung | 22 | Currently doing community service/Busboy | 5+ personality traits | few sentences on how your character acts around them
FRIENDS ¦ (minimum of at least 1, maximum of 5 - copy and paste if needed for more. Change the "relation" word to what their relationship is to your character; best friend, friend, etc.)
relation » name | age | occupation | 5+ personality traits | few sentences on how your character acts around them
relation » name | age | occupation | 5+ personality traits | few sentences on how your character acts around them
relation » name | age | occupation | 5+ personality traits | few sentences on how your character acts around them
ENEMIES/RIVAL(S) ¦ (minimum of at least 1, can have unlimited - enemies have a negative effect, rivals have a positive effect. Change the "relation" word to what their relationship is to your character; enemy or rival.) 
relation » name | age | occupation | 5+ personality traits | why you two are enemies/rivals few sentences on how your character acts around them

LOVE INTEREST ¦ (optional - if not, put N/A. last, first - can be an idol)
BACK-UP LOVE INTEREST ¦ (optional - if not, put N/A. last, first - can be an idol)
PERSONALITY ¦ (at least 1+ paragraph but does not have to be as long as your character's in-depth personality
RELATIONSHIP ¦ (how they treat each other, maybe how they met if they already know each other, how they view each other and how fast their relationship may be progressing)

DOLL NAME ¦ Lilith
ENTRANCE STATEMENT ¦ (something that will be said when your character comes onto the battlefield, include their name in there too.)
HEIGHT ¦ 20 cm
VISUAL ¦ Rachel Alucard (from BlazBlue) (I hope you don't mind that I used a video game character)
LINKS ¦ ☂ ☂ ☂ 
BACK-UP ¦ Remilia Scarlet (from Touhou Project)
LINKS ¦ ☂ ☂ ☂ 
DESCRIPTION ¦ Lilith carries an image close to a gothic lolita, which is exactly what Yujin was going for. She wears a black frilly dress, with red accents and heeled boots. Her face is usually emotionless, and her eyes red while her long blonde hair kept in two long pibtails with straight bangs against her forehead. She's almost cute, if she weren't so grim looking.  
strength » 3 \ Being small and light weight, Lilith does not really pack much of a punch when she attacks. She's not that physically strong.
endurance » 4 \ Again, being as small and light weighted as she is, Lilith can not handle direct blows all that well. 
speed » 7 \ Being extremely light weighted, Lilith seems to flutter above the playing field and can move very quickly, almost like a flash of black. She is able to dodge moves very quickly and with ease. 
dexterity » 6 \ Lilith and Yujin are a very good match, and Lilith moves easily to Yujin's every command, not hesitating at all before doing exactly what he wants just as he thinks it.
FIGHTING STYLE ¦ Lilith doesn't have all that much of a fighting style, most of her attacks are actually not physically/directly done by her. She often dodges moves just so that the other Angel might lose a few health points by hurting themselves against the playing terrain, or falling off. 
STRATEGY ¦ Lilith and Yujin are like a team together, as Yujin thinks of her as a person and treats her with utmost respect. He plays her in character, as she's sort of like an ice princess. She doesn't take much upon herself while battling, and Yujin makes sure she doesn't tire herself out too easily or quickly. Yujin's strategy is to basically use the least amount of effort for Lilith. Lilith often dodges moves simply until the other Angel is tired out, while attacking with swift and small attacks here and there to break down the opponent.

In a team battle, Yujin often uses Lilith to distract the other players, so Lilith moves around a lot, flitting from one battle to another all across the playing field. 
TRIVIA ¦ Yujin loves Lilith very much, and treats her very carefully. He cleans her and makes sure her clothes are clean and proper between every battle. He takes exceptionally good care of her because she's very precious to him. He sometimes even talks of her as if she were an actual person, like, "Lilith likes this," and the like.

QUESTIONS ¦ (answer these as if you were your character in 1st pov - consider it like an interview)
Why did you join Angelic Layer?
» (answer goes here - reasonings, influence, etc.)
Why did you make your Angel the way it is?
» (answer goes here - why is it in the structure class it is, Angel = Doll)
What would you say are your Angel's strongest points? Weakest points?
» (answer goes here - at least 3 for each, 6 in total)
What kind of fighter are you?
» (answer goes here - how this affects your strategy fighting with your Doll)
Would you change something about Angelic Layer? If so, what?
» (answer goes here)

COMMENTS/QUESTIONS ¦ (anything you would like to say and/or ask us)
SCENE REQUESTS ¦ (anything you would like for us to add in the story)
USERNAME ¦ xxkpopholic
PASSWORD ¦ (the) (angel) (descends)



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